X-treme Wrestling Federation
Sup. - Printable Version

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Sup. - Gator - 10-19-2016

"Well I'll be damned. Isn't it another blonde, talentless, boring mother fucker holding the Federweight. Shit, it's like the belt just draws the worst of the aryan race. Allow me to introduce myself Kitt, I'm Gator and I'm here to clean the gene pool a little."

"I'm rusty so figure I'd practice on a training dummy like you. You should feel honoured to be honest. So, Mr. Mediocre, if you're not done stealing lines from Billy Madison to use on Nate Higgers or any other bitch in the back, would you like a real challenge? Because I can actually provide one. Oh I know what you're gonna say, 'You're not a real challenge' you'll say as the sweat drips from your forehead and you try your damn best to contain the piss leaking out of that tic-tac you call a dick. Then you'll make some dumb fucking remark about how I look like Deadpool because you lack any creativity like the brainless mongoloid you truly are, you might say a British joke because that's always funny. Reason I wear this mask because my teeth are so fucked and yellow! Ooh, careful I don't spill my tea. Fuck you."

"Basically, I have a big fucking problem with you despite the fact that I don't even know you, nor do I fucking care so save your life story . You are one of those bright eyed cunts who walked through the front door and said 'I'm gonna be number one!' But you fell so fucking hard to the bottom numbers with the other weak, pathetic fucks you have all the characteristics of a number two instead. So now, instead of improving, taking the time to find out what you did wrong you bounce from the shit tier belts like the Federweight and the HMW, good job man. You must be proud of the fact you can't earn a real prize so instead boost your self esteem with the consolation prizes. I hope it makes you happy, I really fucking do, that way it gives me something more personal to take away from you."

"Okay, so I'm gonna slap the taste out of your mouth and drop your ass and if you have any brains at all, any, you will bite your bottom lip like a widdle baby, hold back those tears coming from your pretty blue eyes and wait til the count of three is over. Trust me it'll be a much less painful experience than if you kick out and open your dumb fucking mouth."

*Gator slaps Kitt Kennedy and delivers a German Suplex with a bridge*

re:Sup. - Dolly Waters - 10-19-2016


Yeah, Kitt...

This is what I was referring to when I said there wasn't any real competition on the Federweight ranks.




Sup. - #MemeQueen Luca Torchwick - 10-19-2016

S-T-F-U Gator you fucking bargain bin reject. You only got over in the first place because I let you run around in my old get up.

re:Sup. - Gator - 10-19-2016

"You used that line before Luca you repetitive little , your trash is as tired as your style, persona, suit, memes and ridiculously large forehead. Don't you have a promo to appear vaguely in or is that shit too meta you little bitch?"

Sup. - #MemeQueen Luca Torchwick - 10-19-2016

Holy shit this nerd's fucking furious. Take a chill pill. Or like one of those chill lozenges. Or like one of those strips that you put on your tongue and then you just... chill.

J-K you'll prolly just cry about how I stole that joke from Red vs. Blue.


re:Sup. - Gator - 10-19-2016

"I actually didn't know that, I don't watch Red vs Blue like a nerd, nerd."

Sup. - #MemeQueen Luca Torchwick - 10-19-2016

Holy shit this nerd's fucking fuming you got this on lock Kitt no worries.

re:Sup. - Gator - 10-19-2016

"Yeah Luca I'm fuming, all riled up. Grr. Man this shade you're throwing is just ruining my composure bro, not sure if I can handle the pressure."

*Gator dabs his forehead with his hand*

Sup. - #MemeQueen Luca Torchwick - 10-19-2016

"yeah yeah I ain't mad at all lemme just take time out of pinning a dude to respond to some dude saying mean things about me." - Gator 2016.


re:Sup. - Gator - 10-19-2016

"Im still pinning him, you blind? I got myself all cozy here man. You feeling left out Luca? That why you stroll over here and started chatting? Come over kitten, plenty of room for you too."

Sup. - #MemeQueen Luca Torchwick - 10-19-2016

This nerd so mad I ain't gone and whipped my dick out yet. He want to gimme the succ so bad.

re:Sup. - Gator - 10-19-2016

"Don't get your dick out man, you have coke dick all the time, won't be doing your pride any favours. Plus you might wake sleeping beauty here up."

Sup. - #MemeQueen Luca Torchwick - 10-19-2016




Luca stumbles into the ether.

re:Sup. - Gator - 10-19-2016

"Bye Luca! Always nice to see you, we'll get drinks later!"

*Gator waves goodbye and continues waiting for a referee or something*

re:Sup. - Zeke the M'Fin FREAK - 10-19-2016

"Who the fuck is this? Who the fuck is you? This motherfucker all suited up and shit lookin' like it's goddamn Halloween over here. Nigga, you come to Chi-town dressed like that, you get fuckin' shot! Get your fuckin' tea and crumpets outta this fuckin' place. Seriously, who the fuck are you?

Get the fuck out before I choke you out, and show you why I'm ZEKE THE MOTHAFUCKIN' FREAK, BAY-BAY!"

Sup. - Gator - 10-19-2016

*Gator ignores the j o b b e r *

re:Sup. - Nico LaVey - 10-19-2016

At this point, I'm almost positive you killed Kitt. Welcome back. Your movie was great.

re:Sup. - Gator - 10-19-2016

"I really hope you don't mean that Sex tape but cheers anyway. I guess."

re:Sup. - Zeke the M'Fin FREAK - 10-20-2016


re:Sup. - Kitt Kennedy - 10-20-2016

(Kitt kicks out at two and a half.)

Gator, Gator, Gator. I’ve heard a lot about you but now that I see you in front of me, sorry, not impressed. I’ve heard you are one of the best trash talkers in the business but from that little spout off you just laid out I’d hardly consider you a litter bug. You think that I have to use your old cliché lines about you looking like your favorite superhero, that’s not the case as the first thing in mind is that you look like some mid-1980s, middle-aged, washed up S&M bondage porn star with a bad taste in costumes. Keep in mind Gator, I’ve been here knocking the socks off everyone that has seen me do what I do best, but where have you been? Huh? Sitting around in your mommy’s basement preparing for a comeback to show people that you are still even relevant here. As shitty as your career has been here, hell I thought that when Dolly gave up the Federweight title she was trying to drop it off at your residence. I have to say, I’ve been here a month and accomplished more than you could ever imagine. But your comeback story is a bit inspiring, look at you putting your words all together in sentences and what not. Its’ basically nothing more than what all the previous challengers before you said but an A for effort as I see that taking time from not licking windows and banging your helmet against the window of the short bus to complete your Hooked on Phonics course is finally paying off.

So where do we go from here, Gator my friend? I have to get back to kicking ass and taking names, you must be getting back to fading into obscurity. It was a pleasure meeting you to say the least, I feel a bit bad that you came back just for one last ass whipping thought. You gave a valiant effort but now you have seen what true greatness really is. I want you to remember this night for the rest of your life, not from the boot prints I left on your ass or knuckle imprints on your face, but the night that Kitt Kennedy actually made you somebody, made you famous, as a foot note in what is the Kennedy Era in the Federweight division. Don’t give up though Gator, maybe take a class. Its what I do, I kick ass and trust me, you won’t be the last. So pick up what’s left of your pride and zoom off into the night, because everyone has a weakness, ask Superman, I’m your kryptonite.

(Kitt picks up Gator and tosses him into the air but he lands on top of a dumpster, the lid caves and he falls inside.)

Superhero my ass….bitch can’t even fly.

re:Sup. - Vincent Lane - 10-20-2016

Vincent stumbles by in a bathrobe and slippers, rubbing his eyes and carrying a cup of coffee.


Jesus, and of you all hear that racket last night? Sounded like two cats fucking under an Airstream trailer.


Vincent notices the homoerotic coupling going on in the middle of the floor, as well as the tell tale signs of Luca's presence - size 5 shoe prints in cocaine on the tile floor.

He chugs the coffee and drops to the ground, expertly sliding his hand underneath Kitt's shoulders like a professional referee would, seeing if there's even a sliver of morning light peeking through between Kennedy's admittedly buff deltoids and the newly dirtied laminate flooring.

Nope. Sorry, dude. You just got Disaster'd.


Winner and NEW Federweight Champion - GATOR???

What's up pajama-mama? I thought you were dead!

Seriously, there was a funeral and stuff. It was weird. Here, take this. It's dangerous to go alone.

Vincent tosses the title belt to Gates and then goes off to find breakfast.

re:Sup. - Gator - 10-20-2016

"Thanks Vinnie, nice to see you again boo."