X-treme Wrestling Federation
Another Day in The Life Of A Crime Lords Bitch. / A few words. - Printable Version

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Another Day in The Life Of A Crime Lords Bitch. / A few words. - Chris MacBeth - 02-27-2016

Another day in the life of a crime lords bitch!

Someday in the past

Alfie Halliday's empire had expanded past his wildest dreams and former XWF wrestler Chris Macbeth had risen up the ranks at a surprising manner. Considering the last time you were told about this time in his life Chris had ended up in A Bulgarian hospital very beaten black and blue at the hands of Halliday's men after he was mistakenly blamed for the murder of Halliday's daughter Jasmine. As you who are familiar with the story will remember, Jasmine in fact took her own life after shooting four holes in he then abusive boyfriend. Chris had only happened to be the first person at the scene after the incident had took place. Eventually Halliday had discovered the truth and had offered Chris the option of returning to his company. Chris accepted this invitation and the rest you can say is history.

Chris had now become Halliday's right hand man, there was no more intimidating civilians for protection money or selling drugs in sleazy nightclubs, now it is all fast cars, big houses and women... Lots and lots of women.


The alarm clock on my side table stings my brain, without opening my arms I reach over and give it a slap... Got to shut that thing up, I'm not getting out of bed today.

The Hangover of all Hangovers!

The alarm didn't stop though so I reached over picked it up and without opening my eyes threw the annoying bastard at the wall, I heard it smash into bits as it struck the hard marble walls I had decided to add to the plans for my new 6 bed mansion Halliday had purchased me as a congratulations present for becoming his number 2.

"I'm not having my number 2 living in shit" he had said to me before handing me check with more numbers than I had ever seen.

Despite the alarm clock being in pieces on the floor the ringing continued. I pushed myself up onto my side and looked over to my bedside table.

"Would you answer your fucking phone."

That was the voice of ... I want to say Sarah but if I'm honest I can't remember, I was pretty wasted last night. None the less she seems pissed of about the noice as much as I am so I grab my phone and swipe to answer it.



I know I was wasted....

Who's Tracy?

Oh right yeah... She's here now.

There was a sudden pain in the side of my head. Apparently Tracy wasn't asleep and may have worked out the conversation I was having and slapped me in the side of the head.

"You pig... You don't even remember my name"

She was a little angry...

She slapped me again...

She stormed out...

Well she was here...

She just left...

Yeah pissed off...

Didn't even put her top on...

Yeah, Get Out, Boobs Out...

Ha ha...

Yeah still got some green, pop around when you want...


I hang up the phone and drop it onto the bed next to me and try to relax back into my pillow but the throbbing pain in my head this hangover from hell is causing won't let me drift back to sleep. I hate hangovers. Fuck it! May as well get up and attack the day.

Sometime later

The stack of cash that my good friends Ted and Dave had left was sat on my coffee table. I've never known anyone smoke so much weed, but they love it... I'm pretty sure they are single handedly keeping Halliday interested in selling the stuff. I'm not one of his dealers anymore but I always keep a big stash at mine for Ted and Dave, there were monsters, well that's what they call themselves in a sad kind of way.

Ted was a life long friend. We grew up together, started school together, got kicked out of school together (For drug use), got our first jobs together as delivery drivers at the same Chinese Restaurant. Our paths did separate eventually when I joined a band and had some moderate success. We drifted a part for sometime but where soon reunited when I became a wrestler. During my first stint in the XWF he reached out to me. He was a big wrestling fan at the time and had also moved on from the Chinese restaurant and had managed to got to college and get himself a degree in Journalism. He was at the time working for a local sports radio station as a reported on all the happenings around the world of sport. This is where he met Dave before introducing me.

Dave is a good lad, he worked with Ted at the radio station as a tea boy or something. He was a hang to be hip hop star looking for his big break. We did tell him he was better off trying to get a job as tea boy at a record label but he loved the banter at the radio. It payed off slightly form him as he accidentally managed to get himself the opportunity to host his own show as well as co hosting the sports show with Ted. There only downfall though was the Weed, they loved the weed, all day it was weed.

[Image: animated-hemp-marijuana-gif-10.gif]

What's for breakfast.... Weed

I'm feeling stressed.... Weed

I'm feeling happy.... Weed

It's my birthday.... Weed

Accidentally sat on porcupine.... Weed

Anyway enough about them boys... (you will hear a lot more of them soon)

Time for work.

Destination 1 - Halliday's Bar.

I pulled up out the front of Hallidays a finished my joint before getting out of my new Mercedes and heading inside.

I can hear shouting as I open the door, it's Halliday, he is pissed off.

"That's it final fucking straw I want that fucker gone!"

As I walked into the back room Halliday is stood face to face with one of his runners berating him with expletives.

Do you fucking no where that little fuck is going to fucking be right about now?

He looked over at me then back to Little Jimmy his nephew who had started running for him only a couple weeks again. Jimmy was a nice kid but wasn't tough enough for the game he has gotten himself in too and kept getting ripped of in his drug deals. In his first week he had all his stash stolen from him twice... Two days in a row.

