X-treme Wrestling Federation
Madness Opponents. - Printable Version

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Madness Opponents. - Xavier Swann - 12-01-2014

I've heard that some of you may not be happy with the fact that my one and only roleplay was posted at the last minute. I assure you that this was not a tactic of mine. I would have loved to post 2-3 times, but there was a couple of reasons why I didn't.

Firstly, I didn't even realise I was booked for a match until about mid-week. Stupidly, I didn't check the card and had assumed my first match was against Jet Frost on Warfare - 12/10/14. It was only during a bit of IC banter that TJ Wallace alearted me to the fact I was part of a tag match.

Secondly, due to work and other commitments, I was unable to even begin a roleplay until the very last day. I completely understand the frustration of my opponents and I do apologise. I can see how some of you might deem it as "unfair", but it would also have been unfair on Heartsford, had I no-showed or posted something that I didn't think could contribute to the outcome.

So again, I apologise, and I hope there are no hard feelings. It was not intentional, of that you can rest assured.

re:Madness Opponents. - TJ Wallace - 12-01-2014

Yes, I understand. Upset, no. Disappointed, a bit. Only because of the IC splash that you made, I was actually looking forward to our back and forth. I know, real life over the game though, so it is what it is.

Hopefully we'll have ourselves a real bout, but till then. Just keep at it. And intimate when you're the cards.

I may have used intimate incorrectly, but who cares, gotta get those X-Bux

Madness Opponents. - Xavier Swann - 12-01-2014

Haha, definitely man. Again, I'm sorry, but thanks for being cool about it. I'd love to face you in a proper one on one, so whenever you are free, hit me up. Be a very intimate match. By candlelight, maybe?

Madness Opponents. - Iris Oppenheimer - 12-01-2014

[shipping intensifies]

re:Madness Opponents. - Xavier Swann - 12-01-2014

(12-01-2014, 08:54 PM)Iris Oppenheimer Said: [shipping intensifies]

I have no idea what that means Tongue

re:Madness Opponents. - Frodo mother fucking Smackins - 12-01-2014

Shipping is the act of putting two or more people into relationships in your mind. Usually fictional characters in a series, or movie. For instance, I ship Draco Malfoy and Luna Lovegood. Also, Snape and Dumbledore.