X-treme Wrestling Federation
Bad Day - Printable Version

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Bad Day - Gator - 02-19-2015

GATOR: "Good morning Angel."

"You know, I've been waiting for this moment for a while now. There's a few people I want rematches with, but you. You were top of that list. That's why I bought Samuels' place, I just wanted a shot at you as soon as I could before you bitched out like a pussy. Either turning me down or never acknowledging my requests. I know you would be happy just going after easy wins while you hold the Uni title, but I will not fucking allow that to happen."

"You and your followers my believe you are the Universal champion, a fighter who is worthy of holding that belt. Me and the rest of the world, we see a fucking pathetic loser, who stole the belt and did what exactly? Say victory forever and crawl back under his rock. Now I know what you're going to say, you're defending the belt now. In a match you didn't want though. Samuels was going to kick your ass and take the belt but he kindly gave me the pleasure, you couldn't take the TV title away from me, what the hell makes you think you can hold onto the Uni?"

"Oh wait, the TV title didn't mean shit right? You didn't care about that match. You didn't want the TV title. You didn't care so fucking match about that match that all your promos that week vanished. Like fucking magic they disappeared into the wind. You knew you were fucked and took them down to give yourself an out, because that is what the higher power, the Universal Champion does. He acts like a damn child and hides his mess under the rug. But, wait, I can hear blood boiling rage coming through the air. Oh, it's Morbid, and he's saying I have no proof or some other dumb shit? Well I do have proof, as well as the millions of people who watch XWF know they saw your promos before you through a hissy fit. Like they saw that fucking one minute defeat of yours. Or was that an actor you hired? Wouldn't put it past a scumbag like you."

"When we squared off for the first time, you said some dumb shit. Like ridiculously stupid. I think this is the first time I've had a rematch with someone and they could actually repeat the same shit and not be proven to be a rehashing generic piece of dog shit. But I'll know.... You know, for the first time in a long time, I actually feel something more than general disinterest towards an opponent. I feel more, ticked off. You don't measure up as a threat to me, you don't matter enough to make me angry, you make me laugh though. So, there's something I guess. But! And this is a big ol' Nicki Minaj butt twerking while doing a handstand. You gave me a cheap win. And that pisses me off. Here I was complimenting you in our back and forth saying, you may suck a thousand dicks but at least you always give it one hundred percent. Morbid may be a fucking joke and a liar, but at least he tries his hardest. Not only did you prove the world wrong with that shocking performance at our match, you made me a liar. And that hurts Angel. You cut me deep." *Fake cry sniffle*

"Anyway, I have a question. Where have you been?"

"Like I was expecting the week to begin and BAM Morbid Angel promo, but instead nothing. I thought you vanished like your last promos. So what? You've just been a lazy asshole, licking your belt or whatever way you handle it, stuff it down your pants and pretend it's your dick? I don't know, nor do I care. But why have you just done nothing? Been vacationing in sunny Florida? Picking which retirement home suits you best? Or have you been touring the world? Meeting your two fans and just shooting the shit. Refurbishing the Asylum clubhouse maybe? Making sure the 'R' in 'No gurlz alluwed' looks extra childish and reeking of down syndrome to project your image."

"So, I'm just trying to think about what you're going to reply with. But all I hear is nails on a chalkboard and a schoolbus full of Autistic kids falling off a cliff. So I think I've got your shit down to a tee with those predictions there. Maybe you will mention my mask? Or my suit. Maybe that I'm English, oh oh oh maybe you'll say that you don't trust me! Fuck a duck I can't wait for the satisfying sensation of deja vu to ripple over me. I'm getting so hype to sit through your lame trash talk. Maybe I'll remind myself of some as a practice."

Morbid Angel Said:I think it does. I can tell that you are getting frustrated because I am no walk in the park, you are running out of things to say and I am giving you less things to talk about.

