X-treme Wrestling Federation
RUMOR MILL: Snoww Ex-Special Forces - Printable Version

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RUMOR MILL: Snoww Ex-Special Forces - Tyler Snoww - 10-24-2016

*From the home of Dylan Burns - Tyler's Friend*

XwF Road Interviewer: Rumor has it that "The Hailstorm" is looking to be personal secuirity, we do not know the truth, so Dylan we are asking you how true are the rumors.

Dylan Burns: Snoww is pretty uptight about the information he shares you must know that he is Ex Special Forces I mean you are his employers right, But if you didnt I do not hold it against you like I said he is uptight about his info, Now as for what I know is that he was a Paul Heyman Guy always has been now the Secuirity Detail i know nothing about.

XWF Road Interviewer: Well that makes alot of sense and why things are just rumors and hype right now, thank you for the info wish we knew more about your friend but this is plenty for now.

Dylan Burns: No problem Let me show you out.