X-treme Wrestling Federation
We watch me in a play, and I'm really cute. - Printable Version

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We watch me in a play, and I'm really cute. - Ginger Snaps - 08-26-2015

We’re all sitting down to eat, my headache has lessened, and the food is yummy. King Henry is curled up in the corner, in the Llama bed I bought him. Tiff really outdid herself with tonight’s dinner, and Georgie picked a fantastic movie to watch, so he promises us. He won’t tell us what it is yet, but he promises it’s a good one. I’m sitting on the floor in between Johnny’s legs, and he’s sitting on the couch behind me. Tiff is curled up in the big recliner by the Llama bed, and George is half laying on the loveseat. He has a smirk on his face as he starts the telly.

We watch as an animated introduction takes us to… My Year 11 school play. It was Romeo and Juliet, I was the Nurse and Tiffany was Juliet. Johnny loved it! I was on point, I was, as the kids say, on fleek. I don't know what that means, but if the kids say it it has to be cool. We ate, and watched, and it was absolutely amazing. I was entirely shocked that George had this.

How did you find this, Georgie?!

Tiffany chuckles.

He didn't. My mum had a copy of it on tape. I went round, and she had it laying aboot. I nabbed it, and copied it over. I thought you'd want to see how skinny and cute you were then. Not like now.

She sets her plate on the arm of the chair, and gingerly slides onto the floor, like a snake. She slithers her way over to me, and grabs a hold of my belly. She's pinching it, and it hurts. I yelp, and she chuckles.

Chunky Munky. Baby fat!

I didn't gain weight did I?

Georgie and Johnny look at each other not sure what to say. Was I really fat?

I pull my stomach away, and stand up. I stomp my foot and pout.

I didn't gain weight, I'm cute.

Relax, baby. You're not really chubby, or anything. Your flat chest is still flat. I'm just messing. But, you do have an ickle baby bump showing. You pregnant?

I look to Johnny, he's got a blank stare on his face. The place isn't even over! Tiffany's boyfriend at the time, Hammish, was about to murder Tybolt. I don't know what to answer. I don't think I'm pregnant. Johnny and I are usually pretty safe.

I don't think so.

Ginger and I use protection, Tiffany. She's not pregnant.

We exchange looks and nod.

Relax guys, I'm kidding. Ginger's still all skin and bones. You guys are too easy.

She gets up, and walks to the kitchen. I hear a thud, and rush to her aid. I see Tiffany pulling a bowl down from the cabinet. She sets it down, and grabs something else. I hear a chuckle as she pulls down a half empty litre of Vodka. She tilts the bottle towards me, as if offering me some. I shake my head.

I'm good, gonna nip out to the shop for something real quick. This Paracetamol isn't doing sod for the head. Gonna see what else they got.

Johnny is up on his feet, as I try and go to the room. He gently grabs me by the shoulder, and hugs me tightly. He whispers in my ear.

Don't go buy a pregnancy test thinking you're pregnant, babe. It was one time. You're fine.

What if I'm late?

Are you?

I dunno. What time is it?

He shakes his head. I kiss him on the cheek.

Kidding. Yeah, I'm two days or so late, but it doesn't mean anything for sure. I'm just gonna run out and see if htey have some Excedrin or something.

I go to my room, and throw on a skirt, and take off the lounge trousers. It's raining, so I grab a pink jumper with sparkly hearts all on it, and my rain boots. I don't want my toes to get wet. I tie them tight, and put sparkly ribbons on them. I practising stomping in puddles before walking out into the parlour to see the three of them waiting for me. They look at me in confusion, as I stand there and smile. I give them a wave, and stomp my boot a little.

I'll go with you, Ginge. Girl with your headache shouldn't be walking by her lonesome.

I just nod, and we pop out of the house. The rain falls slowly on our heads, before I pull my hood up. Tiffany pulls it back down and wags her finger in my face.

Nope, I melt, you melt. It's the price of friendship.

She locks her arm in mine, and we skip down the road while it rains on us. She keeps stealing glances at me. I don't know what to or do. This is uncomfortable.

Listen, toots, I know you're going for a Pregs test, but you're not pregnant. You're not fat, I was kidding.

I'm late, Tiff.

I skip ahead and she stops completely still. The rain is falling, and I don't like it. I turn to tell Tiffany this.

We're getting drookit. I dinnae wanna stop. Come on.

