X-treme Wrestling Federation
BARNEY FUCKING GREEN - Printable Version

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BARNEY FUCKING GREEN - Mini Morbid - 03-06-2016

WELCOME BACK TO THE XWF you massive fucking pile of dogshit!

I want to add your name to the hallowed halls of those I have dismembered!

There would normally be a statue in this Hall of the Dominated, but your gigantic ass would require more marble than there is in all of MINI MORBIDONIA!

So, fat fuck, do you accept my challenge? OR ARE YOU MERELY A PILE OF CLITORAL SQUIRTINGS???!?!?

BARNEY FUCKING GREEN - Barney Green - 03-06-2016

*hiccup* You want to fight *hiccup* me? You got it. *hiccup* Name a time and place. *hiccup* *throws up everywhere*

re:BARNEY FUCKING GREEN - Mini Morbid - 03-06-2016

ANY time.

ANY place.

We will have a match which will be recounted in song for generations!


We will wrestle and take MINI GOD SHOTS, which will cause us to perform under the influence! THE LOSER WILL BE HE WHO PASSES OUT AND AWAKES WITH GODCOCKS SCRIBBLED ON HIS FACE!!!!

BARNEY FUCKING GREEN - Barney Green - 03-06-2016

*Hiccup* How about the next Shove-It, then? *hiccup*

re:BARNEY FUCKING GREEN - Mini Morbid - 03-06-2016


You have signed the contract of your doom, FAGJEW!!!!

You may name one ringside enforcer in order to make things fair. FOR I SHALL NAME MORBID ANGEL TO BE BY MY SIDE!!!!


re:BARNEY FUCKING GREEN - "Meme Machine" Mike L. Green - 03-06-2016

"L00K @ dez 2 scrubs LOL. Wii hav a homestarrunner knockoff hoo claims 2 B teh midget version of dat other Morbid Angel! Go bac to Mexico U spic! Dats the only place tiny men lik U can be treated seriously! #2smallforamerica #Trumpforpresident #Buildawall"

"We also ave a hiccupping son uva bitch hoo iz a embarresment to teh name Green! U can't get any pussy and U can't drink 4 shit without coughing lik a bitch sucking deez nuts! #Smallliver #Smalldick #Green>Green"

>I LOL at the faggotry of these two fuckbois

>Cue the dank meme


[Image: tumblr_n58kuyUjkO1qivvmho1_400.gif]

re:BARNEY FUCKING GREEN - Mini Morbid - 03-06-2016

Looks like Butterball Green found the perfect pillow princess to have in his corner!

This human bedsore thinks he can disrespect ME?!? I am the LORD OF THE GODCOCK!!!

I shatter the pelvis of MANY BITCHES. They flip open like an EMPTY STAPLER, craving the MEAT of my low-swinging LORDLUMBER!!!

See you in the ring, you fat fuck.

BARNEY FUCKING GREEN - Peter Fn Gilmour - 03-07-2016

barney's back just to leave once more smdfh

re:BARNEY FUCKING GREEN - "Meme Machine" Mike L. Green - 03-07-2016

U callin me fat? w0w. So original! How long ded it take 4 U 2 cum up w/ dat 1? U git cero bitches (Translation (Cuz I'm bilingual bitch): Zero Women) bcuz they're all on mah dong! I will kick ur ass out of ur ass n front of all mah bitches and use your little mask as a condom! #urlosingurtouch