X-treme Wrestling Federation
Oh Jesus oh God oh Jesus oh God! - Printable Version

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Oh Jesus oh God oh Jesus oh God! - Morbid Angel - 04-14-2015

The revelation of the Morbid Angel is something that cannot be denied. Is he in fact a changed man? Or is he playing a sadistic game to win over the judge when it comes to his son? Either way, Morbid Angel has done some shitty shit in the past and this would take the cake if it were not righteous.

Since we last saw Morbid he was in the hospital with his son. The court decided to allow Xerces to see his father every day for an hour just because it was the right thing to do.

Morbid suffered a stroke from what they can tell in the early stages of the tests. A stroke due to stress and years of steroid abuse, though steroids are usually safe, there is always a chance of something bad happening when dealing with drugs.

The stroke caused no damage to his muscles or any real issue, it was just a "warning" to change his life as the doctors put it. Originally they all thought that he would blow off their recommendations but he was very susceptible to every bit of advice they offered. Morbid was appearing a changed man. He was calm, forgiving, soft spoken and friendly. when his son came to visit they would venture to the cafeteria for lunch. If you ignore the 6'9 450lb man covered in tattoos and picture him as someone else not so threatening, one might think that they were a normal family. Just a father and son sitting together and eating hospital food...yummy!

With everything going on in his own world and being cleared by the doctors to go home, the trial was postponed for a week to make sure he regained full health. Xerces was allowed to spend a few days with him after the impending inspection on the house, but the first day, Morbid just slept in his room, in that big house all alone.

Waking up the next morning with the feeling of warmth in a house so grim, he wanted to display his new found love for life and...for god! The first thing he did was place a phone call to Shane to talk about his name change. Morbid Angel was a name for a fallen angel, for a diseased angel from hell! He was thinking something more loving, perhaps calling himself simply "Angel" would be good enough? The two spoke for a while, Shane seeming to understand the new plight in his world and need for real change and not just shirt colors. With the new name came a new persona. He would no longer be known as an "Evil Heel" but as a "Face" when it came to his roster, his back story will be known to all as a warning not to travel his path because it is dangerous not only to your health but to the soul!

After a rousing conversation with Shane, Angel decided to get the house ready for his son who would be coming over that very afternoon and staying for 48 hours. This was the first steps on being on the right path.Something that no one could ever have imagined would be possible.

Before his child arrived he left to a nearby town and walked the town streets and taking in the sights. He comes across a church down by the main street. He enters and walks towards the front and takes a seat looking at the cross for quite some time before the local pastor noticed him and was first taken back by "Morbid" Angel sitting inside his church. First thought that came to his mind was he was going to get murdered, the second thought was that he was going to get beaten but being a man of god he slowly walked up to the Morbid one and quietly took a seat next to him. Angel sat, not even acknowledging that someone just sat beside him and kept his focus on Jesus Christ.

Pastor-"Why are you here?"

Angel sat and exhaled slowly, he knew why the man spoke like that to him. He is Morbid Angel, hater of god and people in general. He had no idea that Morbid had found religion outside of Satan. What was he supposed to do? Greet this man as he was and hope he believed everything was true? This isn't the first time he had acted christian to get in the good graces of religious figures only to attack when they are the most vulnerable and without help. Actually if this was all a joke then this would mark the 15th time he tricked religion into his game. Deep inside he knew this wasn't a joke or ploy. This was all for real and he wanted them to know that he was a changed man. Three years ago there was a news letter sent to all religious establishments to warn them of his game and the dire consequences.

Angel-"I am not the man I once was."

The pastor scratched his head in confusion

Pastor-"I never accused you of being anyone else. You are Morbid Angel. You are known for consorting with Satan!"

Angel-"I am no longer that man, I was sent a dream from Jesus Christ, to change my ways and better myself and my family. I prefer to be known as "Angel" now."

Pastor-"Angel, huh? Why should I trust you? This could be another one of your tricks."

Angel-"I can 100% guarantee that this is not a trick."

Pastor-"Prove it."

Angel-"Prove it? How do you prove faith?"

An awkward silence passed between them as the pastor thought about how to prove faith.

Pastor-"Good point"

Angel-"I guess you'll just have to have faith in me. My word is my bond."

The pastor nodded in agreement as the camera pans out to the pair talking to each other quietly as the scene fades.

