X-treme Wrestling Federation
Important: Huge X-treme Title announcement - Printable Version

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Huge X-treme Title announcement - GladiatorXWF - 03-27-2016

[Sean Connery voicebase]
Recently you may have heard I reduced the pin count on the Xtreme title to one. I thought long and hard about my actions- was I being too harsh taking it all the way down to a one count? Was I compromising the integrity of the X-treme 24/7 title? So much to take into consideration because it's up to me to keep everything in the 24/7 Zones on the up and up. Well after much thought, I've changed my mind; we're back to the normal three count. Good day everyone.

re:Huge X-treme Title announcement - Mr. Oz - 03-27-2016

"Those who cannot protect themselves, deserve to get their ass handed to them. One, two, or three counts, if you can't kick out before the hand touches the ground, you don't deserve the X-Treme title, and should not call yourself hardcore or X-Treme in any sense."

re:Huge X-treme Title announcement - Chris Mercy - 03-27-2016

"Well, all that noise was pointless then. The people puts in charge..."

Huge X-treme Title announcement - Travis McCoy - 03-27-2016

"You'd think you'd all pay closer attention. The one count only came into effect once. When the resident rapist Frodo won the Xtreme title.

And by some miracle its back to a three count now that one of Gladiator's buddies holds the belt.

This ain't conspiracy boyo, this is fact.

Pay attention or get swallowed up."

re:Huge X-treme Title announcement - John_Black - 03-27-2016

And this is why belts in XWF don't mean shit, the management can easily obtain them. Frodo only got that belt since Gladiator was too busy sucking Frodo's dick to get the X-Belt off of Fernando.

re:Huge X-treme Title announcement - Travis McCoy - 03-27-2016

(03-27-2016, 08:42 PM)Frodo mother fucking Smackins Said: "I'm the General Manager of Warfare and the Roster. I'm not just a resident rapist slash champion."

"Oh yes, such a champion! Such a glorious example of what a champion should be! Pulling your dick out at every chance! Desperate to put it in anything warm even if it's unwilling

or not human

Two weeks boyo and you step in the ring with me. Why not put your fancy new belt on the line?

Show us how great of a champion you are."

Huge X-treme Title announcement - GladiatorXWF - 03-27-2016

Calm down everyone. Let's not turn into psychos conspiracy theorists.