X-treme Wrestling Federation
I got Olivia Carlton's balls in my purse! - Printable Version

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I got Olivia Carlton's balls in my purse! - Unknown Soldier - 03-03-2015

Love was due loneliness when sacrifice came to suggestion.

What if a soul had no obligation for salvation or a need for emancipation while being trapped in a tomb of totality that revolved around the laws of good nature and due diligence? Would it defy the normal servitude's survivalist nature, the one that is severely subjected to formulate a familiar foundation of the mindless morons marching their minds through a meandering maze of their perceived masterpiece reality? Would that soul, then be in turn, a degenerate of the many and their massive manipulative regime of regents seeking the need to structure a life? The lawyers of life, the ones who dictate the consistence of conformity in the culture of the crude and crippled in creativity. Controlling souls as if they were a set schedule predetermined like a project in the court room.

In order to save oneself from sanity, the souls must suppress the simple minded and release forth their secrets. Confession is a case of commitment that makes for a condescending cordiality for cowards. Discharging these secrets privately in the peace and quiet of ones own conscience is crucial. Egocentricity inside the realms of the mind is the exploration for exemplary existences most souls wouldn't ever fathom enduring. Psychopathy is the cipher for the perverse to unleash their imagination into an intellectually indignant area of expertise they never knew existed. Sociopathic is a stern systematic approach that sadistic souls seek for deliverance from due diligence. For the three layers of the mind most men wouldn't manage magnificently they must instead marry. They will be in love ever so much that when loneliness lends out a lure to those looking it will leap at the luxurious life form of the less willing and latch on. Free the feelings of fear and fantasy and let them come to fruition in the fields of fruit and fertility where the freaks frequent and play.

Loneliness became love when suggestion was to sacrifice.

The moon glimmers from a fading light from between a cloud and a shadow that looms over the endless ocean. The eerie and ominous flashes back and forth from the burning at the center of it's origin set forth a precedent of an already assuming disturbed in nature. Circling round and round the glare from the glowing moon alike a top spinning on it's axis is the focal point of our story. A heavily projected rush of air soars past ones ears like a motorcycle ride as this focal point becomes immediately closer in a matter of milliseconds. Immense speeds to this degree seem only explainable by rocket ships or space craft as these visions now erupt while blasting forth up in the sky like an astronaut on his way to the moon. When one arrives at predisposed destination, an overwhelming sensation of dread and despair fills the heart and pumps this devastating feeling through the bloodstream. Overwhelming amounts of terror literally spreading itself through the veins.

The surface of the moon seems barren, while the water from the oceans of it's own shine more brightly and dignified then the polluted scum of it's counterpart witnessed earlier known as Earth. Suddenly, one arrives to the view and sudden realization in thought, upon the source of the intergalactic gyrations . Across these barren wastelands of never ending dirt paved within a few craters is a sight for the sourest of eyes. Bare witness now to a recently resembling household identified earlier in our past premonitions of this presumptuous reality, covered in what we know to be human filth and red crayon. The stench is still unbearable from even this height far above and overlooking the scene similar to a jet plane over the desert. Dancing on it's own frame, the crack house gleefully leaps it's structure from left to right and circles in a slightly counter clockwise sort of fashion. Hypnotizing is its movements in such a way that an alluring amount of assumptions can be made about the wickedness that may be taking place inside since one last left it. Apparently, these idling thoughts won't go long unseen, as what appeared to be an invisible door now opens and the far below temperatures of near to significantly past freezing overcome the senses and sanity once again.


The pounding inside the brain echoes through the mind like an earthquake shaking the fabric of humanity. The constant babbling of millions upon millions of random voices in random languages is most unbearable if not impossible to hear or comprehend. 666 back to back to back to back to back to back hangovers flood the sinus cavities with immense pain that can only be forgotten or at least slightly tolerable by the bearings and whereabouts that memories serve of the evil that one knows exist in the very room where they lay. The voices, now stop fading in and out and bring forth interest in it's tone and curiosity in its content.

Unknown Soldier: "Amen!"

