X-treme Wrestling Federation
The Doomsday Protocol begins (and still lives on) - Printable Version

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The Doomsday Protocol begins (and still lives on) - benjamincrane - 04-18-2013

(camera comes on to show an enlarged logo)

[Image: death_of_superman_symbol_wp_by_chaomance...57rq9w.png]

(camera then pulls back to show Benjamin Crane standing behind a podium with that logo on the front of it, with the backdrop of a green screen)

Crane: Ladies and gentlemen of the XWF universe, tonight I am proposing something that has NEVER been done in the history of professional wrestling. And I'm doing this because I feel it needs to be done. Astoundingly I won my match on Warfare last night but before that, I'm sure I'm not the only one that has noticed my performance slumping. I haven't been winning matches but more importantly I have not created the impact I wanted to make upon my return. I wanted to give you the "revolution" that CM Punk never delivered on. And lately, that fire has just been gone. I've basically just been spinning my wheels not going anywhere. That ends now. One way or another.

Starting immediately and open until midnight EST Tuesday, anyone on the active XWF roster, from any show, will have the opportunity to decide my fate. I went to the front office and expressed a desire to hang it up. However, to my surprise, they tried to talk me out of it. I told them I wasn't really feeling a part of this company and their counter-point was that I wasn't making enough of an effort to BE a part of the company. It's a fair point. They told me to think it over, I have, and it's this: The Doomsday Protocol that I came up with. The XWF website geeks have agreed to set up a thread on the message board where any and all members of the XWF roster are invited to come and vote on whether I should stay or I should go. In this vote, you can say as much or as little as you want. You can be as harsh or complimentary, as you wish. You can do it on the website, jump in the ring and voice your vote with the crowd, or you can come to me personally and tell me to my face. All I ask is a vote yay or nay on whether I should stay at XWF. And based SOLELY on this vote, I will make my decision.

XWF stars, I await your verdict.

The Doomsday Protocol begins (any XWF wrestler on the active roster, please read) - benjamincrane - 04-18-2013

For the record, this is a 100% real. Please come tell me if you want me here or not. In character, out of character, whichever you like, just make sure you make a clear vote either way. You can vote here or message me privately. I appreciate those that take the time.

The Doomsday Protocol begins (any XWF wrestler on the active roster, please read) - John Msdison 2.Faggot - 04-18-2013

This is dumb, make your own decisions.

The Doomsday Protocol begins (any XWF wrestler on the active roster, please read) - Steve "KingSlayer" Davids - 04-19-2013

I agree with Madison.

The Doomsday Protocol begins (any XWF wrestler on the active roster, please read) - IntemporaliterScelestus - 04-19-2013

I agree with Madison.

The Doomsday Protocol begins (any XWF wrestler on the active roster, please read) - Ann Thraxx - 04-19-2013

I never agree with Madison.

The Doomsday Protocol begins (any XWF wrestler on the active roster, please read) - CM Punk - 04-19-2013

Dumb, but call me out in character and lose before you use me without having fought me.

For that. Leave.

The Doomsday Protocol begins (any XWF wrestler on the active roster, please read) - Slickster - 04-19-2013

I don't give a damned rat's ass.

The Doomsday Protocol begins (any XWF wrestler on the active roster, please read) - Jason E Smith - 04-19-2013

Are you kidding me... If you want to leave at least wait until after our match so I can give you a good old send off by beating you up first

The Doomsday Protocol begins (any XWF wrestler on the active roster, please read) - benjamincrane - 04-19-2013

all right fine, fuck you guys. i was just looking for a little validation from my peers but i should have known this is what i would get. I fucking quit as of now. should have went with my gut in the first place. thank you all for being SO welcoming and supportive. now you wonder why i didn't reach out to try and get storylines going. this is why becuase the majority of you are just rude pricks. don't worry, i will make own decision and it's to it's leave this behind for good.

The Doomsday Protocol begins (any XWF wrestler on the active roster, please read) - John Msdison 2.Faggot - 04-19-2013

What did you expect? Are we supposed to kiss your ass or something?

The Doomsday Protocol begins (any XWF wrestler on the active roster, please read) - Sebastian Duke - 04-19-2013

Such a shame.

