X-treme Wrestling Federation
I run into Tim - Printable Version

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I run into Tim - Ginger Snaps - 07-29-2016

I had to fly out to the United States to file a report about what happened with Thomas Girard. Apparently our relationship was wrong, and it might have led to what he did to Roxy. The XWF headquarters are a tall building, really nice, but not too tall. The floors are shiny, and there's a mean looking guy polishing the floor in the lobby. He scowls at me as I walk passed him to go to the front desk. The lady at the desk looks at me like she doesn't know who I am. Maybe she doesn't. She's about my age, and blonde. Real pretty, nice big blue eyes. I'm jealous. My eyes aren't that nice. And she has bigger boobs than I do. Hers are barely kept in her shirt. Roxy is really messing with my head, I tell her who I am, and what I'm here for. She giggles, and it's a nice giggle. She hands me a pad of paper, and points me towards an office that should be empty.

Just be careful around the closet with the velvet ropes. That's Frodo's rape closet. None of us go near it unless we have to. Last week he brought an intern in there, never saw him again. His mom calls us every day still.

I giggle back at her. I know she's not joking, but I can't help it. I give my hair a twirl as we talk. She giggles, and then I excuse myself to go write that report for whoever wants it. I guess Human Resources. The rape closet she pointed out is very much so there, and scary. It sounds like someone is crying on the inside of it, I would get close and investigate, but I'm afraid. I should investigate, someone might need help. If he's still screaming after I finish my report, I'll examine. I have to be a brave Ginger for the safety of this man. I round the corner, and all bravery is gone.

Standing right there in the doorway where I'm supposed to write my report, is Tim Davis and Thomas Girard. I gulp, and Girard looks up at me.

"Bonjour, Ginger. What are you doing here?"

I gulp again. I don't say anything, and just point my paper at him.

"Je vois. Uhm d'accord. Well, Tim, please go in there and fill out the forms. We need them complete for your son's claim."

Tim goes in and sits down at the desk. I go to move towards the door, but Thomas closes it, and stops me.

Thomas, please stop. I have to go write this report. I don't want to talk to you anymore.

"Ne parlez pas."

Thomas pushes me against the wall, and rubs his hand up my arm. I want to stop it,but I like this too much. He makes it to my shoulder, and then moves right to my hair and grabs a holds of it. He pulls it back, and I instantly get turned on. He then kisses me, and releases my hair. I wish he'd grip it again, until his hand slides to my throat and he begins to choke me slightly. I like this a lot, but I have to push him away.

No. You tried to sexually assault Roxy, I can't trust you.

I push him back more, and go into the room, and slam the door shut. I faintly hear him calling my name, but I can't let myself care. I sit down by Tim, and see that he's moving along quickly with the forms. I give a giggle. He notices me, and gives me a stern look.

"What the fuck do you want?"

Nothing. Just wanted to ask how Jakob is doing.

"That's something, then. Dumb cunt."

I'm shocked. I don't know what to say so I just sit there and write my report. We don't talk, but as I write this and have to give details of our encounter I get turned on. Tim finishes his forms, and goes to the door. He tries the door, and it's locked. We're trapped in here with me. Somehow we got locked in here. He comes back down and sits across from the table from me. His hands rest in his hands, and sighs loudly.


I don't want to ask what's wrong, he'll just yell at me again. I just finish writing down, and then sit calmly. Tim pulls his mobile out and begins to mess with it. He then throws it against a wall.

"Fuck this stupid shit. No fucking service. How the hell is the most advanced federation in the entire world have no cell service at their headquarters?!"

I look at him. He's not very cute, but he seems sad.

We can talk and get to know each other. Someone will come along, soon.

"Fuck off."

I lean back, and take my jacket off. I can tell that Tim is now looking at me. It's either the fact that I'm in a very tight white shirt, or it's the fact that my shirt has a bold and sparkly unicorn on it. Oh well, I sit there and wait. Thomas will be back soon, or someone else will. I'm just waiting, playing with my hair and singing to myself.

"Does your fucking shirt have a unicorn on it?"

I'm taken back by his gruff question. Maybe he needs a hug.

Yeah, do you like it?


Oh, ok. I'll take it off.

He tries to say something, but before he can I take my top off. I forget I'm not wearing a bra today, but whatever. It's better than him yelling at me for my unicorn. I feel his eyes staring at my little boobies, but I don't really care.

Do you want to touch them?

He stammers and coughs, and averts his eyes.


No, really you can.

I get up and walk over to him. He slowly reaches a hand out, and touches my left boobie. He seems to like this, as the bulge in pants grows. It's quite impressive. I blush, and almost turn away.

"You like that, do you?"

Little bit.

"Wanna see it?"

