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One off. - Printable Version

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One off. - Gator - 02-23-2016

"Sup bitch."

"I was just passing by, seeing how things are when I see Ginger Snaps somehow get a crazy miracle pin over someone who seems infinitely better. Now there could be two things up with this, one I was wrong about MacBeth which is stupid because I'm never wrong, or two Ginger Snaps somehow became a competent wrestler instead of an inane, stupid dough eyed little cunt."

"Now this could end in a fucking paradox, because if you still suck dicks than that makes me wrong which would create some kind of black hole and destroy the known universe. But whatever, I'll risk it. So, gonna address the elephant in the room here sweetie, you are on the cusp of losing that cute little Hart titles to former cripple (by the way what the fuck happened there?) Tush, and so you go ahead and think you could steal the Federweight to replace the impending loss. Nah, that shit don't fly with me."

"Never before have I seen such a hypocritical dumb little bitch in my life, promoting herself as the definition of sunshine and lollipops but on the inside is a sad, pathetic little girl who cries when she gets fucked over and sucks dick to make up for it. Tell me, how long were you on your knees for that prick Girard? What did you promise Morbid to throw the match? Poppers and the use of that llama's asshole you have? Or used to, I dunno. How many times have you spread your legs to get everything you wanted? I mean fuck, you're a two time Hart Champ! The fuck? You're a two time plastic title holder, the title for the new kids! You're so happy being a stepping stool you refuse to move up? You're such a submissive little twat you want to crawl on the ground fighting over the Hart and the fucking Feder?"

"So happy that you get to coast through life like some kind of trophy wife? It's sad man, fucking sad. Feminists now would tear you apart worse than I'm doing. Right, time to end this, oh and before you think of a comeback against me, maybe actually try hard for once. Light the fuse on that month old tampon and come at me with some fucking fire kid."

Gator hip tosses Ginger and goes for the pin.

re:One off. - Ginger Snaps - 02-24-2016

(02-23-2016, 05:04 PM)Gator Said: which is stupid because I'm never wrong...
you're a two time Hart Champ! The fuck? You're a two time plastic title holder, the title for the new kids!

Kick out.

You're never wrong, yet you can't even figure out what title I currently hold, or its position here? Is that it? Wow, ok. I guess I must magically be the Hart Champion now. Sorry, Peter, but I guess we swapped titles and you're now the Intercontinental Champion, so maybe you moved up in the federation. Either that, or Gator is actually wrong because he doesn't know what he's talking about. Maybe he's upset because I earned all of my title shots, and he had to buy his Universal Title shot from John Samuels, and then held the title for less than a minute? I don't know, I think I'm going to have to agree that Gator doesn't know what he's talking about and is just trying to sound better than he is. Either that, or he's just blind. Because there's not really a way to confuse the Intercontinental belt for the Hart belt. Mine is mostly white without a lot of gold, where as Peter's is mostly gold with a little bit of white. Good job, though, you proved to the world that you're less observant than Tush, who I already pointed out is essentially a carrot pretending to be a human being.

I don't cry when I get screwed over, I don't even think I've been screwed over. I think you're grasping harder than Tush was, because you want people to go back and believe that you're pretty cool. Which isn't true, you're not pretty cool. You're just ignorant and, as you put it, self promoting. You can't even talk badly about me properly, because you're too busy wishing you were worth something to even get what title I have right. And you think I'm afraid of losing my title to Tush? Even though I've been open about knowing I'm going to beat Tush? That's pretty sound logic there. Ginger says she's going to win, but since she's Ginger she means she's going to lose the Hart Title, which she doesn't even have. Maybe you should go for the new kids' title, as you put it, and hope that maybe one day people will cheer for you again. But, then you'd probably lose to Peter, because you couldn't beat Vincent, and Peter always beats Vincent. Oh, right, you have that messed up neck so you can't actually compete, but you think you can push me around take my title? Hah.

I'm coasting through life like a trophy wife? How? By fighting and winning for things? And not being video taped hanging out with management and hoping they keep putting me in matches against Aerial Knight so that I can keep my title? Or, by buying a title shot, instead of earning it? Or, by teaming up with Shane and having him tell people that you're a worthy opponent? Because, let's be honest Gator, you've been attaching yourself to management for most of your career. You're the trophy wife here, not me. Come back when you're able to actually get stuff right.

One off. - Thomas Girard - 02-24-2016

Girard is about to make the count, only to notice Ginger kicks out! Girard then walks off, doing whatever.

Winner and STILL Federweight Champion: Ginger Snaps!

One off. - Tommy Gunn - 02-24-2016


This little twat is pulling off all kinds of improbable victories.

Maybe people should start taking notice of this ginger rooted cunt slut.

And you Gator you should have stayed in whatever rat filled shit hole you crawled out of.

You might have still have some dignity left if you had.

What a fucking joke this place has turned into. No wonder that cheap piece of shit Madison wanted me back.

I'm still waiting on my winnings John. I won't forget. I promise you that.