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The failures of a little Pest - Printable Version +- X-treme Wrestling Federation (https://xwf99.com) +-- Forum: RP Archive (https://xwf99.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=113) +--- Forum: Archives (https://xwf99.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=13) +---- Forum: "Anarchy Special" RP Board (https://xwf99.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=10) +---- Thread: The failures of a little Pest (/showthread.php?tid=17604) |
The failures of a little Pest - Theo Pryce - 12-28-2014 "Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it." ~Winston Churchill "You know why I started this promo by having a Winston Churchill quote on the screen? It's simple really. Because it fits. You see a few weeks ago Frodo made a comment that Pest repeated today. Almost verbatim actually. Funny how that happens. It's almost like they were thinking with the exact same brain. The beauty of it though is that Frodo was wrong then and a few weeks later history has not changed and thus Pest because he dipped into the well of misinformation is wrong now. The general gist of quote for those may have not had the mispleasure of watching a Frodo or a Pest promo was that I am a failed business man because I misjudged Erica Rayner and my misjudgement led to her taking Pryce Industries from me. Now that would be an interesting little story if it weren't so factually incorrect. Maybe in one of the many multiverses that supposedly exist that little fiction did happen but in this universe, in this time, that's not how it went down. Allow me to give you all a little backstory for those of you who are new. There was a time when yours truly enjoyed the wonderful bliss that is cocaine a little too much. As a result of that Erica Rayner did in fact orchestrate a coup and take Pryce Industries from me. But you see I was high. Like all the time. And when you are high all the time you are obviously not thinking clearly, incapable of something such as misjudgement because well you are high as fuck. But you see what Frodo forgot and what I assume Pest never looked into since he wasn't around at the time was the fact that within days of Erica taking the company from me I was able to get sober enough to orchestrate a few different things, the end result of which saw me back in charge of Pryce Industries. Where I remained until I decided of my own accord to sign the company over to Erica when I had decided that that chapter of my life had come to a close. I'm actually surprised Pest and Frodo didn't remember that part since it happened only a few months ago. Now while we are on the topic of getting things wrong allow me to discuss a few more instances in which Pest got it wrong. Because, well...Pest gets it wrong. It's what he does. And he does it well. Despite all his double talk trying to convince everyone of the contrary. He is nothing more than a failed human and come tomorrow night a failed wrestler. You see Pest believes that I am a fool and a showman. Well in this case he's only half wrong. I am every bit a showman. If you were me wouldn't you be? But a fool? Considering what I've been able to orchestrate over the course of my life both personal and professional I think you would have to be an actual fool to say that about me. Case in point. I orchestrated a plan in which Jack would turn on Pest this week and all it would cost me is 15,000 xbux. It would have cost John 15,000 xbux as well but in return the tag team title match on Madness would have turned into a 2 on 1 Kings versus Pest beatdown. The agreement was struck and signed off on by the Kings and Jack. Hell Jack even submitted a pre recorded segment to air on Madness in which Jack explained to his partner exactly what happened and why. Now as you all saw with Jack's most recent promo he decided to spill the beans to his partner. I have no idea exactly why he would do that. My theory is that he lacks intestinal fortitude. In layman's terms he lacks balls. But you see I knew that going in. It was a contingency that I had planned for from the very beginning. If the plan actually happened as agreed upon then great. If not, well at a bare minimum the seeds of mistrust have been sown because now Pest knows that all it took was a few Xbux and Jack was ready to turn his back on the partner that carried him to a title victory. Do you think that Samuels would turn on me for some xbux? Please. And I wouldn't do that to him. And that has nothing to do with loyalty either. But it does have everything to do with being smart businessmen. Look at how much money Samuels and I have made since the Kings became a thing. Over 100,000 xbux total. I'm the guy that formed The Company with the singular goal of ending Eli James reign as owner of the XWF and I did it. I'm the guy who put together The Kings and after winning the trios titles we are on the verge of winning the tag team titles. John is about to be the next Universal Champion. I'm the guy who in half the time as everyone else has amassed an xbux fortune. I'm the guy that put on a mask and ran through this place like a fucking buzzsaw collecting titles like you collect rape victims. And when the mask finally came off and people got over their initial surprise they sat back and said "yep, that makes sense." And it wasn't because what they just witnessed wasn't amazing, it was. It was because when they sat down and thought about it they knew that there was one man capable of running around the XWF for 8 months winning titles without giving away who he was and that one person was me. I made you all look left, made you all look right and yet you couldn't see what was staring you in the face. I left breadcrumbs