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Chance to be something [1/2] - Printable Version

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Chance to be something [1/2] - Ursula Areano - 04-05-2013

Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success. - Dale Carnegie

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT4zTPC79nAcbQls-BO9Df...fXufQdB2nR]

Going back to square one

Scene opens in a awesome locker room where we find Ursula with her head down. We see her cutting away at the athletic tape that is wrapped around her hands and forearms. As she finishes cutting she puts the scissors down and leans over and begins to unlace her wrestling shoes. After a minute or two she unlaces both shoes and takes them off. After she takes her shoes off he lets out a sigh of disbelief and just sits in the chair shaking her head.

What the hell happened out there?

Ursula begins to put her blonde hair into a pony tail.

Tonight was not my night at all. Just the fact of tonight being one of the worst moments of my career ever. Every time that I am in a high stakes match. I was unable to pull the win off. In some way of the grace of god, some way I lose.

Ursula shakes her head as the thoughts enter her mind. She leans back in the chair.

The conclusion for the long waited Gauntlet City match is over. The reasons of my head being down, the same reasons that the darkest days are still upon us. I could going on about what happen, but it will make it easier for me to show you.

The first image plays through Ursula's minds - just like a showing of a bad movie.

Quote:Wilkins simply picks up Ursula and then tosses Areano over the top ropes. Ursula lands hard on the outside of the ring.

Ursula starts to sit up in her chair.

How in the hell could that happen? Maybe when I got in the face of Ronnie. His awful breath took me off guard. Well, that could be a reasonable answer of me being out the match to quickly.

Ursula begins to laugh, this has to be a while since Ursula has laughed like this.

Wow that is something right? Me, Ursula Areano - losing my match by a guy's bad breath. I must be truly lame right? I must be at the bottom of the whole XWF right?

Ursula pauses for a quick moment.

Those facts can be proven - just look at me. When was the last time I won a match right? Well it was against that Alex guy. Didn't I end his career or something of that nature?

Ursula shrugs her shoulder at an attempt of knowing at the camera.

But I guess the match ended fairly right? Well - in my eye's everyone was cheated in the match. Ronnie knew he couldn't win, so he had to try and make an attempt to walk out of the match breathing. He had to use his smelly breath powers to take down our hero.

Ursula just laughed again, the thought of it being a comic book.

Know we have come to the latest issue of Ursula. How could Ursula come back from being out smarted by the smelly villain? Just the thought of the villain getting the jump on the hero. Happens all the time, but it is a never ending cycle.

Just like life or death. But in this cycle the thoughts are against the hero. Maybe, just maybe - could it for the hero. Could it really be over? eh as long I am still here fighting it will never be over. I will make an moment of evolve. Or it could be a tale of Ursula almost making an reasonable impact here in XWF.

Ursula just made one of those shocking faces

Hold on?! did Ronnie win the title or did the lame as president, whatever or whoever win?! I am so confused by the outcome of this match. Truly no lie at all. But I know for most of the XWF roster it is not a surprise. Stating facts as calling me a bitch or declaring the fact my English is bad? Ronnie was on of those same people that stated those facts?

But no whatever, what the hell you say. I will always get strong. Have you fucking realize that I am fucking Immortal? That I will not die, nor go anywhere. That I will not stay down for long. Just as the same facts for my match on Madness a match where this could be my chance to show Neonero and Capra. That I am truly the Next Big Thing.

-Fade to Darkness-

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT8RYDY4c-c0gD0hfK9gjB...TNACw1k_Xo]

You can't fight the tears that ain't coming, or the moment of truth in your lies. When everything seems like the movies, yeah, you bleed just to know you're alive. - Goo Goo Dolls


The camera opens to a grim, grey sky on a spring afternoon in Buenos Aires, Argentina. There is a storm brewing in the air, and there not a lot of noise outside aside from the small amount of wind.

The camera pans downward to see Ursula Areano in a parking lot, alone, standing outside of her black Chevy Camaro. She is decked out in jeans and a black hooded jacket.


She takes a momentary pause to ponder for a moment.

My life has been full of opportunity, nobody ever handed me anything. If I wanted money, I had to earn it. If I wanted a car, I had to earn it. I have earned everything in my life. I don't need to be handed anything because I earn it through hard work and dedication. I don't just show up and expect people to kiss my ass like they owe me something.

Ursula begins to to lean on the door of her car, and looks to the sky for a moment.

I come from a place where you have to earn your food, and take every opportunity you get and run with it. A guy like Neil Capra is not humble at all and expects to walk right through me and Neonero. He is going to be in for a rude awakening when he realizes that I will not lay down for anybody. He is disrespecting me by not taking me seriously this time, and where I'm from, if you don't give respect you don't get any back.

The facts of his masochism - Well I could state the seemly pointless facts about your sex life. But that will be to easy and what not.

Maybe just stating the facts when, a chance of becoming a champion. The fact of having your hand raised. Oh my god that is what you call a moment right there. In my eyes an reasonable turn on. But the fact of a challenge that graces me. A fact that I have a chance to win this match. Just makes my fucking mouth water.

You see Neil I have a will of fire, a reason what pushes me on to be the best. To show the world, that Ursula will be on top again. To make an statement that I am a legend in the making. That this woman right here on this camera scene.

Is the Next Big Thing!

Ursula continues in a more calm manner.

I have been busting my ass my entire life in order to make a decent living. I got into this business because I love this sport. I have been preparing for this moment for my entire life, to become a champion once again - and come Madness i get another opportunity of a lifetime. I will be European title.

Ursula pauses and begins to laugh.

Me, Ursula Areano become champion. That will never happen right? Just look I had a match with Jeff and was unable to win the match. Even though I was cheated. I ever stated the facts that. There will be some way that I will win the UFO title. But look how that turned out.

Then you want to know something? I stated the fact I will overcome in at the PPV and become top of the mountain. I was the last person to enter the match, fought like a warrior and pulled everything and still lost the match.

Ursula just puts her head on her forehead; trying to block out the bad thoughts.

The like's of someone like me trying to convince myself that I will overcome. But it truly never happens. Sad right? I know as of now I am on the jobber road. Never able to pick up the simplest win in the world. But in some way I am still here, still pushing forward; waiting for the darkest to end. To see the end of the grime and storm day. Into the bright and graceful light.

Ursula then switches in a depressed face; instead of the glowing face before.

The note that I am facing Neonero, just put my mind in an uneasy state. The sense of a triple threat match. A match where mostly anything can happen, that odds are high to overcome. The fact of this will be the first time. We will be in the ring together, damn sure not the last for the title. But eh!, time will come for that.

It is all about right now, the fact that you stand in my way, like a roadblock between Mexico and the USA. That reminds me of those times. But don't get me as trespassing, Someone like me always holds on to there green card. But eh? some don't.

Ursula hits a face palm

Ursula let me get back to the point. Yes Neonero, the like's me could trash talk all she wants. State to the fans that your my bitch. Or the fact that you eat dog's. Or the shameful facts that in your video; you have no sense of style at all.

Ursula straightens herself up a little.

But I will not do that, unlike most of the people here. I respect you, even though you tried to challenge me to a match at the of sleeping with out. Which in no way of hell. It was going to happen. But I do respect your ring skills. Will I be prepared for it in the upcoming match? eh we will have to see won't we? I guess so; don't judge the fact's I am answering my self.

Ursula begins to laugh.

I am not crazy, but that's beside's the point that I am making. I am just stating that I will bring everything in this match. Will I be able to pull of the win?

Hell no!, the odds of me winning is high as taxes. But hopefully that will change; due time. But let's not think about that, like's think about the facts. That in some kind of way Ursula will be able to pull a win.

A win that could change her whole career here in XWF? Or the fact of Neil finding ways to pull a cheap win. Or the fact Neonero prove's that he is once again the top guy on Madness. These are the everyone in the world know's good and well. But a fact, everyone keeps forgetting I will not stop fighting. I will pull the same fight I showed in the main event of the PPV. Just think about it being better than that.

Ursula pauses for a moment; she begins to grin at the camera.

Like a great man once said. Think of it being Three Times Better.

-Fades to Darkness-