I nod, and he removes his hand and pulls it out. I drop my trousers and pants, and lean over the desk. He doesn't say a word, just slides inside of me and begins to thrust aggressively. A hand moves up, and grabs my hair. He's holding on tightly, and pulling it back. I love it. This is exactly what I needed. And then, I can feel myself erupting in pleasure, and the door is opening. There's a shocked face staring at us, and I feel Tim erupt as well. The face is moving closer to us and screaming. I can't make out what he's saying right away. Tim has pulled out of me and is pulling his trousers up. This apparently appeases the face, who rushes him out of the room.

It's just the face and me alone. I make out who it is. It's Thomas.

"What the fuck was that?!"


I answer coyly as I attempt to pull my pants and trousers up. Thomas is angry at me. I don't care, I go to get my top and put it on.

"You were in here for an hour!"


He's very cross. I pick up my jacket, and start heading to the door. He stops me.

"Ginger, I'm sorry for what you think happened. I didn't try to assault her. I promise, I thought it was you. Ginger, I love you."

This makes me an angry Ginger. I try and move passed him, but he stops me and kisses me. I push him away.

Referee my match, and call it fair. Prove to me that you're sincere and we'll see.

Before he can answer I walk outside and pull out my mobile. A missed call from Roxy. I listen to her voicemail and call her back.It goes to voicemail.

Hi, Roxy. I got your voicemail, I haven't been ignoring you. Just been locked in a room with Tim Davis, because of Thomas. He got super creepy when I had sex with Tim. Whatever. So, I was wondering, and I hope you or Vincent know. Why is Peter such a liar? I mean, he swears he took me to my limit in that match, but I honestly barely broke a sweat. And is that a big thing to brag about? Big strong Peter bragging because he took a little girl to her limit, and still lost? At the end of the day, Peter's best isn't good enough to stop a little girl? Is that the kind of performance we should expect in this match? Him being unable to stop 5 little girls, and then complaining because he was robbed? And then, he wants to say he had the case in his hands at the leap of faith match? No, he didn't. He didn't even touch that case, we all saw it. We saw him get attacked and fondled by his husband, Mariah, but not touch a case. Good on him for being unafraid to show the world that he's officially come out as gay, though. I can't wait to see the excuse Peter gives when he loses his title to us, though. It's gonna be hilarious. And probably end up somehow being Michael McBride's fault.

Speaking of that, how is McBride qualified to be in this match? What has he done to be worth anything? He barely won a match against Shade, one that he needed help to win. And then he barely beat Ophelia McVeigh, the weird pale kid who looks like he wants to blow me up. Michael McBride is worse than everyone in this match just because he's Irish. I know it's mean, but his country can't even fight their way out of English rule, after they've tried and bombed and lost. This is just a sad match for us. We're going to win these belts, aren't we? It'll be another belt won for me.

And who is Mandii or Nora? Should I be concerned with them? I'm really doubting it. Mandii looks like she likes to say a bunch of mean things to people and then fail to live up to them. She's like a female Peter Gilmour. And Nora, or Bubble Gum whatever isn't looking to be impressive either. Roxy, why are most of the women here so bad? It isn't fair to us.

Kandi and Jake are about the only real competition we have this week, and you know we got this, girl. Kandi's about to qualify for the old age pension, and she can't stop talking about how great she used to be. She can't even form a logical sentence. Coming from me, that says something. Did you hear the trash she spewed?

Quote:how they hate my breast blonde, silicone breasts, and botox injected face,

I don't even know what the first part is supposed to mean, or why she keeps talking about her boobies. I guess when you've got no talent in the ring, you have to use those two assets. I guess she also doesn't know what you do in the company, and with your club. She also doesn't realise that this is your second match in the company because you're not a wrestler. You're just, well I'm not sure what you do in the back to be honest. But, what I know is that in your career you're undefeated. And that I've already defeated every Universal Champion I've fought in the XWF, and taken titles from them. And that she won't be able to keep up with us there. She won't be able to keep up with me when I step into the ring, and she will wish she tried someone else. Maybe I can get Johnny's mum in the ring, they're about the same age. But, Johnny's mum has had so much less work done to her that I'm sure it won't be fair. The plastic has to slow her down.

I wonder if I should stop by and pick up some bengay for her old knees. She'll need her team of grandchildren to rub it in after the match. Which is weird, isn't it? A nan wrestling with her grandkids calling them her lovers? That's just weird. Do they do that a lot in America? That seems like something you'd hear about in there. It also seems like her dementia will set in and confuse me with Emma Stone. She's probably going to find clips of Emma Stone films and accuse them of being me because she can't tell the difference. It's such a bother. Anyway, yeah. Drinks after the match sounds good. And I've been thinking about your other offer. You and me, seeing where it goes? Yeah. No boys. I'm curious.