X-treme Wrestling Federation
Goro - Printable Version

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Goro - Goro - 08-20-2015


In-Ring Name: Goro

Wrestler's Real Name: Nicolas Naze

New to XWF or a returning roster member?: New to XWF

Wrestler Date of Birth: 20.09.1989

Height: 191 cm

Weight: 116 kg

Hometown: Lublin

Personality: Likes music, hates being judged, optimist

Alignment (heel/face/tweener): Heel

Looks Description: Medium muscularity, short dark hair, black rayban glasses, mortal kombat goro tattoo on chest,

Ethnicity: Pole

Pic Base: [Image: DiegoSanchez_Headshot.png]


Strengths: Strength, Stamina, Fitness

Weaknesses: Gets easily angered, hates kids and fat people

Entrance Theme Music: Eminem - Rap God

Special Entrance (if any): Sprint into the ring, few bounces of the ropes and finally a frontflip from second line

5 or More Commonly Used, Standard Moves: Clothesline, Neckbreaker, Uppercut, Suplex, Headbutt, Hurracanrana, DDT, Hangman's DDT, Slap, Chop

Trademark Move(s):
Description(s): One Leg Boston Crab, German Suplex, Ankle Lock, Tornado DDT, Superplex

Finishing Move(s):
Description(s): Rap God, Sit Down Powerbomb, 3rd rope splash, Superkick

Favorite Hardcore Attacks/Spots: Wrists, Ankles

Additional notes: none