X-treme Wrestling Federation
Drezdin vs shade - Printable Version

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Drezdin vs shade - drezdin5788 - 07-26-2016

Drezdin:heya you piche de mare parasidic putas this your favorite giant drezdin here to talk about his up comming match against shade this Wednesday night on warfare. But before I do that there is one thing I wanna get off of my chest before I digress over to shade. As you all are aware of by now on 7-20-16 in leap of faith one I destroyed desecrated hopfully if not killed the person, life and career of one Crimson dong. I know that his ass is in a hospital in a deep deep deep coma with super/ sacrificial burns along second and third degree burns breathing on some kind of ventilator with his family looking over him and literally praying to God. And if is true that his family is there looking over him I hope that they are watching this so that they can give this to him. I fucking told you Crimson dong that our match will be in every since horrifying and disturbing, that our match won't be for the weak at heart. I told you that at leap of faith one in our match you will be set in a inferno blaze of victory at my hands as you are being burnt into a pile of mangled up wretched piece of extra crispy rubbish. Not to mentioned that didn't I also asked you if you new what you your self we're getting into when you had challenged a 7'2" 300 pound plus giant? Appearently I guess yo stank ass didn't know what you were getting into. But to show you how nice of a person that I am if for some miraculous of a miracle that your ass does servive the human torch match by then all healed up not only my giving the Oportunity to give you a rematch in the near future against me I'm also giving the Oportunity to name your stipulation so you can try to get your revenge on me. But untill then I'm going to relax knowing that you are nearly half dead. Now onto my opponent for this Wednesday night shade.

(Drezdin picks up his Irish cream flavored hazel nut coffee and takes a sip)

Drezdin:you see at Wednesday night on warfare I'll be facing shade. A person for some reason decides to sell his soul to the devil ghost tank and becomes his bitch or in rated pg his minion. Shade in a great competitor in the xwf and has every potential to be a world champ some day don't get me wrong, but but make no mistake about that when it comes to facing each other in our match just like Crimson dong I will dismantle desecrate him to ware that he's going to find out real fast that not only he's biting the hand that is feeding him that it is better to repent the sins that he did then being some ones minion. Shade are going to be the person that when you came into the xwf or are going to be the person that you sold your soul to the devil when I kick your ass? Shade do you know what you are getting your self into? I hope so you see when it's all said and done all you'll be is just another stepping stone that's in my way onto another victory. Untill then you can run and hide to your master your ass is mine mother fucker?

(The scene fades to black as drezdin laughs evilly)