X-treme Wrestling Federation
Climbing Out Of Bed (RP 2) - Printable Version

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Climbing Out Of Bed (RP 2) - Tommy MeansGood - 07-14-2015

The very same bedroom from the night before appears, only now the sun is shining, light rays beam through the windows, even the tiniest of birds are chirping and fluttering about. We see the clock next to the bed says "1:00 P.M". Who on Earth could be sleeping so late? And on such a beautiful day? The emotionally drained husk of the nicest man on the entire planet, that's who! Tommy Meansgood, exhausted from what could only be described as a series of emotional back flips,tumbles, twists, and turns, lies in his bed. It appears his loss to Glisten and apparent insult fest from Scully has done a number on his general mood of cheer! (And his change of promo style and sudden narration) Tommy begins to stir. We hear a grumble, and a mumble, and a yelp, just as he tumbles out of his red race car bed!

"Oh Snapples! That hurt! A lot! Not as much as my pride though I guess, well I guess whoever was right, it does come before the fall! Hahaha.." Tommy laughs at his own joke before realizing he's still in his slump. Tommy rubs his head and stands up. He looks at his trusty clock to find how late it already is!

"Oh noes, I hate when I wake up late. But this is super, duper, ultra late! I worked myself up to a mighty depressed state last night. I mean, look at me, I said the "R" word. That's like the the worst word you can say besides a curse word! Everyone always told me, "Tommy! You can't let yourself get worked up like that! Always count to 100 until you're calmed down! Now take that bag off your head! Idiot!"... that's what they say, everytime! " Tommy sighs and sits on his bed. He starts to count... 1...2...3...4...4...4...4. Tommy doesn't really do numbers very well. He only ever needed to count to 4 anyways. Feeling a lot better, Tommy puts his thinking face on. " Now I gotta think, how can I make sure I get out from under this cloud of depressiosity. Last time I was not feeling so good, I went to the park! That's not really gonna help much though... come on Meansgood... think! You do it all the time! Well sometimes...when its not to hard... or I'm not too tired... ooooooooh! I know! I know what to do! To fight the power of depressiosity, I have to use its worst nightmare! Its greatest enemy! Its exact opposite! The almighty power of niceitude! All I have to do is think of nice things! Soooooo... stuff like... my bed! I love my race car bed! And...ummm... my clock! It always tells the time to the dot! And cotton candy! That's always super nice. Ummm, Wrestling! Wrestling is the nicest thing of all. I get to do all my favorite things when I wrestle. Like suplexing people! I love suplexing people all different types of ways. Tiger, German, you name it! And kicking people! Oh boy I sure love to kick people all over. Especially in the head! Tommy laughs an odd, sick laugh.

" Oh wow I feel better already! Yes! You've done it again, Tommy! Note to self, remember to give self a gold star! Hmmm, once I've got my thinking face on, I can't seem to stop thinking. What if I... if i... hold on there Tommy, that's crazy... no... thats genius! I know how I'll stay out of the depressed corner for good! And how I'll win my match against that retar... whoa whoa whoa, there it goes again... against Scully! I'll use the power! The weapon! The ultimate move! Niceitude! And... then I'll kick him in the head with my patented end move... "END OF MATCHY!!!!!" Woooooooo! Yeah!" At this point, Tommy begins making crowd noises and slips into his strange imagination. Now, we can't possibly know exactly whats going on in that sick, stupid, nice brain of his, but we can't imagine that its anything very nice for his opponent, Scully!