X-treme Wrestling Federation
For God Your Soul...For Me Your Flesh! - Printable Version

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For God Your Soul...For Me Your Flesh! - Morbid Angel - 09-09-2015

The fall rolls in on the chilling winds, as the leafs turn and the smell devours the senses.

The camera swings on the front of the Morbid mansion as some leaves roll passed across on the lawn. The home looks vacant due to its unkempt appearance. Last we saw the the owner of this vast land he was being carried off naked to the hospital due to his home experiments. The tests they performed on Morbid Angel were not released to the public but rumor has it that they showed nothing to do with immortality!

Against the advice of his doctors, Morbid Angel checked himself out of the hospital looking less than bad but slightly more than dead. He knew that War Games were coming and he wanted to complete his mission and secluded himself inside his house for the duration of the month and picking his team over the phone but no one has heard a single word from him in the past week, leaving some to believe he might have succumb to whatever voodoo he was doing to himself.

And here we are... looking at the unkempt house of Morbid Angel which is usually well maintained. A month of no yard work can have a negative effect on most anyone's property.

The camera zooms in on windows that had been covered with black sheets to block out the sun and curious eyes wanting to see what he is up to. Shame for the camera man who was on assignment to video Morbid Angel prior to the War Games PPV and get his angle. If Morbid wants not to be disturbed then goddamn it, leave him alone or pay the price! But a job is a job and when people need the money they take any job they can and Morbid Angel is a job that really no one wants to take because of all the risks. There are many that want to torment the camera crew any way they can and then there are people that don't want to torment them, bad things just sorta happen without rhyme or reason. This is why Morbid Angel promos are the highest paying gig in the XWF, because you could actually die or get sexually assaulted and if you're lucky you might just get a pat on the back.

The camera moves closer to the house, the sun is quickly fading behind a wall of clouds not to be seen again until tomorrow during it's rising leaving this daring person to be alone with Morbid Angel in the dark.

...Perhaps this time he will be wearing clothes?

Even if he was wearing clothes, would that save the man from whatever else could be happening? I mean, last time the camera put its lenses on our favored Russian he was near death.

Across the yard and onto the covered porch leading to the large oak doors. The camera notices that the door has been left ajar for quite some time, the lacquer on his parquet foyer floors had been damaged by the rain that blew into the house over the course of a few weeks, chipping away in brittle yellow chunks causing the sensitive wood underneath to swell and appear to get weather burnt.

The camera man pushes the door wide open and was unable to see much of anything in the darkness that had consumed the house, the only sense he could use was smell and it was smelling pretty horrid. A mixture between rotting meat and soured milk mixed with old semen. A smell that would ward off any unwanted house guests except animals and other lowly creatures.

He reaches for the lights and illuminates the room with a simple flick of the switch... a foyer leading to the grand staircase, overhead is the balcony and above that was the tower. It was more like the main office from way back when. Morbid uses it to watch cars pull onto his street so he can act creepy when they pull in.

To the right of the door was another dark room. The hue from the light fixture gave him a little bit of a view, he knew it was the sitting room because he had been there before with Steve Sayers and got a bit of a tour, not a complete tour but enough to know what was on the main floor.

"HELLO!?" Yelled the man hoping for any mortal reply.

He knew that there was a 50/50 chance that this could be an easy job and Morbid Angel always thick on the theatrics and not so much on subtlety part. The leafs whirl around the large foyer, dancing across the shinning floor glistening in the light almost like a whirlwind fashion beating against an old grandfather clock that wasn't ticking... in fact there was no noise at all besides the sound of the leaves scraping the floor, no a creak, not even the sounds of running appliances. All things considered, you could always hear the large cooler in the basement's motor humming away to keep the bodies cool. After all this is a respectable mortuary.

Using his human sense to smell the funk that is consuming the air and not giving much thought to the bacteria that is in those smells, if there was a decaying animal in this house, those same bacteria are floating through the air, you breathe them in getting them trapped in your lungs and nostrils and you take them with you. Partly the reason sick people wear masks to block flying bacteria.

At the far end of the foyer there was a door leading down to the cellar, the place where the dead are stored and where Morbid Angel had conducted his work on himself. As the man got closer to the door he noticed the smell getting stronger. The aroma now engulfing every sense, flies, rot, tears and even the inclination of danger caused him to break out in goose bumps as he turns the knob. A blast of heated stink slams him in the face, flies swarm into him as they rush into the house. This is a warning that most would heed but not our camera man. A brave man that he is, he is like a Christopher Isles but without drugs and incoherent drivel. In fact that was a bad choice of an example. Picture him as a young Morbid Angel. Strictly business until it's not!

