X-treme Wrestling Federation
My opinion - Printable Version

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My opinion - Chameleon - 08-08-2015

I never cared for school. I did what I had to do to get out and never looked back.

I was told that a big part of xwf was the writers being able to write how they want. I'm not going to be too worried about "grammatical errors." I understand that everything needs to be as legit and correct as possible, but I personally dont feel that exact grammatical and punctuational correctness should decide a match. Im writing how I want to write and not like my high school english teacher is going to grade it.

Also, while doing a promo in character, it dosent really make sense to me to point out grammatical errors. The idea of a promo is that while you read it, the images are created in your head as if you were watching it like a movie on a screen.

If I were grading promos and deciding a match, I would look for creativeness, vivid descriptions of scenery to paint a good picture within the head of the reader, quality, intelligent trash talk, and good character and story development.

Pointing out grammatical errors shouldn't win you shit.

My opinion - Maverick - 08-08-2015

Hmmmm... I'm not sure where you found that grammatical mistakes can cost you a match. The first time I decided to judge a match, the key factors that were laid out to me-- and Shane himself told me this, btw:


-Trash talk

-Character development


That's basically the four main factors to keep in mind when writing RPs. Some people may actually use very bad grammar and spelling for trash talk, pointing out flaws in the way a character speaks. But, you shouldn't let that get to you. Use that to your advantage, maybe call them out and say how they're so devoid of ideas, they have to resort to picking on the way you speak.

And no, you don't have to use that line. I'm only giving you a piece of advice, not strategy.

re:My opinion - Chameleon - 08-08-2015

I don't know man it's some shit I went through with the last efed I was in and I am seeing it being mentioned in promos here as well.

Im just venting, I guess

re:My opinion - Calix - 08-08-2015

I don't think it's a major factor but it still should be a factor because it speaks to the overall quality of your work. The best example I can give you is that I will read over what I write multiple times to try to eliminate mistakes that I've made. I want my work to be at the best quality that I can get it to even if sometimes it's just a bunch of dick jokes. Now I'm not sure if this person did it here but I know in another fed I was in with them that they would put a disclaimer on their rps something along the lines of. "excuse the mistakes, no rereads" etc. So basically excuse the fact that I'm going to throw up an rp full of mistakes that I didn't bother proofreading and my rp should be judged exactly the same as everybody else's even though you busted your ass making sure yours was well written. See, it just shouldn't work like that. You shouldn't lose based on that alone of course but it should be a factor.

My opinion - Dean Moxley McGovern - 08-08-2015

If you mean the collab I posted on behalf of my team today where the narrator takes repeated cheap shots at your stable, it's all just a part of the game. Don't take it personally man. I've been doing this a while and I am positive that if we win on Monday it won't be because a narrator took a quick cheap shot about errors. The judges here look at much more than just that as far as I've been told.

If I can give a tip, don't do what Maverick said. Don't try to comment on the grammatical cheap shot. Why? Because you'd be claiming in character that Dean McGovern said something that really was a narrator comment and we'll know how to turn that around easily. If you want to focus on my character's trash talk, there is a lot about you in my first RP under the part where the scene ends and those words came from my character's mouth.

Remember this is all for fun and as far as I know nothing is personal from any of us. You may want to refrain from telling other people their "writing" is cliche and amateurish though, which you said in an in character thread yesterday. Not a good way to make friends, it makes you sound like you're losing your cool OOC, and it's super easy to turn around on you if we decide to quote it in one of our RPs tomorrow since it being in an IC section makes it fair game. Smile

If you ever want any advice or feedback on what you're doing, feel free to pm me.

re:My opinion - Maverick - 08-08-2015

(08-08-2015, 06:52 PM)Dean Moxley McGovern Said: If I can give a tip, don't do what Maverick said.

Or, y'know, follow Dean's advice.

It works either way.

Okay maybe not so much if you follow my advice but you get the point.

re:My opinion - Chameleon - 08-08-2015

Yeah I guess that was just me letting stuff get to me. Didnt mean to come off that rude

re:My opinion - Frodo mother fucking Smackins - 08-08-2015

Uh, bub, Lane is an English teacher. Tongue All kidding aside, grammar plays a very small role, but not a massive one. Thing is, though, if you make a bunch of mistakes it can be thrown around that you have a speech impediment or something, and we can find IC ways to make fun of it. Just like if you miss a word, I can say that you've got so much dicks in the mouth and can no longer speak English.