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The Work Goes On - Part I: RP 2 - Printable Version

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The Work Goes On - Part I: RP 2 - Sebastian Duke - 04-12-2015

Monday, April 6, 2015 | 11:00 AM Local Time | First Church of the Illuminatus | Berlin, Germany

The bells toll high in the tower of the First Church of the Illuminatus in the center of Berlin as the rear door of the hearse opens. One the bell starts tolling, other church bells from all over the city follow suit. Almost completely in unison, the bells toll a chorus of solemnity. The leadership of the Illuminatus surrounds the casket of Jacob Anderson. Jacobs closest subordinates line up, three on each side, then lift the casket off of its carriage.

Asmodeus, the eternal High Priest of the Illuminatus is dressed in his best for the first time since leaving the United States a few months ago. He leads the procession into the church. Trailing behind the casket is the King, Prince Thaddeus and Theo Pryce, and then of course, Matthew, all walking side by side. Behind them, James and Gabriel do what they always do and guard their men.

The procession proceeds into the church as hundreds of Illuminatus followers have gathered together to show a united strength in the face of such a terrible disaster. The casket comes to its rest upon the altar of the church. The leadership kneels to one knee, the King, the Prince, Theo and Matthew each place their right hand on the side of the casket as Father Asmodeus gives it a blessing. After just a few moments, the leadership retreats to the front row of pews as the High Priest takes the podium upon the altar.

”This is undoubtedly the hardest loss we have ever suffered,” begins the German Chancellor and the High Priest of the Illuminatus. ”Though, we have lost a great many men over the years. Good men, putting their lives on the line and paying the ultimate sacrifice for our cause.

“Our enemies,”
he pauses, choking back his own emotion. ”Our enemies try to kill us and to hurt us, in order to crush our morale and end our resolve. But they accomplish just the opposite. It is times like these, when we are down and emotionally beaten that we rise again. We rise again, to battle against the atrocities committed by the Catholic church against our people for many centuries. We rise again, dear brothers, to meet these challengers head on. We rise again, more unified than ever before, to defeat them at any cost and take back what is rightfully ours.

“It is up to us, those who survive them, to make certain their lives were not given in vain. It is up to us, as survivors and warriors in this both holy and unholy war, to see that our mission, our work is carried out until completion.

“Let it be known, dear brothers, that Jacobs existence upon this world may well be at its end, and it surely is, that his life was dedicated to us. He served admirably over the years and served us extremely well. His loss will no doubt, not go unpunished. The Church will regret the day they took our most beloved and faithful foot soldier!”
the High Priest shouts. The Illuminatus in the church rise to their feet and applaud their High Priest with a great deal of enthusiasm. Many, with tears streaming from their eyes. In unison, and without be asked to, or ordered to do say, they chant “Ave Nuntius” or in the English translation, “Hail the Messenger” over and over again.

A tear escapes the ducts of the High Priest as he waves his hand, restoring order and quieting the Brotherhood in the process. After a few moments, the Illuminatus quiets and retakes their seats. ”There is no doubt in my mind, that he would feel so humbled for all of you to honor him the way you just did. In a lot of ways, I always thought of Jacob as my own son. Just like Sebastian and Theo. That makes this especially hard, but make no mistake about it, my brothers, that he loved all of you so deeply.

“Of course, there is one that stands out, literally and figuratively, head and shoulders above the rest. There is one man that he showed a near flawless loyalty to. That being my eldest son, and your King, Sebastian Duke,”
concludes the High Priest as the King stands up.

The King moves toward the podium, stopping for a few seconds as he places his right hand on the head of the Illuminatus flag-draped casket of his closest friend. He then proceeds to the podium, ”the High Priest, gentlemen,” he says, stirring up some applause for his own father.

”The man has always had a gift of the oratory nature, hasn't he?” he asks, almost rhetorically.

”Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, sorry I could not travel both and be one traveler. Long I stood and looked down one as far as I could, to where it bent in the undergrowth. Then took the other, as just as fair. And having perhaps the better claim, because it was grassy and wanted wear. Though as for that the passing there, had worn them really about the same. And both that morning equally lay, in leaves no step had trodden black. Oh, I kept the first for another day! Yet knowing how way leads on to way, I doubted if I should ever come back.

“I shall be telling this with a sigh. Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—

“I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference,”
he concludes while taking a deep breath.

