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Just taking out the Trash. - Printable Version

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Just taking out the Trash. - Morbid Angel - 04-13-2015

Mastermind, oh sweet Mastermind. How have we come to this pass? You at a short glance seemed to be someone nice and respectable until your gaping maw starts belching forth idiocies towards the world. Sometimes I feel that you are not even trying to make any sense, I listen and listen and wait and wait for nothing more than a bunch of crap!

You go on and quote me; I should be complimented by that act of generosity. My work gets twice the play time as others and that makes me happy. Mainly because Morbid Angel is far more than some washed up idea. I am a dynasty! I run this federation with an iron fist! Granted my fist has been away for a while and sometimes, as do others… I lose. But I am straying from the issue at hand here. You are the one that wants to say I got into your head, I am making you lose your mind and now you are trying to act all tough. What’s up with that? It’s either you are already tough or you aren’t tough at all! Well, which is it? Are you a worthy competitor or are you a coward? With all of your double talking I am confused in how you plan on going about this match. Are we going to fight? Are you afraid? Or were you just teasing me?

I know that you have some level of fear going into this match. I watched your work and I can tell when there is genuine fear plastered across someone’s face. Mastermind, I see in your eyes what many others have had in the past. Fear! It’s nothing to be ashamed about, I am not known for being a nice man, I am far from a pushover and never has anyone ran over me like I wasn’t worth the time. You know what that reminds me of? You. People know you for being a nice man, a pushover and many people run over you like you aren’t worth their time!

I guess I should break down the lame attempt to defuse everything I had said almost 4 days ago…

Quote: "That says it all old man right there

Well, I guess this puts me in my place. I mean, he whipped out the word “old”. Should I fall now? Maybe I’ll crumble before him in the ring on Wednesday because I am old and he quite obviously is so young. How young are you again? Near 41? What a difference, 9 years can make. It sure isn’t like you are 20 anymore. In fact, one could argue that you are just as old and washed up as I.

Quote: . You are looking to regain the level you once had. Which means you once was something, you once was good, you once was great

Yes, I once was great, I was something and perhaps I didn’t put enough emphasis on the large quantity of humor dripping from my tone, that’s called sarcasm. Do I need to regain my former level? Yes but is it that important? No, there are more than a few people here that are half my age, even half your age. What makes you think I want to be in my 20’s again? Do you know what I was doing in my 20s? I was doing things you could never imagine! It’s not really a happy thing for me. Now is the time for me to regain what I had lost. You know what I had lost? The fear every new comer had shown me. I was feared. It has nothing to do with getting old when you vanish for almost half a year, doing a few scattered matches and then leaving again. Has nothing to do with trying to regain what I once was in the way of fighting. I am confident I can still destroy every person here like I had done once before…for the record, I am still great!

Quote: you are saying now that you you are no longer that great any more. What a pity. What a god dam pity that it has come to that.

There are a good many things I see wrong here. I will start with the obvious stutter from fear or panic “you are saying now that you you are no longer that great any more” I am not sure how people talk in New Zealand but I am sure it’s not like this. You have the classic panic speech of repeating the same word in a stutter like fashion and putting an emphasis on “Anymore”, saying it so slow it could be mistaken as two words, but who am I to criticize?

I am Morbid Angel! That’s who I am! Let’s continue with my critiquing of your blathering

“What a god dam pity” Yes, yes it is! Speech impediments are the number one cause of suicide in males over the age of 30. You sir, quite obviously have a really bad problem with speech. No, I am not a therapist so I can’t help you but I am sure you can find one in the local Kiwi pages.

Quote: , but the last few weeks I've been stepping up to top level quality., so I have come a long way, and passed you. You will need to step up to my level. Something that you won't or can't do my friend."

Well now, looks like Mastermind found some courage and made some really bold claims against me. You think you have risen? Why? Because you beat Peter Gilmour? Is that your claim to fame? Do you honestly think that he is a trophy to add to any list? Let me enlighten you on a little something. Everyone beats Peter Gilmour. He is not only a hack but a sad joke. I beat Peter Gilmour like he was nothing and I was teamed with him twice. Both times he was the weakest link in the chain and cost us the match. Morbid Angel never and I mean NEVER took a pin while working with Peter Gilmour.

Other than that I am stumped on how you passed me? Is it because you have more matches? Well in that case you are also better than Duke, better than Gator, better than Doc D’ville and yes, even me. I just don’t see how you could think you are better than me. I am just shocked at those claims. I hope when you gather the next round of crap you will elaborate what you meant when you said you are better than me…I am more than curious.

Quote: "You should know what that's like Morbid, you've become your own sack of shit that isn't worth a damn any more."

I am not worth a darn anymore? If memory serves me, Oaktree asked me to take this match, I never opted in, I am still on leave and yet management for Warfare asked me to take this match. So for someone not worth anything I am worth something more than you. Has Oaktree ever asked you to come back to face someone? No. you know why? Because you are a joke.

Quote: I headlined last night Monday Night Madness

No, I believe you are wrong. Vinnie Lane headlined last night’s Monday Madness. You had a shot for any title and you used it on Vinnie Lane. That’s not you headlining because you are good, it is because you were given a chance to become something more and still couldn’t make it.

Quote: You are looking at a current headliner.

If you are what the XWF considers a “Current Headliner” then I quit. I would consider this company among one of the fallen. To become a joke throughout history. There was once a time when Peter Gilmour was a headliner and that was when it was near bankrupt! Shane! What happened? Are we falling down the tube and soon to be washed up? Say it isn’t so!

Good thing I don’t believe you, you headline the dark shows so don’t think for a second I believe you when you make such claims. Mastermind is a liar.

Quote: My poor old fat f*ck of a once were warrior.

Does this look fat!

[Image: hTAEXDK.jpg]

Quote: Dude you are right. It is a f*cking joke, it isn't a laughing matter, nor is it funny anymore, it's a damn right insult. I am facing the once great Morbid Angel, who can't seem to get his fucking act together. Should he stay or should he go. That is the question."

Did you see it? It was right there! I heard it clear as day the first time I watched this promo. He is trying to get into my mind but he won’t. My mind is powerful and will never be broken as long as I am on this path!

You said “Dude you are right. It is a joke” IT IS! Oh wow, for a second I was getting worried that people were being serious…what kind of joke is it? Then you say “ it isn't a laughing matter, nor is it funny anymore”. Well, what kind of joke does it leave? I mean, it isn’t funny and it isn’t a laughing matter anymore, I mean…I’m confused

Then you said “ I am facing the once great Morbid Angel, who can't seem to get his act together.” I believe you meant to say “Still” not “once”. And how exactly is my act not together? I have always been together.

Mastermind I still see how things are with you, you like so many other will grasp at anything that might make them look like they can contend with me. Truth is you can’t and never will because you are already the lowest of the low.