Just when Crane develops an edge and an attitude within himself, he up and quits.

The Doomsday Protocol begins (any XWF wrestler on the active roster, please read) - Ann Thraxx - 04-19-2013

Hey, Crane!

[Image: tumblr_m5cmi8WwQj1rwcc6bo1_500.gif]

Take criticism like you take dick in the ass, alright? ;) xoxo


RE: The Doomsday Protocol begins (any XWF wrestler on the active roster, please read) - CM Punk - 04-19-2013

(04-19-2013, 02:42 PM)benjamincrane Said: all right fine, fuck you guys. i was just looking for a little validation from my peers but i should have known this is what i would get. I fucking quit as of now. should have went with my gut in the first place. thank you all for being SO welcoming and supportive. now you wonder why i didn't reach out to try and get storylines going. this is why becuase the majority of you are just rude pricks. don't worry, i will make own decision and it's to it's leave this behind for good.

Good. Don't call me out, whether you knew or not I was active. Because seeing how much of a whiny bitch you are, you'll be jobbing if you do come back.

Later kid.

The Doomsday Protocol begins (any XWF wrestler on the active roster, please read) - KnightMask - 04-19-2013

KnightMask charges onto the scene.

"Crane...hold on a second...if you're leaving, then does that mean I'm not going to get my Amazing Spiderman 35 back...? And I thought you were going to let me borrow Kraven's Last Hunt and the Killing Joke... Come on, brother. True believers need to stick together!"

RE: The Doomsday Protocol begins (any XWF wrestler on the active roster, please read) - Angelus - 04-19-2013

(04-19-2013, 02:42 PM)benjamincrane Said: all right fine, fuck you guys. i was just looking for a little validation from my peers but i should have known this is what i would get. I fucking quit as of now. should have went with my gut in the first place. thank you all for being SO welcoming and supportive. now you wonder why i didn't reach out to try and get storylines going. this is why becuase the majority of you are just rude pricks. don't worry, i will make own decision and it's to it's leave this behind for good.

IC: "You're an idiot."

OOC: You were right by your assessment in your original post. You have been spinning your gears. Some of your last few RPs have seemed to lack effort. It's hard for people to get invested in you when it seems like an effort isn't being put forth. You get what you put in. This is one of the most supportive places around and having been in many an efed just be glad that there are so many people who care here. If you want to leave, great, a shit attitude like you've shown isn't warranted.

The Doomsday Protocol begins (any XWF wrestler on the active roster, please read) - RussellMania - 07-25-2013

[Image: russellmaniabanjkkjkjkjkjnerjpg_zpsb5a46b0c.jpg]

The Doomsday Protocol begins (any XWF wrestler on the active roster, please read) - JTC - 07-25-2013

ummm.. wow. is all i have to say

The Doomsday Protocol begins (any XWF wrestler on the active roster, please read) - Rebel - 07-26-2013

~Crane is clearing out his locker and grumbling about not being liked by his peers. He stuffs his shitty gear into a gym bag and grabs his Doomsday Protocol and tosses it into the garbage can. All of a sudden, his locker is slammed shut and Crane is pushed aginst the wall by Jonny Rebel.~

Jonny Rebel:: Man up, son! Why the fuck do you feel like you need the acceptance of most of these lowlifes here in XWF? Furthermore, you think these guys are just going to hand you acceptance?

~Jonny shakes his head and straightens Cranes collar.~

Jonny Rebel:: Don't worry about these other fools. Wrestling is suppose to be fun. So let your balls drop and go teabag John Madison. Take the fight to them. Fuck, you might not win, but you would gain some respect. Because right now, you are going out like a cunt.

~Jonny Rebel walks away shaking his head.~

OOC: I know the language is a little foul, but it's an in character role play.

The Doomsday Protocol begins (any XWF wrestler on the active roster, please read) - John Msdison 2.Faggot - 07-26-2013

This was three months ago.

The Doomsday Protocol begins (any XWF wrestler on the active roster, please read) - "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane - 07-27-2013

Then why was Crane still clearing out his stuff? How much stuff did the homo have?

The Doomsday Protocol begins (and still lives on) - Rebel - 07-27-2013

Yeah, I didn't realize that until you said something. Durp!