Stop using old Scottish, kid. I know you're from here. You left that life, though. Coming back, and using your Nan's sayings won't make you more Scottish. You're still the girl who left, and spends half her time in America. I need you to tell me the truth, though, Are you seriously late?

I nod. I'm a mix of emotions at answering this. She doesn't seem happy, but I don't know. There's a stop in the rain, it feels like. Time has stopped, it feels like. She looks at me, like an Deer in lights. I hear a scream before she comes barreling at me. I close my eyes, and brace for impact. It's frightening, until I feel the impact. It's not hard, it's a hug. Her head hits my shoulder. I am confused. Until she starts to screech.

OMIGOD! I'm gonna be an aunt? Does anyone else know?

I shake my head. I only told Johnny I was late, not that I really thought I might be pregnant.

Let's go. My head really is to shit, and I do need something.

Tiffany looks shocked,

You swore! You never swear. Except at the MacCallough boy. And that was only when you thought he hit that dog while he was drink driving.

Well, my head hurts, I might be pregnant, and I'm in a match for the highest title in the world right now. My emotions are a wee bit scattered.

She laughs, and we walk up the road a bit more, until we hit a shop. She releases my arm, and I walk towards the door.

You coming in?

Nah, I'm gonna stay out and give me mum a ring, been week since I heard from her. You go, get your meds and tests.

I walk into the store, and look around, I find a litre of water in a bottle, and a bottle of Excedrin. I pick them up, and walk around some more, until I find the pregnancy tests. I pick up two of them, and walk over to the counter. I don't say anything as I put my items down, the cashier tings them up, and starts to talk, but I apologise and give a cheap excuse for not being able to talk. He totals me out, and I hand him cash before opening the bottle and taking exactly two. I take a big gulp of the water, followed by another. I look at the cashier.

Is there a toilet around?

He points me to a corner, with a sign that tells me where I can pee. I slowly walk over there with my bottle, and the tests. The bottle is sitting comfortably in my pocket. In the toilet stall, I lower my knickers and sit on the toilet, before drinking more water. I put the test in the bowl, and begin to pee on it. I'm nervous, what if I am going to be a mom? I finish peeing, and pull the test out. It says it needs four minutes to work, so I pull out my mobile, and cue up the camera, now seems like a good time to record a promo for Vinnie. I hope he listens.

Hey, Vinnie, I know, I've been scattered today, and I'm sure you're filled with a burning whining desire to answer my questions, but I have some new burning ones. I noticed that you sent some money to Dick E. The Special Guest ref for our match. I do hope you didn't try to bribe him to call things in your favour, implying that you were so afraid of me that you needed to hire someone, aside from our mutual friends, to make sure you win. Is that what happened? Is that where your confidence is? That you need as much help as possible to beat a wee little girl from Scotland? A girl who lost a match to Dim, and lost a match for the Hart Title. The girl, who's only won four matches, and you're afraid of her? Is that why you tried to bribe Dick E.? Should I get involved in this, and try to outbid you just to get him to call the match fairly? Vincent, I really hope I'm wrong about that, but you seem to like proving to the world that you're whiny, and need help. Sorry.

I close my camera and look at the test. It says I'm not Pregnant. I'll try the other test later tonight, just to make sure. I get up, and pull my knickers up, before tossing the used test. Washing my hands, and leaving the toilet takes only a minute, and I see Tiffany in the shop trying to buy a pack of fags.

I didn't know you smoked, Tiff?

She blushes.

I don't. You had me worried, so I was going to start.

Well, I'm not pregnant, so need.

She stops trying to buy them, and we walk home, the rain appears to have stopped. We skip home, and I keep drinking my water.

Kinda shame, though.

I look at her confused, as I take another gulp of water.

What is?

You not being a mum. I just talked to mine. She said hey.

I'll ring her tomorrow.

We get to house, and George is outside waiting for us.

Hey, Tiffa, let's go to your place tonight. Johnny's being sick in the toilet.

She nods, and I head in while they head to Tiff's place. I go in and hear the sounds of Johnny being sick, and head over to rub his back. He finishes, and I get him in bed. My poor Johnny is running a fever, so I sit up and watch him for a while. Until I have to pee again. I go in and use the toilet, while taking the second test. It also comes back negative, so I go back to bed.

At some point in the night, I hear Johnny get up and go get sick again.

He's going to see the test. Oh.