"Fuck Chris, where the fuck have you fucking been, bet you've been fucking them skanky whores from Spearmints again haven't ya... You prick!

I'm used to this sort of onslaught from Halliday now but you can tell Jimmy was feeling the pressure.

"Jimmy here has had is stash took from him A-fucking-gain. I want you to sort this shit out.

Jimmy began to explain to me the situation before Halliday cut him off again.

"Fuck the details you little prick, take Chris here to him and Chris... Kill that little cunt!

This isn't the first time Halliday has requested a job of this type from me so I just turned away and began to walkout of the room quickly followed by Little Jimmy who was still visibly shaken. He had a lot more to learn about his uncle and a lot of things to get used too. For example this little job Halliday has given me, he doesn't really want me to kill the little rat, he does however want me to take Jimmy to do the job. He just wants Jimmy to toughen up so this won't happen again, Jimmy needs to make a name for himself to stop this shit happening. If it had been any other of Halliday's workers losing there stash to this extent it would have been that worker that Halliday would have... Let's say got rid of. Jimmy being his nephew though there is blood ties and every since his daughter Jasmine killed herself family has become a very important part of Halliday's life. He looks after his whole family and despite Jimmy's mistakes I know he is getting at least the same pay from Halliday as I do as his number 2.

We take one of the plain white vans that are parked around the back of Halliday's bar, I drive. Lil Jimmy directs me directly to the house of the little shit that's caused him all this grief and we park up against the curb. I motion with my head for Jimmy to open the glove box. You could see his face turn white when he did and saw the gun tucked away next to a bag of weed.

I gave Jimmy his instructions. "Phone the twat, tell him your here and ask for your money back." I knew from what I had heard about this guy that he wouldn't accept that but he would also want to give our Jimmy another pounding. Jimmy tucked the gun into his jacket and got out of the van. I could see him make the call as I drove away and parked a few feat around. I could see Jimmy sticking to the plan in my side view mirror, Jimmy was taunting the guy down the phone.

A few minutes go by and Jimmy hangs up the phone and stretches his arms out wide as if he is inviting the tool to a fight. The door of the house opens and the little punk kid runs towards Jimmy with a bat. My hand reaches the door handle waiting for the perfect moment.


Just as we planned Jimmy gets hit with the bat.. (OK, the plan was for Jimmy to take a hit, not necessarily from a bat... My bad.) I pop the door handle as Jimmy goes down and charge and grab the attacker from behind before throwing him head first into the side of the van, his head split and his bloody splattered across the side of the white paintwork. Jimmy got to his feet an opened the back of the van and I through the unconscious shit in the back before closing he doors and jumping in ourselves and driving off.

An unknown wooded location

We get out of the van in the secluded woodland, the shallow grave is exactly where my righthand man had told me it would be on the phone when I spoke to him earlier when we were travelling. He mound of dirt next to the grave had the shovel dug into it ready for the final part of the job.

We get out the van and I order Jimmy to open the back doors. The guy is still unconscious so I grab him out the back and drag him to the edge of the grave and position him on his knees with his back to the hole in the mud. I hold him in place and Jimmy steps in front of him and pulls the gun out of his pocket and points it from about two foot away directly at the rats head. I give the guy a couple gentle taps on the side of the face just enough to stir him. His eyes flicker a few times as regain consciousness, they slowly open and he groggily looks up only to be face to face with Jimmy and the gun.

"Fuck you, you cunt" Jimmy said before...


He pulled the trigger and as the body went limp. I let it go so it fell backwards into the grave, Jimmy dropped to his knees.
I gave Jimmy a kick to get him back to his feet, the job wasn't finished. I shove the shovel in his hand.

Time to start digging.

It was his first but I can tell you it wouldn't be his last. The boy has turned into a right mean son of a bitch I'm glad I'm out of the game.

A few words for my opponents

Maverick, Maverick, Maverick I'm not entirely sure why you have been selected to participate with Miss Riot, Big Bad Pete and myself in what is most likely going to become XWF's match of the year, mostly thanks to me. I mean you don't exactly have a chance do you.

Take the flavour Top Gun for example... Tom Cruise plays a character with a name the same as you, but in the movie of this match I would be that character.

Val Kilmer plays the Iceman, biggest rival to Tom Cruise's character. In our little scenario this is not you either, this is where I would probably place Alexis Riot as this character in our match up except unlike Iceman. She will not be the top gun.

Then we have Anthony Edwards who portrayed Goose who unfortunately did crash and burn in the movie just like Peter Gilmour will in this match were having. Sorry Gilly, but your time is coming to an end as Hart Champion and you won't be replacing it with the Universal Championship anytime soon.

Crashed and Burned

Finally we have Couger played by John Stockwell in the 80's Classic. You remember the one... You must do because in our little scenario... This is you. The one that when the going gets tough he panics, freezes and is unable to land. Just like you will be on Wednesday Night.

Your out of your depth you know it, it's probably best you just don't show up!