X-treme Wrestling Federation
The best - Printable Version

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The best - 15 Shows His Ass - 03-23-2016

**The XWF camera is situated at ringside, where the two commentators are still incensed by the events that have transpired earlier in the evening, regarding the arrival of the hottest free agent "The Prodigy" 15 Shows, to the XWF arena.**

Crack: “A complete disregard for everything that this company stands for….who does he think he is, he shouldn’t be able to walk in here like that….like he is the greatest wrestler in the history of……forever”

Katie: “To be fair, he is a former world champion in a company that will remain unnamed. Perhaps he has a right to be a bit full of himself and arrogant…”

Crack: “Its simply a lack of respect, a lack of everything that a professional wrestler, never mind a so called former World Champion should……..”

**Crack is cut off by the lights in the arena cutting out, and immediately the crowd is whipped into excitement. Some are on their feet, some or curiously staring at the top of the titantron. Some are discussing what is going on with those sitting beside them. **

**HIM'S “Beginning of the End” begins to play through the p.a system, as gold sparks fly from beneath the steel ramp way into the air. Smoke is hissing into the entrance way, and the lights have been semi-restored.**

Katie: “We all know who this is now……I think we are going to be ‘graced’ by his presence”

Crack: “….or forced to be in his presence”

**While the theme music plays the figure of “The Prodigy” 15 Shows can be seen standing in the smoke. He steps out from the maze to be met with a mixed reaction, some XWF fans are cheering him, though the majority are booing for the way he disrespected the company earlier in the evening. Shows is holding his customary water bottle in hand, he has his hair slicked back and placed to perfection…..he has his jet black sunglasses and long coat on. Prodigy poses for the crowd, many of whom despite their feelings towards him, take the photo opportunity**

Kate: “Prodigy looks….ready to compete.”

**As Prodigy makes his way down the ramp and into the ring, he is announced to the crowd….**

Buffer: “Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome to the ring, “The Prodigy” 15 Shows”

**Rather surprisingly, Shows snatches the microphone from Buffer's hand, and quickly begins to attempt to speak…**

“As If I need an introduction……”

**Shows is cut off by customary ‘a-hole’ chants directed in his direction, chants which only cause Prodigy’s face to break into a slight smirk.**

“Let me finish at least……..As if I need an introduction, from such a useless, run down ring announcer like yourself…….stay out of this ring!”

**The crowd are further incensed at Prodigy’s attitude, and accordingly boo him. Those who were cheering when he first appeared on stage certainly seem to have been dismayed by his attitude.**

“As some of you may have noticed I'm not here to blend in with the rest of the vermin that crawl the XWF. I'm here to stand out and get to the top quicker than anyone in history. Don't let the faction I'm in fool you. We are all individuals. Individuals who are here to take over. But I am the ONE man you will all remember when the night is over. I don't care if it's Barney Green, I don't care if it's Lomo Goldo and I don't care if it's Shade…..”

**Cheers at the mention of an XWF superstar Shade**

“I'll beat them. I'll beat then all. Without issue. Now I've been watching XWF for a short while now and I honestly don't see anyone that can stop me from taking over. Certainly not the current champion Lover Boy Vinnie Lane or any of his top challengers. I am far and above them and there foul mouth speaking ways.”

**Shows once again laughs at his own remark**

“I've been trying to convince myself that my debut here in XWF is something I need to pump myself up for. I'm trying desperately to find something about any of my opponents that will excite me for my match. I mean I would love to be challenged but when I look at my three opponents there just isn't one.….”

**Prodigy pauses and runs his hand slowly through his hair, contemplating what to state next.**

“I mean we have Lomo Goldo. The guy who can barely form sentences. I'd be surprised if he doesn't get lost on his way to the All State Arena. There's Barney Green, who's more concerned about the names of his opponents than anything else. I'll dust him off quickly. And then there's Shade. The only legitimate wrestler on there team. But even he is minor league talent at best. So I've come to a decision. The 6 man tag will not be my debut. No. My debut will be a one on one and it will be right now….”