”The Road Not Taken, Robert Frost,” he states, then pauses before continuing on. ”That is the life he lived and the life that we all live. For centuries, the Church has put a decisive end to all of those that opposed them. Some have even tried to defend themselves, but we? The Illuminatus? We take the fight to them and so much of it was planned by Jacob.

“Together, we chose the road less traveled. We chose to stand as one to fight and take back what is rightfully ours. Together, we traveled a long road in a short amount of time. From the outside looking in, it must look as if this dark and evil society is trying to kill Catholics, and we've always been okay with that. What the world either refuses to see or just plain can not see, is the fact that for a real long time, it was the other way around. It was the Catholics killing us and anyone else that disputed their claims.

“Over the last few years, that has begun to change. Much of that is in large part, thanks to Jacob's work and dedication to our cause. With our Illuminatus no longer staying in the shadows, deciding rather to take the fight to them and make it very public, much of the world is starting to see the distorted, and perverted, Catholic religion for what it is. They are now seeing things the way we see things. Jacob told me that the court of public opinion was decidedly turning in our favor, and that is why we chose to move now, rather than later. If he was wrong about that, the military super powers of the world would have already conquered us.

“Instead, the world remains neutral. They've decided to allow the chips to fall where they may. That, in and of itself is a victory.

“There remains a possibility that one day the Catholics and the Illuminatus may be able to live in peace. It is my hope and it was Jacob's hope, that that occurs in our time, and for all time until the end of time. However it can not happen and it will not happen until our rightful place in history is restored.

“The only way that it will ever be accomplished is by planting our flag in the smoldering rubble of Saint Peters Basilica. The throne of Saint Peter is a throne of lies. A throne of hate and intimidation. When the day comes and the sun rises on Vatican City, and the King of the Illuminatus resides within its walls, is the day the war is over. It is the day that truth is restored and our chance to rewrite the history books has finally come.

“I will not falter. I will not allow our fallen brothers to have died in vain. Today, as we say our goodbye to Jacob, we say hello to a new future. A future dictated by truth and justice. A future that would not be possible without Jacob by our sides.

“The bones resting beneath the Basilica of all the former popes, they were burn to ashes and in their place, only rightful men will rest. Men like Lucas and Jacob Anderson. Men that gave their lives to fight what is believed by the masses, something we call the established truth, in favor of the honest truth, the real truth.”

He takes a long pause, composing himself as he struck with sudden grief. ”He's stuck by my side almost all of our lives. He was loyal in good and bad times. He was my conscience in times when it might have otherwise seemed I didn't have one. I am forever indebted to his service for our cause and for the friendship he gave me through the years. There will never be another Jacob.”

The King turns his head, and stares toward Theo Pryce, ”next man up. That is something we live by. If it was someone else's funeral and Jacob were here he'd say 'well, we need to fill in a replacement pretty quick like.' To which I'd say to him 'I figured you already started that process.' He'd turn to me and say 'start the process? Hell, I already have a name for you.'”

“Having said that, it gives me great pride in announcing my brother, Theo Pryce as Jacob's replacement,”
says the King, unintentionally starting a round of applause.

Theo applauds with the Illuminatus and leans toward his nephew, ”that mother fucker!” he says with a slight grin.

”What's the problem?” Thaddeus asks his uncle.

”I never said yes yet,” Theo answers.

”Well, did you tell him 'no'?” asks Thaddeus.

”I told him I'd think about it,” he replies.

”You know him, Uncle, if you didn't say no, then it may as well have been a yes,” Thaddeus replies to his uncle.

”Touche, little man. Touche,” says Theo as he applauds along with the Illuminatus brothers.

Sebastian Duke steps down from the altar and shakes hands with his brother, then pulls him to his feet and delivers a friendly, brotherly hug. ”You should have just said no,” whispers the King with a slight smile.

”I can see this,” Theo replies.

”You two need to come with me,” the Illuminatus leader says, referring to his brother and son. Theo and Thaddeus follow Sebastian from the front row of pews. Gabriel, the Praesul of the Sanguis Consulere and James, Thaddeus' private security guard, follow them toward the back of the church. At the back of the church is a row of small offices adjacent to the outside wall. The King comes to a door that is labeled “Father Fritz” with the traditional elongated cross. He reaches up, and tears the label from the door, then enters the room.

To be continued...

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