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Booooooo - ring! - Printable Version

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Booooooo - ring! - Karl_Cross - 04-11-2015

Two scared mice, two scared mice.
See how they run, see how they run.
They both fell in to an unwinnable fight,
So chose to hide, keep their face out of sight.
Have you ever seen such a sight in your life?
Just two scared mice.

This week has been an incredible bore.

Let me just start by issuing a huge thank you to Paul Heyman. I greatly appreciate the effort you must have went to when you shoved your chubby, Dorito stained fingers in to a hat and pulled out my opponents this week. We're now less than two days away from the triple threat match taking place and We've yet to hear even so much as a whisper from either of the cowards. Jolly good show!

I've tried my best. I've fired off shots, I've directly called them out and yet they choose to remain silent.

Due to the fact that I've been given nothing fresh to work with, I did what I could to try and find something noteworthy about either of my opponents. Sadly, I cam up with nothing. FlyingNight, or whatever the hell he's called, appears to have done very little I find impressive in his time here and Anonymous lives right up to his name as well. The latter being a faceless, forgettable type of a man.

With plenty of spare time on my hands, I decided to stick both of their names through Google as well just incase. FlyingNight gave me nothing of interest but Anonymous led me to some sight called 4Chan. Those are some despicably worthless people right there.

Unfortunately, I suspect that what I might see is one of you releasing some sort of statement at the very last minute before our match which prevents me from hitting back with a response of any worth.


You've both blown a dazzling opportunity this week to be part of Karl Cross' meteoric rise to the top. After Monday I'll be forgetting about this grey splodge as I continue right ahead painting the world with vibrant colours. In fact, don't even turn up. You might as well continue to peek afraid from behind your sofas.

The very inclusion of you two devalued the match from the very start anyway.

Do any of you think that I'm content playing second fiddle to management's current golden boy? Last week, Karl Cross was the main event as I beat the living daylights our of our resident deviant and now look. I'm pushed down the card to make way for The Vinnie Lane show as he undoubtedly tramples all over Mastermind. The only thought process I can imagine behind the whole fiasco is that despite it being an absolute that Lane will win, people see it as less of a certainty than my own victory? Now I'm not sure if I should actually see the situation as a massive compliment.

What I am damn sure of is that I've not been bumped down because of the inclusion of the Hart Championship. Imagine the horror if it were the case that a match between to mediocre talents was labelled main event worthy just because they are contending over that unsightly piece of trash. It's a title so hideous that some men would rather spend a night locked up in the closet with Peter Gilmour than wear it around their waist. The only man capable of pulling off such a grotesque look is in fact Vinnie so I truly wish him luck. I'd hate for that visual assault on the retina to become the burden of anybody else so let's aim to keep it wrapped around the only man who looks ridiculous enough himself to do it justice.

That's not to say of course that I won't myself take the title from Vinnie when given my chance. I'll just choose to dump that glitter and glue fabricated piece of crap in the nearest dumpster on my way backstage. Carrying the recognition that I, Karl Cross, am champion will be all that I need. Knowing that I toppled the man that the XWF brass are clamouring to shine the shoes of would simply make it that little bit sweeter.

First up however I will be securing the XWF X-Treme Championship recently won by Bruce Blingsteen. What high admiration I have for the plucky kid having managed to sneak away that precious gold strap from Unknown Soldier in his first week. That is what you call greatness personified. Despite the fact that I was looking so favourably towards stepping on poor Soldier's face, I am now thoroughly thrilled at the prospect of taking on someone as bold and daring as Bruce appears to be. I'm going to allow the little pantomime that he has going with Fat Pete and when he wins, I want Bruce to go right ahead and book himself against me. Our match won't be on a Wednesday night though and it won't be on a Monday either. Something as truly magnificent as this will be isn't given away for free, morons! When those lazy bastards at XWF HQ get their thumbs out of their anus and book the next PPV, I want our names to be the first ones on the card.

I don't want you to be anyone to be fooled in to thinking I'm giving the belt an undeserved level of attention. It's the opponent I respect, not the X-Treme Championship.

The only thing the X-Treme Championship is to me is a stepping stone to bigger things. Yes I'll win it and yes I'll wear it around for a bit but one day it too will be cast asunder. Karl Cross has already started cracking knuckles in anticipation of one day wrapping his fingers around the Universal Championship. It doesn't matter whether D'Ville is still carrying it around or if Vinnie has lived up to the expectation being forced upon him and taken it. Just like my match this week, the opponent across the canvas becomes entirely irrelevant the second my name is scribed on to the card.

In the definitive history of the greatest professional wrestler that ever lived, this week's Monday Night Madness won't even get a footnote.

I am Karl Cross. I am better than you.

I am better than all of you.