Nothing but shadows within the shadows of their own darkness fill the room as the constant spinning still has not ceased, circling and mocking the pain that slowly begins to dissipate with the arrival of light. Sucking itself through your nasal passages and eradicating the migraine that detested the senses previously as a feeling of relief takes one by surprise. Light is like a breath of fresh air here in the servitude of the most SATAN!ically sophisticated. The source of it's sunny existence comes from a large array of christmas ornaments placed methodically around a distant display of dead body parts slung around the siding in the upper corners of the wall.

Barnabus: "That was a great sSsSsSsSsSsService my boSsSsSsSsSsS!

Soldier backhands and slaps the ever living fuck out of Barnabus which cracks the side of his jaw and knocks the slur right out of him.

Barnabus: "Thanks, I needed that!"

The dreaded and dreary disturbing figure of deception and diabolic delivery shows himself once again. In his similar anemic and near starvation fashion as before, although a change of clothes is quite apparent. No longer sporting his usual 'too disgusting and full of filth to read or distinguish shapes and colors' normal attire, but rather a strange bit of wardrobe selection indeed. A bright pink t-shirt with a tiny Chihuahua dancing across the bottom from right to left. The new CoCo Mojo merchandise available from xwf99.com.

Unknown Soldier: "SATAN! has just spoken to me Barnabus! He gave me the healing ways of the impediment speech and told me that shit was really just beginning to become an annoyance!"

Barnabus falls to his knees and weeps uncontrollably with tears of joy.

Barnabus: "HAIL SATAN!"

Bartholomew: "HAIL SATAN!"

The methamphetamine fueled priest reiterates from the far eastern corner of the room after crawling out of a refrigerator to join his collection of crank fiends.

Unknown Soldier: "During my discussions with our great lord and creator of all that is deplorable, he informed me that the two of you must put on a play. "Barnabus! Fetch me the fresh fruits from the fields of fertility that one knew would come to fruition!"

The two seem confused but eager to please their great leader. Barnabus licks his lips and disappears into the adjacent room for a brief amount of time, then returns with something that no horrific word in the language of any existing culture can explain. A naked woman, shroud and covered in the dried and crusty thickness of spilled blood, attempting to scream through duct tape as the fear of god bulges from her eye sockets with tears forming and falling from them like a thick rain. Around her neck wrapped in twine and connected to a very small piece of wood that hangs over her breasts is a sign with the name 'Olivia Carlton' carved into the woodwork. She looks nothing alike the actual woman that Austin Fernando is dating, in fact not even a resemblance in the slightest. Barnabus and Bartholomew together now wrestle her last ditch efforts to escape. The two grab an ass cheek from the opposite side in a criss-cross type of fashion as they stand her straight up now facing Unknown Soldier as if presenting her to him. Proceeding to grope and poke at her to make her both antagonized and aroused.

Unknown Soldier: "Feast my friends on the flesh of pure innocence!"

Both Barnabus and Bartholomew take a giant bite out of the side of the poor woman's neck causing the blood to begin to spew. She collapses and the two savages go to the ground with her still gnawing on the outside of her skin. Soldier gives no reaction whatsoever as the view pans directly over his face as he still stands directly over the murder taking place directly over the top of his feet.. The violent attack taking place underneath him splashes bits of blood and body tissue into his still calm and composed facial expression. Minutes go by as the onslaught finally comes to a halt with both members partaking, rising to their feet and wiping the red drool from their lips. They lock eyes with their boss, who seems quite pleased that they have just participated in his practice.

Unknown Soldier: "SATAN! takes forth your sacrifice, but now asks for your sin in return!"

As if on cue, Bartholomew immediately reacts with his normal chanting and near blowjob looking gesture.

Bartholomew: "He wants your sin and sacrifice. He wants your sin and sacrifice. He wants your sin and sacrifice. He wants your sin and sacrifice. He wants your sin and sacrifice. He wants your sin and sacrifice."

Unknown Soldier now fastens two more signs entangled in twine around the necks of his actors. Around the neck of Bartholomew is a sign with the name "Austin Fernando" inscribed on it's surface. Barnabus too, has the exact same kind of describing board only his reads "Gator" on it.

Unknown Soldier: "Skip for me! Hold hands and skip for me you two !"

The two prance merrily around the outside circle of the room with hands clasped like a couple of Bronies on their way to Bronycon. The signs that say "Austin Fernando" and "Gator" are both bobbing with the rhythm of the swagger in their step.

