X-treme Wrestling Federation
The Blackstone Diaries: Suspension In The Sunshine - Printable Version

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The Blackstone Diaries: Suspension In The Sunshine - John_Black - 03-28-2016

Quote:June 15th, 1993

[The scene opens up to a tenth grader John in high school, in a plain shirt and black pants he worn. We see him inside a classroom in fourth period, we see him trying to copy what the cool kids did by throwing crumbled paper to the teacher. The paper he crumpled ended up thrown at the old lady teacher head who’s was in a middle of a lecture.]

Teacher: Who thrown that paper?... if you don’t speak up, I will keep the class until someone speaks up.

[The kids in his class are pissed off about that, so someone in the classroom ended up saying something.]

???: I uh… did it!

[Teacher turns around to see her class of ten students, and she walks up to the first suspect. As soon she was near the desk, we see John put her in a sleeper hold ala Piper and the students were in shock. Then the teacher was struggling to break John’s hold until the security had to break it up.]

Security: Kids get away from this, and go back to your seats this instance!

[We see the security quickly break the hold that almost made his teacher pass out. Then we see John picked by his uniform and sent to the office. After an hour of fighting off the security man, we see John inside a big office where he smiles at the desk.]

John: Look, I know that you are going to say. You’re going to—

[Then we see the principle turn his chair around and we see a figure of a white Suge Knight eyeing on John.]

Principle: John, why do you have to cause all this trouble? this is the twenty times you came to this office. What are you in for this time?

[John then sits on the chair opposite of his desk.]

John: I chocked the bitch out, when she said she is going to hold us in class, I wanted to kill that—

[Principle cuts him off immediately.]

Principle: JOHN, you have no respect for authority here, I should give you a warning; but this fine moment you are going to be suspended from this School. I hope you are happy with that, get the hell out of my office.

[John walks out of the office, and we hear the bells for lunch ringing. Then we see him walking out of the school grounds to a nearby gas station, before he even enters the station, we see his mother who looked like Pam Grier buying gas inside the building. Then he quickly runs from the station entrance but his mother catches him after she buys the gas for the car.]

Mama Blackstone: Boy what are you doing here not in school?

[John turns around hesitantly.]

John: My school got a early release today and I decided to up here and—

[Mama noticed John bs’ing her with that and signals him to the vehicle. He sits upfront of the car while she fixes her gas tanker to close and she enters her car to drive them both home. Two hours later, we see John sitting in the kitchen table with Mama Blackstone after she hears a recording from the principle of the school about his suspension. Then he slaps him at least three times until she gain a explanation out of him.]

Mama Blackstone: Why did you get suspended from school?, I ‘ve got enough trouble with maintaining the bills in this apartment but now you trying to be a bad boy?

John: The teacher was trying to keep us in class. I wasn’t having that mama!

Mama Blackstone: That mouth of yours is going to smacked off those lips of yours boy. I never was in your situation to finish high school.

[John then rolls his eyes in a sense of a the whole “whoe is me” bullshit that his mama was spewing.]

Mama Blackstone: You trying to be a hoodlum and be like one of your cousin who gone nowhere in his life into prison? He was once a basketball star in high school that blew it all away for no reason. John, I don’t want you to end up like him!

[John slams his fist on the table with anger as he shed a tear in his eye.]

John: Look mama, fuck school, and fuck the people in it who aren’t teaching a damn thing. Our schools aren’t the greatest thing like how our society puts it. I know you never got your diploma and walked on that stage of claps and cheers. Well mama, I’m glad I am suspended from School.

[Mama Blackstone sighs as she watches him slams his door in his bedroom. Then we see John plays a vinyl of Sunshine by Esham on his turntables as he lays himself on his bed to sleep as the scene fades away.]

What's good LeStrange, I see you anticipating for this match quite well. Having mannequins breaking in thin ice is very intriguing to me, I mean, I would have purchased a life sized replica of LeStrange mannequin and given it to Frodo to rape out of. To be honest with you man, even if I freeze to death, you're going to freeze even quicker. So what IF you obtain that blue chip, I mean that suite he promised was going to be my getaway for a weekend, then I might as week split the room with you. LeStrange, lets have a fair fight and no social media drama please!