the size of fucking Texas and you Pest, the great well of knowledge that you pretend to be you seemed to have no fucking clue who I was. You act as if you know everything about everyone spouting off facts like a God damn Encyclopedia Britannica except when you get 95% of them wrong. Which for those keeping track at home is God damn near always. So now Pest, knowing all that I ask you, does that sound like someone who is a failed businessman? Hell, does that sound like someone who fails at anything? The simple answer is no. The correct answer is also no. So having said don't try and play the loyalty card with the Kings. We know what we are and what we are not. And what we are not are the kinds of guys to turn on a partner for 30,000 Xbux. Because doing so is both shortsighted and stupid. But Jack? Jack was all for it. Until he wasn't. But at that point the damage was done. Jack believing that he was going to walk away from his tag match without a scratch has basically left his partner high and dry all week. And even now that he has had a change of heart and revealed himself to be a pussy and not extract any revenge on the guy who previously betrayed him, the damage is done. Do you think Pest is going to walk into that match with full confidence in his partner? Of course not. He would have to reach Peter Gilmour levels of stupid to do that. Then again, this is the same guy who decided to film what essentially amounted to a low budget torture porn rather than focusing on the task at hand which is this weeks match. Now as Pest will tell you that was all part of his master plan. He thinks that by having us watch that promo that we would somehow be grossed out to the point that we would be unable to recover in time for our match on Madness. Seriously. I can't make this stuff up. Pest actually thinks that John Samuels, a guy who killed Ann Fairchild and me, a guy who is actually paid to kill people would somehow have our stomachs knotted up because of some bullshit film in which he raped a family and then killed part of it. Really? Back when I was getting coked up daily I was downloading more vile shit than that just for the hell of it. Your little bullshit flick was nothing more than a futile attempt at trying to convince all of us that you are the most twisted and sick person in this fed when the truth is you are nothing more than a poser. Try as you may, try as you might but you little Pest still haven't gotten it right. But you see that is Pest's achilles heel. Pest would have you believe that he's the biggest, baddest most twisted bitch on the block. He tries so very hard to convince everyone of that. Almost as much as GIlmour tries to convince people he is a good wrestler. But Pest, like Gilmour fails and fails hard. Pest believes that because he has won a grand total of one noteworthy match that he somehow has an advantage over John Samuels and I. Two of the most decorated wrestlers in the history of the federation. On my absolute worst, most coke filled days I am still better than Pest on his best day. Pest knows that, anyone with even one brain cell knows that. But if Pest wants to make the mistake of doing exactly what he accuses me of and that's misjudgement then who am I to stop him? I'm sure Vinnie Lane, Morbid Angel, Peter Gilmour, twice, Eli James, Hysteria, Mick Manson, Frodo, Adrian Storms, Bobby Zi, Jet Frost, TJ Wallace, Scotty Anderson, Tommy Wish, Duncan B. Deadly and Maverick all thought the same thing and yet in the span of a month they have all lost to John and I. Even the new Universal Champion Steve Davids knew the kind of threat I am, that's why he cashed in on me. He knows like I do that on an equal playing field he could never beat me. And before you try and come back at me Pest and claim that I am a hypocrite because I cashed in on Eli look no further than a week and a half ago when I pinned Eli before doing the same to Gilmour for like the 10 billionth time. Now I've said all I need to say about Pest. I'm sure he will fire back with some more misinformation and flat out lies and that's ok. That's who he is. A fraud of the highest order. And speaking of frauds that brings me to you Jack. I wish I could say that I am disappointed in you but the truth is I'm not. As I said earlier I had a feeling that you wouldn't be able to follow through with our agreement. You did seem a little too eager to try and turn a profit despite acting like money is of no concern to you and your Hidden Order. Hell let's not forget that while I was the one that approached you with the idea you were the one that put it out there that you were willing to get a little revenge on the guy that previously turned on you. So please do me a favor, stop trying to act like you are above any of this when the truth is you are just as much in it as the rest of us. With the one chief difference being that most of us have the ball to follow through with things. But that's ok Jack. I'm not mad at you. I'm not disappointed or upset. What I am however is excited. Because now you will get the very same beating that your partner will get on Madness. Make no mistake about it Jack this latest fuck up is just one in a ever growing list that you seem to be hell bent on building. Trusting Pest to begin with was a mistake. Being too chicken shit to make him pay for his betrayal was a mistake and now thinking that you and Pest can win on Monday, another mistake. Like I said previously, I expected you to dime yourself out. That was all part of the plan. My plan. And as history has shown time and time again my plans always end exactly how I envision them. It's a shamre you partner, a man who pretends to be such a student of history can't seem to grasp that. Oh well. His loss will be my gain. |