[b][color=#6B8E23]Angel and his son enjoyed the entire week, talking about a wide variety of things that would normally be taboo to him. The changed man living life to its fullest. As the end of the week came and soon Angel will go to court to regain what he had once again. Xerces stayed in Morbidonia over night and will ride with him to the courthouse as a family.

The morning of, Angel and Xerces sit at the dinning room table and speak very lightly. This past week Angel and Xerces had spoken about many things, all of which were good but Xerces has something on his mind, something that he needs to tell his father but just can't figure out the right words. Every time he thinks he has the right wording, Angel disrupts the conversation with something unrelated putting up a blind wall to block what he so desperately wants to say.

Angel noticed that Xerces isn't as manly as he is or as many others here in the XWF. Xerces to him was still a small child considering the size difference. In the back of his mind he, as all fathers, has a fear that something is wrong with their child, why should this be any different than others? He himself has questions but some questions are not worth the answers that might come. As he is a christian man now, he has a new set of rules to abide by. The next best thing to not knowing it not asking and never finding out the truth.

Throughout breakfast, Xerces wanted to talk about something that was important to him. He didn't want to be stuck with his father without asking his questions. All Angel did was talk about religion and how things were going to get better. Even offered Xerces one of his Navigators when he turned 16 in a couple weeks. He was never known for sharing his Navigators with anyone.

In the middle of Angel talking about God's Feast, Xerces interrupted him with something odd. Just blurted out something...

Xerces-"In the orphan Asylum everyone called me Steph..."

Angel stopped talking for a second while he pushed around food on his plate taking in the information.

Angel-"Well, your middle name is Stephanopoulos and most people have trouble pronouncing Xerces. I can see why they would call you Steph but you should know that sounds like a girl's name. We wouldn't want people to think you are gay, would we?"

Xerces-"They called me Steph because....because i'm........."

Angel interrupted by standing up

Angel-"We need to finish getting ready for court. It's a big day, would hate to be late."

Xerces looks down at his food before leaving the table to get ready.

The scene fades to black.

The scene opens to Angel and his son Xerces walking out of the courthouse in victory! After nearly a 4 hour trial, Kyril won custody of his only son. Flashbulbs go off as the two make their way down the steps. Angel is smiling as awaiting interviewers greet him with microphones to the face.

Angel-"I would like to start off by thanking God for giving me back my son. Now we can both live on and create a family together that pleases the lord and savior. I am no longer Morbid Angel, I am now known as Angel, Xerces and myself will follow God's plan, we will never stray, we will never fear evil. Together we will fight against black people in office and homosexuals. It's what god would have wanted. I say we vote with Ted Nuget, kill the homosexuals before they bring on the end of the earth."

Xerces pokes Angel's arm to get his attention. Morbid looks down at him then back to the camera.

Angel-"My son would like to address the world. Here is my son, Xerces!"

Angel steps back and allows Xerces to step up to the micriphone.

Xerces-"First off i'd like to say that I am a devout christian thanks to the help of the orphanage. I believe that God is the true answer to every problem. But! I want to say something that my father doesn't know about me....I'm gay...."

Angel steps back from his son

Angel-"Well, it is a happy day. Gay was probably the wrong word to use these days, people might think you were a homosexual and stone you to death in the name of god!"

Xerces took a deep breath and tried again.

Xerces-"I am a homosexual. They called me Steph because I'm gay. before that they called me Kris because of my last name Krizchiv."

Angel had the look of Horror on his face!

Angel-"! You shall not enter the gates of Heaven!"

Xerces-"But dad, it's not that bad. I'm the same guy I was before, I just like men is all."

Angel-"Don't you call me "Dad"! You are no son of mine! That is some blood in your veins! YOU MADE YOUR CHOICE! TO HELL WITH YOU!"

Xerces-"Dad, please. It doesn't have to be like this. We were having such a great time, we can just keep on. I am a christian too."

Angel pulls a gun from his jacket and points it at Xerces

Xerces-"Please no!"

Angel pulls the trigger, splattering his young brains all over the crowd of photographers. Xerces falls to the ground dead as the blood pours from the wound in his face, his body twitches as he gargles on what air he has left in his lungs squeeze through trachea.

Security rushes down the steps with guns drawn on Angel. he looks at them.

Angel-"All for one and one for all! GOD IS GOOD!"

He puts the gun against his own head and shoots himself.

Everything goes to black!