X-treme Wrestling Federation
I'm trying really hard to be fine - Printable Version

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I'm trying really hard to be fine - Kristen Silver - 09-07-2016

On a cloudy, dark and wet night...

[Image: parkbench.jpg]

The scene slowly fades into the unfamiliar sight of a central park in Miami, Florida. Surprisingly for September there's little humidity in the air, a slight breeze moving throughout the cloudy night sky, the moon barely shining through a few cracks in the clouds. Despite the slight breeze and wind, there's a more calming feel in the air, silence surrounding the area that's lit up by the glimpses of light from the moon as well as the street lights.

"I knew I'd find you here..."

The all too familiar voice of Erin Williams breaks the silence in the air as she comes slowly walking along the pavement, out of the darkness and into the light. A figure stands in front of Erin, briefly turning her face around to reveal Kristen, the light shining down onto her face. A brief glimpse shows a troubled look on Kristen's face before she turns her head back around and continues to stare into nothingness. Erin takes a few more steps forward, coming shoulder to shoulder with Kristen and standing alongside her. Copying the actions of Kristen, Erin stares straight ahead into the same space as Kristen.

Erin: You still haven't returned any of my calls...

There's no response from Kristen as she continues to stare into the night sky.

Erin: I've been worried about you. You could have at least answered to let me know you're okay.

Finally Kristen breaks her silence and her lost stare as she turns her body and speaks.

Kristen: I'm fine. I'm always fine, aren't I?

[Image: tumblr_mfw408oceb1s18uoxo1_500.gif]

It's clear there's no real belief in the words that Kristen is saying as she slowly brushes past Erin and sits down on one of the benches. Erin keeps her attention on Kristen as she eventually turns around, walks over to the bench and sits down next to Kristen.

Erin: You know you don't have to lie to me, right?

Kristen's head slightly sinks as she begins to stare down at the pavement.

Erin: I want to help you, Kristen. You think I can't see that you're hurting? Do you think that I can't see that my best friend is struggling? I can't help you if you want let me in. You've learned to put this guard up, to build a wall around your emotions and true feelings. You don't have to hide how you truly feel around me.

Still staring down at the floor, Kristen finally begins to open up.

Kristen: I'm trying really hard to be fine. But I'm not fine.

[Image: Jessica-Stroup2.gif]

Erin: Then talk to me, Kristen.

Kristen: Talk to you? What shall I tell you, Erin? Shall I tell you how I feel so insecure? Shall I tell you about how depressed I feel? Or shall I tell you about how I fight every single day of my life with myself, trying to work out who I am or who I want to be? Should I talk to you about how despite the fact I paint myself as the most beautiful person this world has ever seen on the outside, deep inside I feel and look like a mess?

The behaviour of Kristen quickly begins to become more and more erratic and emotional as she sits up on the bench and continues to fire away.

Kristen: You wanted the truth, Erin. Here's the truth...I don't know who I am. I've lost myself, ERIN. Am I this emotional wreck? Am I this person who doesn't care about anybody but themselves? Am I this, am I that...WHAT AM I, ERIN? WHO AM I?

Erin: Kristen, calm dow-----

Before Erin can finish her sentance, Kristen has jumped up from the bench, standing as a tall figure above Erin as the light shines over her, her eyes now beginning to well up as her emotions hit a completely new height.

Kristen: You just don't get it, Erin. Nobody does. I didn't choose to be this person. I didn't choose to be the arrogant, cocky, spoilt person the world get's to see. That's all I was taught growing up, that's all I knew. And I'm scared, that's right Erin, I'm scared. I'm scared to try to be a different person, to be a better person. I'm scared to show my real emotions to the world. I'm scared to show people who I truly am beyond the flash cars, the diamond jewellery, the arrogance. But you know what scares me even more, Erin?

By now Erin has now risen from her seat too, standing in front of Kristen as she looks on, not able to get a word in what so ever. By now the moon has completely escaped behind the darkended clouds in the sky and light rain has begun to drizzle from the sky.

Kristen: It scares me that nobody will ever love me.

[Image: tumblr_m693holFrF1rq71ks.gif]

Tears begin to flow from the eyes of Kristen as she looks on at Erin, the rain now pouring from the sky and getting heavier and heavier. Erin steps through the rain, extends her arms and wraps them around the frail body of Kristen. With her guard finally coming down, Kristen allows herself to almost sink into the arms of Erin, the two holding onto each other as Kristen cries in the arms of her best friend.

Erin: It's gonna be okay.

The rain continues to pour from the sky above, the two now completely drenched. The dark and wet scene slowly begins to fade at the sight of Kristen in the arms of Erin, the hand of her best friend cradling the back of her head as she tries to console her.

"I just want to be okay again..."

Fundamentally, we all want the same thing.
We want to love.
We want to be loved.
And we want to matter.