X-treme Wrestling Federation
To: Jon Willis -- Have a Drink on Me. - Printable Version

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To: Jon Willis -- Have a Drink on Me. - Rain - 04-23-2016

We open to a high-rent bar in Nowhere, Oklahoma, Reeve's hometown. AC/DC's classic tune is playing on the sound system, and Reeve is sitting at the bar, celebrating his first episode of Anarchy with a tall glass of Raspberry Shnapp's. He smiles with every sip, taking in the feeling of directing the first show in XWF's return to action, and making it a succesful debut at that. A sort of 'follow that' to the other GMs. After a moment, the bar door opens and in steps the new, not to mention first ever, Anarchy Champ, Jon Willis. A few cameras flash and some fans walk up to see if the champion would sign a couple autographs, to which he happily obliges.

Soon after, he walks over to the bar and takes a seat, right next to the GM. Reeve and Jon bump knuckles, and Reeve speaks up to the bar keep; "Yo, another Raspberry Shnapp's for myself, and whatever this man wants? It's on me, and keep 'em comin'." Reeve turns to Jon, "Y'know, I watched your WarFare promo, and I gotta tell ya. I know the feeling of winning a title in your first match. That's how I kicked off my career, against my childhood hero. Without a doubt one of the absolute highlights of my life, not to mention my career. So, you ready to kick some ass and go for another?"

The barkeeper smiles and asks Jon, "What'll ya have?"

re:To: Jon Willis -- Have a Drink on Me. - St. Diabolicus - 04-24-2016

The monstrous jester know as LeStrange is driving through a town called Nowhere when his truck breaks down outside of a schnazzy bar.

Pissed, he exits the vehicle and retrieves a sledgehammer from the rear compartment and proceeds to finish the job, totally going apeshit and tearing the shit out of his Blazer until suddenly it collapses under its own weight and LeStrange stands over it breathing heavy.

Fucking peice of shit. Where's Adam when I nee...oh that's right, I disposed of that useless dredge.cacklesThat place looks swanky, wonder if they have Arrogant Bastard.

re:To: Jon Willis -- Have a Drink on Me. - Jon Willis - 04-24-2016

Jon takes a moment, thinks, and speaks.

Cranberry juice.

Jon is not surprised as the entire bar erupts in boos. He reaches into his wallet and puts several large bills on top of the counter.

And a round on me for whoever the hell wants it, for whatever the hell they want it for. Just because I can't drink doesn't mean y'all can't. Bottom's up!

And just like that, the boo's change to cheers and the bar erupts in drink orders. Jon sips his cranberry juice with a smile and turns to Reeve.

Consequences of parole. When they said I couldn't have anything in my system, they meant it. And when they said they could test me at any time, they meant any time. You know how many times I've been tested since I've been out? And where I've been tested? Sometimes I wonder if there's a bug on me or something.

It's not like I don't drink. I do. It's not like I don't like to party. But I can't. I'm lucky enough I can still wrestle. The amount of hoops they make me jump through is ridiculous. Enough to make me wonder sometimes if it's worth it. Then I look at this...

Jon pats his Anarchy Championship

And I think "Fuck it, maybe life isn't so bad."

So, yeah, I'm ready to kick some ass and go for another. I'm like a drug fiend: one taste and I'm hooked. Which is ironic considering the guy I'm about to fight is an actual drug fiend.

But enough about that.You called this meeting, Reeve. I dig the locale, but still, business is business and the more time I spend here, the more time I risk someone taking a snapchat or an Instagram or a Whatever-the-Fuck and then my PO chews my ass out about being at a bar even though I'm not drinking. He'll call it a "dangerous environment" and a "gateway to prohibited activity". You should hear how he talks. I used to have nightmares about zombies and demons and the end of the world, now it's surprise random drug tests and parole meetings.

So, much as I dig your style, my time's short. What's on your mind?

re:To: Jon Willis -- Have a Drink on Me. - Unknown Soldier - 04-24-2016

"I'll take a bloody mary please. A real one too, not that pussy ass vodka shit mixed with tomato juice. I want someone to cut a bitch named mary and serve me her blood in a golden chalice!"

To: Jon Willis -- Have a Drink on Me. - Rain - 04-25-2016

Reeve: Jon, I should have remembered. I watched the promo you shot for Anarchy, and your therapist seems to be hard on you for even the slightest slip-up. I can only imagine how it feels to put up with all that B.S. from him, the paparazzi, the management, and everyone in between. But I'm glad you're here. And I'm glad you appreciate the title. Some people here in the XWF seem to turn their noses up at my brand, but I'm starting to learn it's not about the haters, it's about the stars that ARE pumped for the show, and the fans that show up to enjoy it. You guys make this worth it... thank you, man.

If ya gotta go, ya gotta go, but it's been nice meeting you like this. And btw; I hate cranberry juice. When I first ran through this business as a guy named raYne, Raspberry Schnapp's was my drink of choice. Only thing I have to remind me of those days. Every time I order one, it takes me back to those days... good times. Anyway, you seem like a pretty chill guy, so if you ever come through again, be sure to look me up. You're an amazing talent, and I'm rooting for you to prove all the doubters wrong. I've been through my share of mental clinics and asylums, and I know how being confined feels like. The worst part is how people look at you afterward and talk to and about you.

But forget 'em.

You're putting in the work to change your life and make good. I believe in ya, dude.