X-treme Wrestling Federation
Thunderbolt X - Printable Version

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Thunderbolt X - Thunderbolt Lying Asshole - 02-15-2015


In-Ring Name: Thunderbolt X

Wrestler's Real Name (if applicable): Jacob Cass

New to XWF or a returning roster member?: New to XWF

Wrestler Date of Birth: 18/11/1995

Height: 6ft 5in

Weight: 214LBS

Hometown: Boston, Massachusetts

Personality: Thunderbolt is a funny loveable character that overcome the odds. He never gives up and comes to the aid of other faces. He is a Highflyer and loves to entertain the crowd.

Alignment (heel/face/tweener): Babyface

Physical Build Description: Thunderbolt X is a well build, tall and very healthy charecter

Ring Attire: Has a Rey Mysterio mask and red and blue tights. His boots closely resemble Evan Bournes.

Out Of Ring/Casual Attire: Usually wears a soccer jersey and red shorts. He wears blue Adidas sneakers and a Tampa Bay Lightning hat.

Ethnicity: Thunderbolt is tanned

Pic Base: Not sure what this means

Wrestling Style: John Cena and Dolph Ziggler and a little bit of Dean Ambrose

Strengths: Speed

Weaknesses: His love for his wife
Known to be injuried a lot
He tends to kick more then punch

Entrance Theme Music: On My Own by CFO$

Entrance Description: Thunderbolt X comes out and does an Adrian Neville turn. He gets up and goes from side to side with his arms forming a DX style X above my head. He gets to the ring and jumps on the apron like Brock Lesnar and does a few side to sides. He bounces off the rope and performs a Red Arrow style somersault. He lands on both feet and performs a DX Chop. Thunderbolt then performs a superhero crouch. 

Manager (if applicable): (More backstage agent/manager, then a sidekick manager) Storm De Silva (Will occasionally accompany TBX to the ring)
Manager's Pic Base: [Image: xrtmpKb.jpg]

Top 15-20 Commonly Used, Standard Moves:
Spin Kicks
Super kicks
Superman Punch
Shooting Star Press
Red Arrow
Big Boot
Suicide Dive
Disaster Kick

Trademark Move(s): Signature 1- Thunder Clap
Description(s): RKO

Signature 2- Thunderbolt End
Description- Blackout/Curb Stomp

Primary Finisher: Thunderbolt of Doom
Description: AA

Secondary Finisher if applicable: Thunder Stretch
Description: STFU

Favorite Weapon if any: Steel Chair

Additional notes: I prefer to be put on Mondays show