X-treme Wrestling Federation
Sin's of thy father! - Printable Version

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Sin's of thy father! - Fontanna - 07-27-2015

We are in the same abandoned church we where in last time, but only this time things look a lot different. This time the building looks fresh and new. The paint still on the walls, all the pews are beautifully stained and in working condition. A stunning wooden cross hang's behind the pulpit. The sun shining through the stained glass windows, illuminating the sanctuary with rainbow colored light beams. A small child, maybe five or six years old, is walking down the center aisle. His hands crossed, his head bowed as he approaches the cross. The child kneels before the foot of the cross, his head still bowed, his eye's clinched so tight they might start to bleed. He begins to pray...

[Image: 10087-little-boy-praying-big.jpg]

Father forgive me for I have sinned. You see my mother was drunk again. When she get's to drinking she don't act like herself. She likes to hit me with things, all sorts of things. Well today I couldn't take anymore and I ran away from home. I know you said to "Honor thy mother and father" but I failed to be able to do that. Please forgive me for being so weak...

The boy begins to weep heavily until he feels the soft touch of a hand on his shoulder. The boy wipes his eyes with his sleeves and looks up. There was a beautiful lady standing over him. The boy could only assume her to be an angel sent to cure his pain. She helped him to his feet and sat him down on one of the pew seats...

What's your name sweetheart?

Freddy... Sniff Sniff

Awww Freddy you don't need to cry anymore child. My name is Veronica Davies, my husband is the pastor at this here church. How about you follow me, and let me get you something to eat. Are you hungry sweetheart?

He nods his head yes and let's her lead him out of the sanctuary and out the front door. The sun was shining bright on this mid summer day, baking everything with it's humid heat. Veronica leads him to an old farm house that was on the property. From the outside it looked very homey and invited. Little did he know the horrors that awaited him inside...

[Image: 6db88f737ef8f26a570c6be0eac1b810.jpg]

I have been more then fare with you ThunderBolt! Yet you disrespect me by not even promoting our match. Where are you ThunderCunt? I get it...no I really do! If I ran around this place telling everybody that I would never give up, I wouldn't show my face either! You're about to be exposed for the phoney you are and now you have cold feet. All those big word's you've been spouting off backstage, and now that you have a public platform to prove me wrong, your no where to fucking be! That's ok Mr. X because by the end of the week you will have no where to run. You will be staring your grim reaper in the eye, and when he is finished tearing you limb from limb, he is going to make you utter those magic words "I Quit" and then send your soul to Hell where it belongs!

You see Jacob I know who you really are. I can see the deepest, blackest, part's of your heart! You come out here and chant your catchphrases, and the people fucking love you, but then you go back into that locker room you piss off every single one of the boys! I have to beat you ThunderBolt. I have to rid this company of you and you phoney lifestyle.

Jake this is the part where I would say "This isn't personal, it's only business" but that would be a lie. This is very personal. I can't stand you. You make me want to throw up in my mouth, but up until this moment I had to put up with you. I say no more! This match will be the biggest test for you yet! I will do things to you that you wouldn't think humanly possible. Let's see if can survive...my money is on no!

The inside of the house matched the outside of the house. Everything in it's place and not one strand of fabric out of place. The walls where covered in different form's of crosses. Some made of iron, while others where made of wood or even glass. Veronica led young Freddy into the kitchen and sat him at the kitchen table. It was one of those wooden ones with the griffin feet, anyway back to your story. She set's little Freddy up with a feast fit for a king. He eats faster then a man in prison, as it's been awhile since he has had a good meal. Veronica sits across the table from him. Freddy felt a little weird having her stair at him while he ate, but he was just happy to have a hot meal. He had know idea that everything was about to get a lot worse...

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