X-treme Wrestling Federation
WHAT THE FUCK! - Printable Version

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WHAT THE FUCK! - Morbid Angel - 04-14-2015


Screams pierce the night sky. The pitch was loud enough to wake the dead.

"Dad, are you OK?"

The sounds of a light flicking on as the room illuminates. Morbid Angel was sitting on his bed covered in sweat and running his hands through his we hair.

Morbid Angel-"It's OK son. I just had a bad dream."

Xerces jumps on the bed.

Xerces-"What kind of bad dream? Was it really scary?"

Morbid Angel-"Scary is not the fucking word i'd use. More like horrifying. I dreamed that I was a Christian and making myself look like a goddamned fool. Worst dream I've ever had!"

Xerces-"Was I there?"

Morbid Angel-"Yes, it was frightening! You were a christian and ga...wait! What the fuck are you doing here!?"

Xerces-" You had a stroke and the court proceeded without you. The state felt that too many kids on the system are expensive so I got sent back here with you."

Morbid Angel-"How does that make you feel?"

Xerces-"It's cool! I mean, my dad is Morbid Angel!"

Morbid Angel-"You're goddamn right he is!"

They sit quietly for a few seconds while Morbid tries to put together what had happened really.

Morbid Angel-"Am I a christian?"

Xerces looks at him and starts to laugh.

Xerces-"Are you joking?"

Morbid Angel-"No, seriously. I have no idea if I said I was a christian or what happened when I had the stroke."

Xerces-"You had a stroke in the courtroom, threatened the nurses at the hospital and came home. Emeritus stopped by to check on everything while you were recovering. You are not a christian, so you know."

Morbid looks around the room as if to avoid his next question.

Morbid Angel-"What about you?"

Xerces-"What about me?"

Morbid Angel-"Are you....you know..."


Morbid Angel-"No! not that. Are you a Christian?"

Xerces-"A Christian? Hell no!"

Morbid Angel-"Then I am a happy man!"

Xerces-"So, you are cool with me being gay?"

Morbid Angel-"Fuck yeah! The ultimate slight against god! besides, It doesn't hurt me one bit."

Xerces looked at Morbid with a shocked look on his face.

Xerces-"You mean I was afraid to tell you and thought you were going to kill me for nothing?"

Morbid Angel-"Yeah, as long as you aren't a christian everything else is good."

Xerces-"Well, Damn."

Morbid Angel-"No son, it's Goddamn. Got to make each blasphemy count."

Xerces gets up to go back to bed and before leaving the room he looks at his father.

Xerces-"Goodnight dad."

Morbid Angel-"Shut up! Its 3AM! If anything it's Good morning and if that was the case, shut up anyway!"

The scene fades to Black

With such dire attempts to make me look bad you only make yourself out to be a fool. Mastermind you really can only sling my own mud onto me and if I created Mud slinging then what's it to you? You enjoying my invention? Should I charge you for the use of my Slinging technique?

I'll say this. I said I am waiting for you to do something and all you give me is crap and you say I invented Mudslinging. I mean what the fuck is that supposed to mean? I think you just complimented me. I'll take that and I'll enjoy it!

You go on to commenting multiple times about how I am the past and how I will never be anything more than shit under your boot, blah, blah, blah. So what if people respect you. I don't have to respect you, in fact I will never respect you. If I was in charge of shit I'd fucking make sure you only faced people that would destroy you! You know why?

Because I fucking hate you! I hate the way you look, smell, dress, I hate the way you neglect everyone around you and just sticking into your own world. You had a prime opportunity to bring up the fact that Doc was the real higher power and it cost me my spot in the Asylum. You had that and fucked it up. ARE YOU NOT PAYING ATTENTION?!

It is simple, you pay attention and you won't get anally fisted by every motherfucker here except Peter Gilmour.

Duke passed me? Shit, the motherfucker has been gone for almost a year before he came back for what? Two matches? What the fuck! I've had more than that this year and he passed me? Vinnie Lane is passing me right now? Where? What did I miss? Did he do something amazing? OH! He beat you. That is not amazing, that is expected.

I will never misplace determination for fear. Mainly because it is fear you have. The determination you have is just because you want to prove something. You are afraid of me, you fear me! YOU FEAR WHAT I CAN DO!

Quote:I've just proven that you are the liar Morbid

I don't see where you have proven me to be anything more than a victim of chance. I haven't lied, in fact I've been more than truthful about everything. You are the deflecting deflector! You back step and dodge and cover up so much of your own bullshit and you do it poorly! So much in fact that I am just going to end this here. You are not worth anymore time.

Fuck you bitch! I'll kick your fucking ass and when I win, I will have a shirt for you!