X-treme Wrestling Federation
Redemption - Printable Version

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Redemption - Phil "Cm Punk" brooks - 07-18-2015

The song "This Fire Burns" by Killswitch Engage begins to resonate throughout the arena,signifying the arrival of The Straight-Edge Superstar, CM Punk. Within ten seconds of his theme music beginning,Punk casually walks out from the back with an arrogant smirk on his face.He looks out at the booing XWF Universe, Punk slowly begins to take a knee at the top of the ramp,running his hand along the stage before raising a clenched fist and gazing at his wrist as if checking a watch. Punk raises his hands to his mouth.....and screams "It's Clobberin' Time!" as the fans boo him once again. Punk swings around and holds his arms out, taking a couple of steps backwards down the rampwhile displaying the back of his shirt. Punk turns back around and makes his way further down the ramp, not acknowledgingthe crowd whatsoever. He walks up the steel steps and climbs to the top of the nearest turnbuckle, screaming that he's the "Best in the World!" and raising his arms triumphantly. After a few seconds Punk jumps down and heads to the opposite side of the ring where he's handed a microphone. Punk heads to the centre of the ring, music now ceased, and takes a seat. Punk raises his microphone and begins to speak.

[Image: Punk2.jpg]

CM Punk: I just want to get one thing very clear before I continue - I'm not here to speak about what happened Monday night at Madness. Believe me, I have quite a lotto say on the matter and it's not like me not to let loose the moment I touch a microphone... but it'll have to wait. There'llbe a time and a place for me to air my grievances, which'll no doubt be taken on board by all of you but ignored by the people who sit comfortably in a position ofpower that can actually do something about it but I wouldn't be the man that I am if I didn't congratulate Frodo on his victory. But that's as far as thekudos go. I made one mistake and I paid the price for it, a mistake that I won't be making ever again. I'm the first to admit that I'm rather confident in what I can do, knowing beyond doubt that I am the Best in the World. The things that I can do in this ring are unfathomable to your common wrestler. I'm just your ordinary guy outside this ring, but inside I'm as unique as they come. I'm not perfect, which is why I'm prone to the odd mistakeon occasion. When I get it wrong, I lose to coward ass midgets like Frodo Smackins, but when I get it right... I'm untouchable.

Punk smugly looks around at the crowd before continuing.

CM Punk:But I know when to keep the past in the past and i moved on....What I will do? I’ll come out here and say what I KNOW I deserve and I'll prove it in this ring when I go face to face with whoever he is this Wednesday night. I'm going against one person who thinks he can beat me... Who THINK He can stand in this ring and beat me like I'm some nobody.

(Punk begins to add fire to his speech as he looks into the cameras...)

You know...Tommy Yeah I'm talking to you; you seem to be the Funny guy around here as you strut your stuff aroundbackstage and in this ring? You are talent-less sack of crap in this company. You talk about all of this nonsense that just makes me want to drill holes in my ears. I'm going to be honest with you, Tommy... I don't like you and I never did. I was one of the guys in High School who got picked on 'cause I rocked the lip ring, I had a different sense of music taste and fashion sense... But I didn't go and bitch about it.I didn't go home and cry in my bed sheets asking the oh so merciful God to grant me a damn solution. (Punk Pauses) I became my OWNsolution without the need to hope, withoutthe need to cry, and without the need to depend on others.That's your problem, Tommy... You never knew how to depend on yourself hence why You are soft, Tommy but I don't think you realize that. You come out here and put on this false bravado as if you were actually someone to take seriously; as if you were someone that struck fear into somebody. (Punk smiles and laughs to himself)You and I both know that's a load of bull as the day you strike fear into someone is the day Ill take a drink (Fans are heard chuckling as Punk smiles to himself) Truth be told,Tommy... You're just in waaaaaaaay over your head as Wednesday is not the night where you're going to be the dreamer thatwill go on to turn those so-called, 'dreams'into realities... Wednesday night is going to become your nightmare,Thomas because just when you think the honor of beating me... I'm going to take it away from you and watch those XWF trademarked tears of yours flow down those chubby cheeks. (Punk smirks) I know you're backstage justholding in all of this anger. I know you wanna come out here and get in my face and show the whole world that you're not the pansy we all KNOW you are... But unfortunately for you, it won't happen. Why? It's because you know if you come out here, I'll make you scream Uncle.

Fans start booing...

Thomas... This is who I am and this is what I'm about. I am a simple man that lives under a simple life. I live with a code that I wouldn't break for the billionth dollar in the world. I Don't smoke, I Don't drink, and I don't do drugs... I don't need apick me up or a keep me down. All I need is the XWF Undisputed Championship andI can't get that unless I show you XWF morons who really is the better man and then go on to put you to sleep. You believe you arethe future of this company in which may be true... IN some sort of time paradox but right now? You aren't anything as I'M the future AND your future World Champion.

Punk pauses briefly before continuing.

Wednesday night? ... you better prepare as I'm coming out with guns blazing and I'm making sure that MY FACE... Is advertised for the finals. I'm making sure that I am a known THREAT and there's not one person that's going to stop it... Not even you two. Wednesday night? Thomas.. I prove why I am the Best in the World, but also why I am..." "BETTER THANYOU!"

Punk drops the microphone to the mat then proceeds to leave the ring, make his way up the ramp and promptly head to the back.