X-treme Wrestling Federation
Final stop before Madness - Printable Version

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Final stop before Madness - kidx - 04-07-2013

Final stop before Monday Night Madness

(I roll in to Tampa bay with all kind of thoughts in my mind. I am wondering why have all these rookies involved in this match been so quiet to this point. However no matter what I will hit that ring and do what I have always done… and that is dominate the rest of the wrestlers in the ring. I will show them exactly what I mean by I never back down or quit. My time to shine is now its time for me to prove. However tonight I must tell the XWF what I think. So tonight I show up at their house show and shock the world. I pull up to the house show and head on in to the building. Once getting to the door of the building I am stopped by the door man.)

//Door man\\ “Hey man where do you think you are going?”

//Kid-X\\ “I am going in that door and walking down to that ring and telling XWF how I feel about my match coming Monday.”

//Door man\\ “Oh man I am sorry I did not know you were a new superstar here in XWF. So what’s your name bro?”

//Kid-X\\ “First of door man do your job and open the door for me. Second off I am not your bro.”

//Door man\\ “You do not have to be a jerk. I hope you get your but whipped.”

(At this time the door man opens the door for me. I have a cocky smirk on my face as I walk past the man at the door. I walk into the building and heads straight to the ring. I find the entrance to the ring and walk under the curtains. As I walked under the curtains I’m back starts blasting over the PA system. The fans do not know rather to boo or cheer as I am a new wrestler here in XWF. I continue down to the ring and slides under the bottom rope. I pull a mic out of my back pocket. I raise it up to my lips and begin to talk to the XWF crowd.)

//Kid-X\\ “I know most of you do not know me or have followed my career. However what I have done in my past does not matter. It is a case of what have you done for me lately. I understand I will have to earn my keep here in XWF. So you may wonder where I start on my journey here in XWF. I have an over the top rope rookie challenge. I will face four other XWF rookies like Shocker, Blaze, Michael Hall, and Michelle Johnson.”

(I stop to hear the crowd’s reactions. However they are quiet and waiting for me to continue.)

//Kid-X\\ “Let me start with Michelle Johnson. It’s very simple with this girl. She cares more than love then she does about the ring. Her and JC Styles are together to be happy with one another. Something you need to understand chick that if you’re not here to win titles then are here for the wrong reasons. You see I am here to win titles and kick some a**. You lack dedication and that is why I am going to take your skinny little a** and dump you over that top rope and you will be done with.”

(I pause for a second and lower the mic as the fans are starting get a little more into it. I raise the mic and begin to talk again.)

//Kid-X\\ “Now let me move on to Michael Hall. You claim you have heart and will never give up. Kid you have no idea what you have signed up. I know you’re a quick guy that likes to fly. Well your little a** can fly right of the ring. Then we have Blaze. Blaze what are you some kind of superhero. Let me quests you are going to use your super power to throw all your opponents over the rope. Man this is not some fantasy movie. This right here is real life right here. I am going to grab you toss you over that rope before you even know what happened.”

(I stopped as the crowd starts chanting my name. I can feel my heart start to pump. At this time I am feeding off the crowd.)

//Kid-X\\”Now let me move on to Shocker. Shocker you are in no condition to even wrestle in this match. Everyone knows that you’re in the match but we all know that you are the weakest link. All joking aside at Madness it will be a war. There will be people that will get hurt. Time for talk will be over. The time will be for action will be upon us. So tick tock your time is running out for Shocker, Blaze, Michael Hall, and Michelle Johnson.”

(I drop the mic and you hear the thug of the mic hitting the ground. I roll out of the ring and headed to the back. The crowd is going nuts. The scene fades out to black.)