Unknown Soldier: "Now, sin for SATAN!

Both men begin to undress one another and fall beneath Soldier's feet once again as they did before with the "Olivia Carlton" not near lookalike actress in the scene before . The view of Soldier's wide face in the lone angle shot of it shaking and weaving back and forth as the grunting of two grown men directly on top of his feet engage one another anally. Still wearing their "Austin Fernando" and "Gator" name tags respectively. The face of our director of destruction still seems to not be phased by the despicableness, instead he embraces it by holding up his arms and conducting the orchestra like a sinister maestro.

Unknown Soldier: "What a great idea Austin the Aussie! I'll do my trash talk while Gator's dragon enters your dungeon. All week I've been hearing these 'coming to premonitions' promos from you and Peter's unfortunate run in with the poisons of god and I can't help but think to myself how easy this match is going to be for you Austin the autistic! Everyone is beginning to see the light!"

(02-26-2015, 10:50 PM)Austin Fernando Said: “For you, Soldier. I’ll even remove “Austin Fernando” from my roster page, meaning you won’t get hung-up over even more bullshit."

Unknown Soldier: "Well aren't you just a sweetheart now my little puppet. I got my fist up your frock and I'm pulling the strings all along the way. Look at you already pouncing at my requests like a little puppy. Let me silence your bark so that I can bite my teeth into this little scenario. An insult that I MADE concerned you enough to go and change your fucking name on your own roster page! Holy shit, what if I started insulting your sister's virginity? Would you go and take that from her too?! Listen here you brainless mutant, if a man replies to the bequest of another they then become the bitch. Therefore; Ergo, and as a matter of factually, you sir, are my bitch! I never called it a farce to have the similar name as somebody else, or as you so eloquently put it, a 'travesty'. I merely made a joke like men do to one another. Bitches, like you however, take it far too literal and blow up like an emotional basket case. Don't take things out of contextual differentials and try to explain them in your own blabbering stupor of stupidity. WHO THE FUCK DOES THAT! A travesty my little pink female Chihuahua, would be for you or any of your little homosexual homies to win the Lethal Lottery."

(02-26-2015, 10:50 PM)Austin Fernando Said: “Don’t worry, it isn’t the only thing I’ll be doing for you this week, Soldier. While I’m carrying you to a first round victory, just remember to be grateful..."

Unknown Soldier: "You're damn right you're going to do all the work, bitch! I won't need to be grateful because a bitch like you does what their told or they get beaten by the verbosities of my vocals. Why in the fuck would I waste my time with Michael Mcbride and Peter Gilmour? I'll leave the cleanup job for the amateurs like you in the first round, my pretty little bitchy boo boo. Do you think Kentucky will be playing their starters at the end of the game of the first round of March Madness against the #16 seed team? If I could count the number of times you called me and Peter a this entire week I'd have over a baker's dozen of pathetic comparisons and weaker insults then some of Mcbride's finest trash talk he's put out so far this week. For a guy who likes to compare the two of us and brag about his witty come backs and catchy nick names while giggling with his girl friend Gator, he sure dropped a pipe bomb on everyone when he said..."

(02-26-2015, 10:50 PM)Austin Fernando Said: “Your end is nearing."

Unknown Soldier: "Now, I'm no lawyer and I'm aware that you've had a short stay here in the XWF. But I'm pretty sure you, me, and everyone else out there knows this is borderline copyright infringement. Comparing things to Gilmour is fun isn't it, Austin. In fact so fun that you've dedicated numerous hours of your time to insulting a man, whom you even agree is relentless, who most likely has had one too many concussions in his lengthy and fight filled career. So what if the man forgot he was on television just moments before he watched himself again. When you're busy fucking hot sluts like Rose Smith and Maria Brink all day you lose track of time and space. Not like that street trash Olivia that you bang, but actual attractive women. Mr. four inches of pleasure Ferny."

(02-26-2015, 10:50 PM)Austin Fernando Said: "I had heard of the legend, the myth that surrounded this man, and I thought…"

Unknown Soldier: "As is the saying bitch boy, isn't it the thought that counts. Now, go run tell your friends, family, and children the legend of how Unknown Soldier raped you just as you heard before them, so they can 'think' of me in the XWF past, present, and future."