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Camp Finis - Printable Version

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Camp Finis - Sebastian Duke - 02-28-2015

Friday, February 27, 2015 | 12:47 PM Local Time | Camp Finis | Near Stuttgart, Germany

For Sebastian and Thaddeus Duke, the slightly more than two hour drive from Nuremberg to Stuttgart is a quiet one. Thaddeus polished the Intercontinental Championship as his father leaned back and slept for the vast majority of the ride. The young prince has the heart and mind of an adult, striving to seek the approval of his powerful father. Yet he has the soul of a child, evidenced by his refusal to let go of his fathers latest wrestling achievement.

Thaddeus, allowing his father sleep, concludes polishing the gleaming gold of the brand new championship title, and holds it up in front of his face so that he can actually see himself in its reflection. He looks at his sleeping father, partially starstruck and partially in a moment of joy, knowing that the man that holds the very title that is within his hands, is his very own father.

Prince Thaddeus lays the title down momentarily, just long enough to reach into his fathers duffel bag and pull out his long trench coat-like cape. Careful not to disturb his father, he puts on his fathers cape and lifts the hood up over his head, then once again lifts the Intercontinental title in front of his face.

”You don't think he'll get mad, if he wakes up?” asks Jacob in a whisper from the drivers seat.

”Nah,” replies Thaddeus.

”You want to be like him?” asks Jacob, still whispering.

”He's my father, Jake. Why wouldn't I want to be like him?” asks Thaddeus rhetorically.

”That's a fair point,” Jacob says, still whispering. ”If you were to ever hit the ring, he's the best guy to learn from. And that cape thingy fits you well,” he concludes.

”Bullshit!” Thaddeus exclaims. ”He's huge! He's got me by at least a foot and like a hundred fifty pounds.”

”You won't always be this tiny,” says the King as he awakens from his brief slumber. ”Even if you did stay your current size, I've seen men your size have a great amount of success. It's not the size of the dog in the fight, as they say.”

”Did we wake you?” asks the concerned son of the King of Darkness.

”Not really. It's hard to fall into a deep sleep in a moving vehicle. Especially one that is being driven by a shitty driver like Jake,” he jokes.

”I'll kill us all mother fucker!” yells Jake as he playfully swerves the Tahoe toward the right.

”We're here! I can't wait for you to see it!” Thaddeus says with increasing excitement.

Jacob steers the Tahoe onto dirt road. They travel along at a snails pace since its unpaved and pretty rough terrain. The sign ahead reads: “Camp Finis”

”Camp End. Not that cool in English, but a nice touch nevertheless,” states the King.

”I thought of it myself,” says the Prince as he leans toward his father.

The convoy of Illuminatus government and military vehicles roll to a stop as several camp guards open the heavy gates, allowing them to drive right in. The convoy come to a stop just outside the office of the camp warden. He's a retired German General that applied for the job. His father was a Lieutenant during the second world war for the Reich. After an extensive and thorough background check, Matthew cleared him for the job.

The Illuminatus vacate their vehicles and immediately, a youthful looking prisoner, looking no more than seventeen years of age approaches the King.

“Your Highness,” he says as he kneels. ”It is my pleasure to serve you, always. I shall do whatever you ask of me.”

”What is your name?” the King asks of the young Catholic.

”Willam,” replies the young man, still kneeling before the King.

”You are of the Catholic faith, Willam?” the King asks.

”Indeed, sir,” replies Willam.

”Do you know why you're here, Willam?”

”We're here so that we may be protected from public. So that we may survive the war you're waging against my Church.”

”How old are you, son?”

”I turned nineteen last month, sir.”

”I have a son, not much younger than you,” says Sebastian as he backs up. ”Thaddeus, teach him what we think if Catholics.”

”It'll be my pleasure, father,” says Thaddeus as he steps forward.

By now, most of the prisoners, if not all of them, are standing near by, watching things unfold.

”General, your side arm please,” says the Prince.

Many of the prisoner gasp at the command. Willam looks up in total fear at the young blond headed Prince of the Illuminatus.

”Pardon me?” says the General.

Thaddeus turns his head to look at the General. ”I don't believe I stuttered. Your side arm, General,” Thaddeus commands once more. The General hands over his pistol. Thaddeus pulls back the hammer and points the pistol at the head of Willam.

”You should know, Willam,” Thaddeus says before pausing a moment. ”The only good Catholic, is a dead Catholic.”

Thaddeus pulls the trigger, planting a bullet in the skull of Willam. He drops dead almost instantly. He hands the gun back to the General, while stepping forward. Thaddeus stands over the body of Willam and looks out at the prisoners who are trying not to look his way.

”You should take notice,” he says to the prisoners. ”On any future visit, if you approach the Illuminatus before you are welcomed to do so, you'll be met with the same fate! We consider it a threat for you to approach us and all threats must be dealt with accordingly!

“We are at war with your Church. Before you condemn us for what you've just witnessed, I ask you, where was your condemnation when you're Church committed much, much worse atrocities?

“Spare your own lives, scum! Never threaten us again!”

Thaddeus returns to his fathers side. Sebastian gives him a pat on the back and a rub of the top of his head. An obvious seal of approval. Thaddeus looks up at his father and smiles ever so slightly.

”General,” Thaddeus says as he steps toward the warden. ”It'd be wise if you never repeat what you saw here. It'd also be wise if you never questioned my authority again. Is that understood?”

The General swallows, then nods in agreement.

”Keep your prisoners in line, warden, otherwise next time, I'll be putting a bullet in your head.”

”Aren't you going to reign him in?” Jacob whispers to the King.

Sebastian turns to Jacob, ”And why the hell would I do that? Besides, I kind of enjoy watching this.”

It's plainly obvious that Sebastian Duke enjoys watching his son assert his power and authority. He's a proud father. Likewise, it's easy to see Thaddeus aspires to be just like his father, for better or for worse. Thaddeus Duke is proud to be his fathers son, and is beginning to figuratively place his father on a pedestal.

What happens next, is not anything anyone within the Illuminatus expected.

[Image: QEcXvQs.jpg]