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[ Warfare Member ]
Maxwell Dane - Printable Version

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Maxwell Dane - Maxwell Dane - 04-14-2015

In-Ring Name: Maxwell Dane

Wrestler's Real Name (if applicable): --------

New to XWF or a returning roster member?: New

Wrestler Date of Birth: Unknown

Height: 6’3

Weight: --------

Hometown: --------

Personality: There’s something off about Maxwell Dane. Be it how he carries himself or the bunny suit he seemingly refuses to take off. This doesn’t stop those close to him from claiming him to be charming, however.

Alignment: Top, left, 100%

Physical Build Description: Obscured by bunny suit.

Ring Attire: A bunny suit.

Out Of Ring/Casual Attire: A bunny suit.

Ethnicity: --------

Pic Base: Frank (Donnie Darko)

Wrestling Style: Mutable. Tailors his style to that of his opponent for maximum effectiveness.

Strengths: Can adapt to just about anything and always has a trick or two up his sleeve. Absolutely brutal and has no qualms taking every opportunity available.

Weaknesses: What kind of idiot reveals their weaknesses?

Entrance Theme Music: No theme. Instead “How to Spot a Communist,” an old anti-Communist PSA plays over the X-Tron

Entrance Description: The entirety of “How to Spot a Communist” plays and then Maxwell Dane appears on the ramp, accompanied by his managers Voodoo Pizzaman and Electra. The trio look at each other, and then the crowd, and make their way to the ring in complete silence as the crowd still tries to figure out what the heck is going on. At ringside, Voodoo Pizzaman pulls out a Voodoo doll resembling Maxwell’s opponent and Electra pulls out her trusty scalpel.

Manager (if applicable): Voodoo Pizzaman //\\ Electra
Manager's Pic Base: Francois “Papa Doc” Duvalier //\\ Tania Raymonde

Top 15-20 Commonly Used, Standard Moves:
Eye gouge
Fish hooking + punches to the face
Stomping on fingers
Running shoutgun dropkick
Powerbomb (likes to catch opponents midair with this one!)
Powerbomb off the top rope
Piledriver onto the apron
German Suplex
Shove into the corner, followed by a lariat/shoulder block/whatever
Suplex lift, then dropping an opponent stomach first on the ropes
Repeatedly smashing opponent’s face into turnbuckles
Mandible Claw Slam (Mandible Claw into some kind of chokeslam looking thing)
Irish whipping an opponent and then just letting them run the ropes to tire them out
Back Suplex Facebuster
Using garrote wire given to him by Voodoo Pizzaman to strangle opponents

Trademark Move(s): Voodoo //\\ TMKC (This Machine Kills Communists)
Description: Voodoo Pizzaman does something to the aforementioned Voodoo doll (stabbing it with a pin, lighting it on fire, rubbing its face on his crotch, etc.) which causes the opponent to feel the same thing //\\ Voodoo Pizzaman or someone in the front row hands Maxwell an airhorn, which he proceeds to blast in his opponent’s ear as a lead into the Anti-Communist Manifesto.

Primary Finisher: Anti-Communist Manifesto
Description: Double underhook Canadian Destroyer

Favorite Weapon if any:
Tranquilizer darts
Carving fork
Mind altering drugs
Flashing lights
Post-hypnotic suggestion

Additional notes: