X-treme Wrestling Federation
We talk about this. - Printable Version

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We talk about this. - Ginger Snaps - 03-08-2016

I'm a victim? I'm a pushover? I'm not a threat? I'm not anyone worth noticing? You don't know what to say to me? I'll tell you what to say. Say nothing. Just sit there and stay silent as I take the win over you. As your losing streak continues, and as I rebound. Because I don't just stay down, I get back up. Life has thrown a lot at me, and yet, here I stand, a multiple champion, a winner. A fighter. And you, Robbie, are just stagnating. Just running around acting like you're still intimidating, and still worth my attention. You think acting like a Zombie is going to help intimidate people? You think it will scare me? Even I know that zombies aren't real. Even I know you're just a sad, sad, but very attractive man trying to get some sort of attention and fear going. Because, no one fears you. No one thinks you're a real threat. No one thinks you're actually going to win against me. Or, against anyone in the near future.

You're not a threat, and you won't be a threat. Not to the little skinny girl who almost got raped. Not to the guy who can't help but poo himself every time he sees XWF gold. Not to anyone. Why would I possibly be afraid of anything you could do to me? Are you going to try and rape me, like you did those missionaries? Are you going to try and force me to get drunk so that I won't be able to win the match? Is that your plan? Are you afraid of a little bitty girl coming for you? Do you need to find someone to fight this battle for you? So you know you're protected? Do you want Morbid Angel to come out and attack me, again? Because I already beat him once. What about Pest? Do you want him to come out and attack me for you? I bet I can beat him as well. Get Vincent to come out here and fight me for you. Beat him, too.

Whoever you think you need to get to help you beat me, bring them out. At the end, Ginger will still walk into the bar, take a few drinks, put you down, and walk out the winner. I'm not afraid and I'm not a victim. I'm a fighter, I'm a winner. And I'm on my way to becoming a champion again. I know, that concept is one that's kind of unusual to you. Being a champion. Having people cheer for you. I cheered for you, once. Now, I just pity you. You walk through life like you're important and people want you around, but no one days. Not anymore. I took my Robbie Bourbon posters down, I stopped cheering for you. You've started to depress me. Just give up the game, Robbie. You're never going to be as good as I am, or as good as Peter is, or as good as anyone else is. You'll always be like my brother, Georgie. Trying to chase after Tiffany and me as we run up a hill, but a small gust of wind will send you rolling back to the bottom. Just give it up and go to bed. You lost this game.

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I'm sitting down outside my house, there's an empty chair next to me. It used to be Johnny's. It's sad, and empty now. Garbanzo is sitting at my feet, and I'm just trying to relax and not want a drink.

Whatcha doing, Red?

Tiffany. She didn't like to leave me alone after what happened. She was afraid I would get attacked again, or that I'd start drinking again. I don't want to drink, I don't want to be attacked, I just want to sit and wish I was happy. I want to sit and wonder what life could have been like if Johnny hadn't died. I want to tell her that Johnny is dead. I want all of this and more. I want to go curl up under my bed and cry until the world is happy again, until Robbie Bourbon stops being a useless competitor, but I can't do that. I can't do it any more than Maverick can stop pooping himself. Someone should really get Maverick a buttplug or something. Keep that poop in there.

Tiffany walks over and sits in Johnny's chair next to me. She just violated Johnny's chair! I feel nauseous. I'm slightly angry. I don't know how to react. Much like Maverick's butt doesn't know how to react when a title's around. I open my mouth to say something, but I don't form words. How can I form the words? What do I say?

Where's Johnny, Ginge?

This was the question that I was afraid of. I want to tell her, to scream it at her. To write it in the sky so no one would ever ask me it again. But, how do you say that? How can I tell them that I watched Johnny die, and could do nothing to stop it? How do I tell them that I'm useless without him? How do I let them know any of this? I just blurt it out, apparently.

He died in Africa.

I can almost hear as her jaw hits the floor, I don't think she expected that answer.

Oh my god. You can't tell Georgie! I didn't wanna tell you guys. Didn't wanna burden you, but that's why I was so depressed and moody when I got back. I watched as he died. I sat in a hospital with him for weeks watching as he struggled to live, and then he died. I was a wreck, and had to leave quickly. There was no fight between us, we were happy in Africa. He was doing good, I was being a stay at home Ginger, cleaned the house, made food, started to grow a garden. All of it, and we were trying to have a kid, really hard. But, then he got attacked or something in the wild, and died.

Tiffany gets out of Johnny's chair quickly. I'm expecting a hug, or a something like that. I don't want it, I just want her to get me some eggs and let me sleep. Instead of that, she begins to be sick right there in the grass. She's vomiting because Johnny died? I don't know how to react to this.

I should have told you sooner. I'm sorry.

She's wiping the sick away, and looking at me.

You're right, you should have. But that isn't why I vomited. I'm gonna go wash my hands, and then we're walking and talking.

In she goes, and I'm beginning to feel a sense of panic and dread. The tap is running, and I'm getting more terrified. What if she wants to murder me for not telling her. GINGER MURDER! GINGER MURDER!! I can't die because of this. My hair isn't done, and I'm pretty sure I look bad. The tap is shutting off. I get to my feet, grab my chair, and ready myself with it. Ginger can't be murdered if she's fighting for her life. Yay Ginger.

What are you doing, Ginger?

I drop the chair, and blush. I need to come up with something quick.

I was afraid you was gonna murder me for not telling you about Johnny sooner.

Smooth, I manage to tell her the absolute truth. She grabs me and hugs me tightly.

I don't know what happened to you, Ginger. But, something happened to where you think you're under attack now. You're safe, though, Girlie. I will never let anything happen to you. Not anymore. You're safe, Ginger.

For the first time in a long time, I honestly feel like I'm safe, loved, and welcome. I can't imagine my life without Tiffany, but I stupidly almost made it happen.

You ok, baby girl?

I'm crying on her shoulder. I'm not ok, but I'm starting to become ok. It's going to take a lot of time, but I'll get there. I'm Ginger, I really need to get there.


She's stroking my hair and singing to me lightly. This is exactly where I needed to be, and I am happy to be here, but like all things, it needs to come to end. So, I break away and look at her. She's crying, too.

I'm hungry. Do you want to get some food?

She smiles through the tears. That's the image I want to keep in my mind forever. The image of a strong friend to help pick me up when I need it. A friend I'd never trade for anything in the world. A friend who is always there for me. One I never need to apologise to. Tiffany, my best friend ever, and my sister.

Am I interrupting anything?

I know the voice. Who is it? Please don't be creepy train guy. I turn and look. It's Eric, from before. He's here, at my house?

Eric? What are you doing here?

He starts walking towards the house, and I see he's holding flowers.

I ran into your brother, and he told me I could find you here. I wanted to make sure you were ok. I'm sorry, I get concerned when I see a pretty girl in the state you've been in.

I blush, and Tiffany steps in front of me. She's so protective of me. I heart her.

She's fine. She just needs to relax and calm down. If you don't mind, we're going to go inside now.

Tiffany begins to push me into the house, and close the door behind me. I'm not sure why, Eric seems nice.

What are you doing, Tiff?

I don't trust him.

Oh, ok.