As he walks down the darkened staircase, no light except the one on his camera he can see to the foot of the stairs and the light switch on the wall he scuffles down and turns it on while holding his breath, expecting to see something horrible. The lights flickers as they warm up, old florescent bulbs causing shadows to wave across the concrete floor, the room is surprisingly clean except for the rancid odor. Morbid's work station is piled with papers, his autopsy table was cleaned and ready for the next client. The camera man goes over to the table, the scent was so strong that he was holding back vomit. On the desk you can see blood drips. No doubt from his self-injecting, photographs of the process and documentation of the entire ordeal.

With his free hand the camera man moves the pages around and finds a flash drive, nothing special, just an 8gb drive sitting there looking him in the face. As the man looked at it he knew he wanted to grab it to see what was on it. It could actually have the way for eternal life!

Then again it could have the death of Morbid Angel on it, which would sell for a lot of money!

And who couldn't use more money? When has anyone said
"No thank you, I have enough money. I don't need anymore"?

No one! No one ever! Except liars, like Vinnie Lane!

Swiftly he grabbed the thumbdrive and put it in his pocket and scuffled to the stairs.

The scene fades to black!

The scene opens to the man sitting in his van with his laptop out.

The sun had fallen and the darkness was all around except for the glow of the laptop screen.

He sticks the thumbdrive into the slot and a file pops up, the file contained a video diary labeled "Project V".

He clicks on the first video and begins to watch.

::::Video One:::::

This is Doctor Kyril Krizchiv, I am here testing my theory of an immortality tonic, so far we had made it through the first round of tests with subjects which did not survive. They had not been given the entire dose of the serum leaving them without a few major bits that could have been the key.

Individually they were given a part of the mixture but never the entire strand which was just to test the differences between them and see the bodies reaction.

After the test subjects died, I decided to put it to the real test as an entirety. Injections directly into the heart.

The mixture contains Krokodil, Steroids, Formaldehyde and Vitamin B.

There exact quantities per injection will not be given in these videos but know, it is ample.

Today we are doing round one.

He uncovers a set of needles full of the assortment of drugs and begins to remove his shirt.

This is the moment of truth!

Morbid grabs the first needle and slams it into his chest and begins to push down the plunger, his eye begins to wince but he continues. He quickly follows up with the other needles and finishing the last one, his face looked swollen, he looked faint but tried to get up only to collapse across the desk.

::::Video End::::

The camera man skips through the 6 hour video only to see Morbid slumped over for the entire thing, only to wake up to turn off the camera

There were a grand total of 12 videos. He skips to the last one and starts watching.

:::::Video Twelve::::

Morbid Angel is sitting in front of a camera, pale, eyes black most likely from having gone septic. His flesh appeared to begin rotting from his body, which was an unfortunate side effect of Krokidil. He looked dead.

This is the last day of the study, I had been upping the dosages every day and now I believe I am at the max. I feel very good if you look past my less than desired appearance, I had lost 50 pounds of muscle but it's all for a good cause. Immortality doesn't need any pussies!

For the last round of injections I have added one simple thing that should speed up the process. Coumadin. It is a blood thinning agent that will allow this last round of injections to flow quickly through the body and I will have my immortality! VICTORY FOREVER!

With those words Morbid Angel starts the injections into the heart. He was use to the feeling so he was able to take the shots straight faced and even with a little bit of a smile.

As he rounded the last shot he began to slump over and gasp for air and even began to twitch! He started choking as the plunger wend down and he slid out of the chair and onto the floor, you could hear the rattling on the floor as his body twitched. His hand reached up to the desk trying to get up but fell back down and the noise stopped.

The camera sat with nothing going on, no noise. He skipped through the video for almost 20 hours before there was noise about 10 minutes before the end. Low growling and rattling before the Morbid one emerged from the floor looking less than himself, making noises and slothing around confused looking for something. Violently raging with no real reason before the scene fades to black!

::::Video Ends::::

The camera man looked shocked and frightened as he locked his doors and starting the engine to leave as he turned on his headlights we see the nude figure of the Morbid Angel, blood splattered on his face and still dripping down his chest. He lets out a loud scream into the night before jumping onto the hood of the van, smashing at the windshield, reaching in to grab the man all the wile letting out these snarls and trying to bite at him!

The camera man starts to scream as he slams the van into drive and takes off! and Zorbid Zngel falls off the hood and rolls into the treeline.

The scene fades to a Blood Red