GATOR: "Remember when you said that dumb shit? And I replied to you, and it was the longest promo full of trash talk that week!? Because after saying this you gave me even more to work with! That, that is comedy gold. Nay, that is comedy Unobtanium! That was from Avatar, you ever watched that film? I wasn't a huge fan myself, don't like CGI, prefer practical effects. Fuck, that was a fun back and forth... Well, your promos don't exist anymore, so I guess it was just a fun back. Anything else we have in the halls of stupidity?"

Mangled Anus Said:You want to bring up Azrael, and his supposed wins? Did you happen to check who took the Universal Title from him? Yeah, I bet you did! claiming I didn't earn it, I watched that shitty ass promo! Making claims that are not true, if you actually paid attention but you don't.

GATOR: "Oh shit. Remember when you made up someone? That was really fucking dumb. I do love this line though. I watched that shitty promo, making claims that are not true, if you actually paid attention but you don't. Reminds me of someone. Hmmmm. Todd! Check the monitor!"

*The camera goes over to Todd at a PC looking worried holding a long fold of paper*

T: "The whiny bitch levels are hitting Gilmour territory!"

*Back to Gator on the edge of his seat*

GATOR: "Oh fuck! Abort! Abort!"

*Back to Todd who slams his fist on the keyboard, and sits back in his chair more calm. The camera goes back to Gator who wipes 'sweat' from his mask*

GATOR: "Whew. That was a close one. Maybe we should stay away from replays of your promos, don't want to turn this into a Peter Gilmour-esque shit-fest... Well, maybe one more."

Miserable Android Said:Do you want to talk about how I lost to Griffin MacAllister?

GATOR: "Sure five times was it? Answer my question dammit! You never answered it the first time you gaping vagina! Moving on, you insulted me and said that my match with Lane was staged. He took the fall and blah blah blah. Mother fucker you pulled the same shit with Hysteria! You fucking hypocrite. Made midgets fight, didn't do anything yourselves and shock of the minute, Angle is the higher power. Yes, I called you Angle, that's an inside joke wink wink. Try and see if you can understand the joke, go on. I'll give you an hour and my crack team of scientists. while you figure that out, I'll just continue with this, you fucked over the fans, made this farce and tricked people. You did, what you accused me of doing. Once more, you fucking piece of shit scumbag hypocrite. Fuck you. Fuck you to hell and back with a barb wire dildo. Fuck you, you piece of utter worthless shit. And you'll go ahead and say this was master planning. Even though in the world of wrestling, this has been the ten thousandth swerve of this kind to date."

"Remember when I said you won the belt for doing nothing, and lost it without a fight. This is history repeating itself right now. And it's going to be a sad fucking sight to see. For you and your followers by the way. It's going to be a big relief for the rest of the world. Gator finally wins the belt he deserves! Seriously, that is what ninety percent of the fed and fans will say. I can probably get a 'Fuck Morbid Angel' chant going right now... Fuck it."


*Gator stops the chant and leans closer to the camera, cupping his ear*

GATOR: "Ah yes, I can hear them. You are hated in Minnesota."

*Gator sits back in his chair properly and relaxes, he pulls a cigarette from the carton
in his pocket and sticks it between his masked lips, igniting it with his zippo and expelling smoke into the air*

GATOR: "So, this enough material to work with? Can you pretty please get some decent trash talk out of what I said instead of another adventures of Captain Generic? Because by god I am so sick of your shit. Just the same old song and dance. Me Morbid Angel! Me strong because of steroids and I will prove it by lying and hiring actors to make me look cool. It's just, dull. I have never watched a Morbid Angel promo and gone, wow, what a guy, can't wait to see what happens next. Because it's always the same old shit. You do stuff, you're an asshole and you win the promo. Yes, you win the promo. Only someone with a fucking ego as big of yours can accomplish such a fucking task. It all just feels so fucking scripted it's like watching a reality TV show. Which you did once... Huh .... Well then.... Moving on."

"I just realised this is the first time I've ever ranted like this without any word from my opponent. Huh, go me I guess. Must be me being ticked off with you that has supplied this string of hatred. Or maybe it's because I just love proving how much of a fucking loser you really are. I don't know. Anyway, I think I'm done. Remember, try and be good and this time, when you release a promo, don't retract it like a fucking pussy."

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