X-treme Wrestling Federation
The Southern Monk - Printable Version

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The Southern Monk - SolomonZuul - 11-14-2016


In-Ring Name: Solomon Zuul

Wrestler's Real Name: Solomon Zuul

New to XWF or a returning roster member?: New

Wrestler Date of Birth:

September 1, 1987

Height: 6'6

Weight: 276

Pic base:




Entrance Theme Music: Justice Genisis

Special Entrance (if any):
Lights Fade slowly. A flash of light covers the center of the ring. When the light Comes on Solomon is standing at the steps

5 or More Commonly Used, Standard Moves:

Wristlock Powerslam

Flying knee

Elbow Combo

Leg Drop

Kamikaze moonsault

Big Boot

Axe kick

Drop toe hold

Eye Gouge

Toe stomp

Torture Rack


Back Knuckle Punch

Trademark Move(s):

Tree of Sorrow

Shin kicks


Dirty boxing knees


Tree of sorrow:
Tree of woe triangle choke

Shin Kicks:

Three to five concentrated leg kicks


Dirty boxing Knees:

Solomon ties up with the opponent and Immediately releases two vicious knees to the body and one to the head

Finishing Move(s):

Crossface Chickenwing

Bayou Recliner



As solomon incites the crowd he lifts the opponent over his head reaching over oponents back from the front Solomon slams opponent into turn buckle,

Crosface chicken wing:

From wristlock Solomon steps Behind opponent initiates half nelson choke,

Bayou Recliner:

While opponent is on all fours Solomon Pulls opponents arms over his knees pressing Down on opponents back Solomon also delivers humiliating slaps to opponent

Favorite Hardcore Attacks/Spots:

Throat punches

Swing Bat across the throat in the corner

DDT Through Chair or Table

Power Pomb out of Ring Through table

Additional notes: