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Quality - Printable Version

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Quality - DMX-Factor - 06-09-2015

[Image: 11350376_10153345386593674_1318682899_n.jpg]
XWF Wednesday Warfare 6/10/15 RP #4

Characters used: n/a
Characters mentioned: Mr. Kirk MacClay, Trax, Robbie Bourbon, KKK, Ryan Hunter, Hero Xtreme 7.9 and etc., NOCMM (referred to as "Knock'em"), Game Girl

XWF Wednesday Night Warfare
June 10, 2015

(As Wednesday Night Warfare comes on the air, the camera points to the stage as the crowd waits to see how the night will begin. Suddenly, the intro to Jay Z and Kanye West's "Who Gon' Stop Me" hits the PA. The lights around the Osaka Dome shut off, allowing only the X-Tron to be lit up.)


(At that point, a white light shines at the center of the stage, and DMX-Factor appears in that light with his arms up in the air, making an "X". The crowd gives a mixed reaction. He nods his head to the music as he makes his way down the ramp and towards the ring.)

Ring Announcer: "Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the ring at this time, the Innovator of Innovation, DMX-Factor!"

(DMX-Factor makes his way to the ring and slides in. After making it to his feet, DMX pulls a microphone out of his back pocket and waits for the music to end. After a few seconds, the music indeed fades out and DMX brings the mic to his lips to speak.)

DMX: "So...between da racially charged hostility, da hateful nature towards women, da reappearance of da KKK, to even da act of drenching a man wit gasoline wit da means to set him on fire...Mr. Kirk MacClay has da nerve to say there will be hell to pay for...my interference in a match? Really dawg? Hey man, I like you too, but I'm absolutely disgusted wit da way you run dat shithole of a show called Madness. Do you realize dat by allowing da Klan to almost set Trax on fire, you're jeopardizing your big money spot in da next pay-per-view. You're jeopardizing da most anticipated match dis company will ever see, and you're jeopardizing da ass whoopin' dat I will give to Trax. I guarantee you dat is NOT wat you want, and not what you or da rest of management can afford. Can we not let dat happen again? Because let me tell you somethin', Mr. MacClay. I like you. I really do. Punish me for interference if you want...but if you continue to allow deez jackasses to run amok here in da XWF, then there will be hell to pay. Got it? Good."

(DMX grins a bit after mocking Mr. MacClay, but gives a demeanor where he means business.)

DMX: "Now, before I continue, I would like to give a shout out to Robbie Bourbon. Dis guy...dis guy can fight da good fight. Finally, someone else besides Ryan and me dat knows bullshit when they see it. Speakin' of bullshit, let's talk...hmmm...promos. Dat seems to be da popular topic around here. Promos. Wat is a promo? Jack in the Box has a promo, buy one Black Pepper Cheeseburger, get one free. It's good, but honestly I prefer those bacon and swiss garlic butter sandwiches. It's like an orgasm in your mouth, but dat's besides da point. It's not dat kind of promo dat I'm talkin' about. I'm talkin' bout da kind where you speak. Where you talk. Where you connect a group of words and create sentences. Sometimes in a controlled environment. Maybe wit some pretty decent lighting. Maybe wit a leather couch dat you borrowed from a neighbor. Maybe with an XWF interviewer at your side wit a microphone at hand. Or maybe, juuuuust maybe, somethin' dat I'm doin' right as I speak. Dis is a promo. Whoopty fuckin' do, DMX, wat's your point? Well thank you, Master X. Now get back to da forbidden zone, you're not supposed to come out of there."

(Master X is a reference to one of DMX's old personas, one of the three characters part of the "Three Faces Of X". DMX was once forced to never use Master X again after being defeated in a match with Ryan Hunter.)

DMX: "Well my point is, givin' a promo is, sorry to say to "Knock'em" and Hero Xtreme 7.9 or whoeva's ass I'm makin' bleed tonight, NOT wrestling. A promo is not fighting. A promo may make you a legend on da mic, but it doesn't make you a god in da ring. Dat may sting a bit, Hero, but da truth is da truth. So can you do me a solid and SHUT DA FUCK UP ABOUT PROMOS?!? If words alone won matches, you'd be undefeated, 'cause you just won't fuckin' shut da hell up! Fortunately, it's wat you do in dis ring *points to the mat* dat determines your skill, and quite frankly, "Knock'em", your client is NOT on my level. In fact, I really don't know wat you are doin' here besides wasting roster space and payroll. You're not even slightly decent on da mic, so I don't know why da fuck you're worried about when I talk and how often I do so. I'm here for one purpose, and one purpose only, and dat is to kick whoever's ass steps in my way and light da biggest flame around dis organization, da likes of which nobody here has ever seen before. And if dat means I have to take down a false god, knock some sense in a man who's obsessed wit callin' people and monkeys, or if it means becomin' pixelated and breakin' a girl's heart by takin' her Intercontinental Championship..."

(DMX looks directly into the camera and winks, then continues.)

DMX: "...then dat's wat da fuck I'm gonna do! Shit's gonna change around here if I have anything to do about it, and it starts wit Hero Xtreme. I've already scared 7.9 away, whoever's takin' his place will wish he stayed home. And you know wat? It's not gonna take a promo to do so. It will happen because I'm untouchable to you! So Knock'em, if I have to here one more fuckin' word about you and your fuckin' promos, I'm gonna create a promo dat will consist of me smashin' your face in five hundred and twenty five mirrors, and then when we're done, I'll hold your head in dat slutty ass toilet you like to make love to, make you eat da shit dat you shit out, and make you shit it out again so you can eat it again! I let my actions do da talkin'! So please do me a favor. Say nothin' else. And just allow your client to take his defeat wit da remaining ounce of decency he has left."

(DMX throws the mic to the mat and exits the ring. "Who Gon' Stop Me" hits the PA and DMX makes his way up the ramp with a look of determination on his face, ready to face whichever Hero Xtreme is mortal enough to face him like a man.)