** The crowd murmurs, wondering what The Prodigy is talking about.**

“…Before I begin though, let me make one thing clear. My motives for doing this aren't to show you all who I am. I am recognised worldwide, whether in a sushi bar in Tokyo or a pub in England…and I have already showcased my talents across numerous worldwide audiences. My motive is to show you all just how easy this is for me…..”

“So, since your ring announcer is so terribly inept…..allow me to introduce to you….hailing from………the backstage area of this arena!”

**Prodigy clearly has little idea of who he is introducing.**

“Weighing in at….too much to be healthy….”

**Prodigy pauses once more, before feigning contemplation…**

“Perhaps I should take off my coat, I don’t want to he handicapped in my efforts in any way…..this will be a challenge.”

**Prodigy removes his coat and glasses to some cheers from the female section of the audience**

“Where was I………….oh, yes………He is…….Tom……Durkin!”

**The audience all look at themselves in bemusement, never having heard of this ‘Tom Durkin’ before. Tacky music plays throughout the arena, as onto the rampway steps a rather obese middle aged man, sporting a beard that seemingly hasn’t been trimmed in years….and wearing an XWF T-Shirt.**

“That’s it…slowly make your way to the ring……lets face it, you couldn’t do it any other way….”

**Durkin looks up, and begins to go red in the cheeks, clearly slightly embarrassed by the reference Prodigy made to his weight. He lumbers into the ring slowly, and makes his way gingerly to his feet….**

“Now Tom…..I understand that you are a certified, legitimate wrestler…….yes?”

**Tom shakes his head vigorously in a manner signifying ‘No’, to which Prodigy merely breaks into another customary grin.**

“Don’t tell me that I have to explain my sentences to you again…..I really don’t have the time or the patience to be both-“

**Prodigy stops mid-sentence and within a blink of an hits the Pedigree sending Tom face first into the mat below. Shows rises to his feet and looks down at Tom Durkin with a evil smirk. Prodigy, with considerable effort, lifts Durkin up to his feet. He wavers as Prodigy bounces off the ring ropes and connects with a thundering spear, sending Tom’s head crashing into the mat with a whiplash effect.**

**Prodigy pauses and stares at the crowd, before locking in the sharpshooter, sending pain shooting up the body of poor Tom Durkin. He screams in pain, screams for mercy from the unrelenting new XWF superstar, who simple adds more pressure to the manoeuvre. Prodigy finally releases and walks away from Durkin's body.**

Crack: “What a son of a bitch!”

Kate: “What an athletic son of a bitch!”

**The crowd are enraged, and are booing Prodigy as viciously as possible. Shows simply rises to his feet and grabs the microphone**

“See XWF! See how easy it is for me. Barney Green talks about how he doesn't need  to cheat or use weapons to win. Well your going to need something. You'll need to do something drastic just to survive in the ring with me and my two comrades!”

**Prodigy pauses and gathers his thoughts**

“Anyone here in the XWF that dares to get in my way will be making a fatal error to their career. I will destroy you, and your reputation, and once and for all, will end any lingering doubt about my supremacy and the simple lack of quality of the XWF…….I am the best. Period. Vinnie Lane the XWF Universe Champion….you hold the belt that nobody respects or cherishes….that I would sooner wipe my ass with than carry around with pride.”

“The worth of your championship belt epitomizes your wrestling career………worthless!”

**A small grin breaks across Prodigy’s face once more.**

“I’ve told you this before, and will do so again…..on Friday at Warfare, I will once again steal the show. I will put the asses in seats and I will be the star quality that everybody flocks to see………At Warfare, I will bring three grown athletes to their knees and I will do it with relative ease.”

“I am the wrestling phenomenon of the XWF……….I am the future of the XWF……I am better than all of you!”

**With that last imposing comment, Prodigy throws the microphone to the ground as the crowd begin to hiss and chant and boo at Prodigy more viciously than before.**

Crack: “I hope this is the last time that I ever have to see his smug face in the middle of an XWF…….lets hope he gets destroyed by either Shade, Barney Green or Lomo Goldo”

Kate: “I just want a great match…”

**The image of 15 Shows standing in the centre of the ring, is the last image we see as the camera slowly fades to black.**