X-treme Wrestling Federation
Taking back whats mine - Printable Version

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Taking back whats mine - Mr Killjoy - 09-01-2015

Rev is walking down the corrider with "his" championship, he turns a corner and walks straight into a TRAP SILENCER.Trax stands over the fallen champion smiling.

"Hey, thanks for keeping the title warm, but you see LeStrange pinning me was a freak accident, kinda like him actually, its obvious to me you're going to lose the title Wednesday, so if you don't mind I'll just take the title off your hands prematurely to stop it getting hot potatoed and devalued even further"

Trax covers Rev for the pin.

Taking back whats mine - The Reverend Tholomew Plague - 09-01-2015

Kick out

Not today trax