X-treme Wrestling Federation
Nice Try Drew - Printable Version

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Nice Try Drew - Thunderbolt Lying Asshole - 07-29-2015

The XWF camera crew zoom in on Thunderbolt X talking to his long time friend, Dustin Diamond Drake.

Thunderbolt X- "I cannot believe you came to the XWF"

Drake- "Neither can I" "But you recommended this place so much, I had to take a look"

Thunderbolt X- "Are the ThunderDrakes reuniting now!"

Drake- "Maybe, but I have no idea how long I will be here for"

Thunderbolt X- "Eh, fair enough" "Anyways, are you looking forward to Relentless?"

Drake- "I don't know, I don't think so"

Thunderbolt X- "Why not, your amazing in the ring"

Drake- "Because, it is my debut match for XWF, at a pay per view no less, and the fact is, I have not competed in a ladder in over 5 years"

Thunderbolt X- "Oh don't worry about it Drake, I'm sure you'll do fine"

Drake- "You reckon?"

Thunderbolt X- "You betcha!"

Drake- "Thanks, bro"

Thunderbolt X- "No problem, anyway I have to go prepare for my match"

Drake- "Wait you have a match at Relentless?" "I didn't read the card any further than my match"

Thunderbolt X- "Bro, I have an 'Ultraviolent' I Quit with Fontanna on the same day"

Drake- "Bro, are you sure your up to the match?"

Thunderbolt X- "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

Drake- "Because, you haven't competed in an I Quit in over 3 years and the most hardcore you have gotten when I last saw you, was you competing in a street fight against Joey Phoenix"

Thunderbolt X- "So?"

Drake- "So, I don't think you are ready"

Thunderbolt X- "Drake, bro, I got this, trust me"

Drake- "If you say so" "Anyways I better head off and prepare for my match"

Thunderbolt X- "Ok bro, take it easy"

Drake starts to walk away.

Drake- "You know I will"

Thunderbolt X- "Oh and good luck at Relentless"

Drake- "Thanks bro, oh and the same to you"

Drake runs down the hallway while Thunderbolt X chuckles to himself. Thunderbolt X walks down the hallway when he bumps into two unknown people.

Thunderbolt X- "Hey watch where your go…"

The 2 men are revealed to be…… Drew Archyle and his manager, The Manager!

Thunderbolt X- "Oh it's just you"

Drew Archyle- "Your damn right it is me" "And for your infomation, you are breaking MY restraining order, so get back"

The Manager- "You are defenceless Thunderbolt" "I suggest you do as you are told, RIGHT NOW!"

Thunderbolt once again smirks at himself.

Thunderbolt X- "I don't have to do anything" "I'm not listening to you or Drew" "As a matter of fact, I am not even going to listen to the restraining order"

Drew Archyle- "Is that so?" "Well you see, one little phone call can change all that"

Thunderbolt X- "Is that right Drew?" "Well may I have a look at your restraining order, to make sure everything is in order?"

The Manager- "No you may not!"

Thunderbolt X- "Why not?" "Oh wait, lemmy guess" "Is it because it is an non-exsisting one?"

The Manager- "No, it is real"

Thunderbolt X- "Then show me"

Drew Archyle- "Just show him the restraining order"

The Manager pulls out the restraining order and hands it to Thunderbolt X. Thunderbolt X reads the restraining order and then tears it into a million pieces.

Thunderbolt X- "Oops"

The Manager- "You can't do that!" "That is against the law!"

Drew Archyle- "You bastard, you shouldn't have done that"

The Manager- "I am going to call the cops right now"

Thunderbolt X- "And tell them what, excately?" "That I broke a dead Restraining order?"

Drew Archyle- "You will pay for what you just did"

Thunderbolt X- "NO, You will pay for all the torment and lies you have created" "Now if you'll excuse me, I have a match to prepare for"

Thunderbolt X pushes past Drew Archyle.

Drew Archyle- "You mean a match your pretty much going to lose?"

Thunderbolt X stops and turns around.

Thunderbolt X- "WHAT?!" "For your information, I have to say 2 words, to lose the match" "Two words that are not in my vocabulary"

Drew Archyle- "Are you sure about that?"

Thunderbolt X- "I'm damn sure" "And now that your restraining order is out the window, I would watch your back in your match"

Drew Archyle- "I'm not scared of you or your threats"

Thunderbolt X- "Great cause you shouldn't be" "Now I'm gonna turn my back and count to 3" "From there, you will have 2 choices, you either stay here and get your ass kicked" "Or you and Mr Manager can run away, to fight another day" "Do you understand me?"

Drew Archyle- "Crystal clear"

Thunderbolt X turns around while Drew looks at Thunderbolt and then the hallway.

Thunderbolt X- "1…"

Drew balls up his feet and stares at Thunderbolt's head.

Thunderbolt X- "2…"

Drew Archyle shrugs and attempts to cheap shot Thunderbolt. Thunderbolt X turns around and catches Drew fist before it hits him. He twists and squeezes his hand causing agony in Drew.

Thunderbolt X- "Drew, Drew, Drew, you are so predictable" "Now, I am going to give one more chance"

Thunderbolt X throws Drew halfway across the hallway, almost throwing him into a door full of equipment crates.

The Manager- "Drew are you ok?" "Come on let's go, I need to find and talk to Kirk McClay"

The Manager helps up Archyle and they both run off while Thunderbolt X laughs at them.

The Camera fades to black