X-treme Wrestling Federation
Going Underground - Printable Version

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Going Underground - Bobby Charles - 11-29-2014

Following the small wrestling program, BOBBY thanked a beaten Calbre down in the lockers. Unlike the bigger companies, these guys all shared locker space-- bitter rivals steered clear and to their own ends-- He got to talking with a few of the younger guys about what it was like to wrestle in the WWP--

Though their matches weren't the quality he was used to being around, it felt good to be around other wrestlers-- too them he was a bit of a celebrity, but at the same time, they viewed him as one of their own.

He shook hands with them, and made his way out the wrestler's entrance, passing Lord Biscuit and "Hot Shot" Andy Hayes.

The Alley had a few more wrestlers and their managers hanging out and smoking-- it reminded zi that he still had a cigar on him-- he took it out and lit it.

"You're Bobby zi, Aren't you?" A female voice asked him. He turned around to face a stunning woman who was wearing jeans and a hooded sweatshirt with a leather jacket over it. She held out a blue sheet of paper.

"Um, yeah--" He answered almost robotically, she was quite attractive. He took the paper from her.

"Whats this?"

"It's an invite-- Something I'm sure you'd be interested in-- After all, I couldn't help but notice you, er, that you seemed bored in there. If you got the time, you should swing by and check us out--"

He was about to ask who 'us' was, but a tangle of reporters materialised, seemingly from nowhere, and the woman disappeared...

"bobby! bobby! What brings you to this wwP show?"

"Are you here to promote your upcoming match against Big Joe ?"

Bobby watched her as she walked away. Right before she turned the corner she looked back over her shoulder at him. She had beautiful eyes--

The reporters, jammming tape recorders and microphones into his face brought him back down to reality.

"Bobby, What do---"

"What do YOU feel gives you the right to swarm around me like a fucking pack of hungry jackals? Get this shit out of my face. NOW dammit, do I look like I'm fucking happy to have you people waving your goddamned instruments of destruction in my face?!.."

The gave him some space but not very much-- they were like children who didn't seem realize they were sticking their hands into a hungry lion's cage.

"Mr. zi, is it true that you are leaving XWF and back to your WWP promotion ?"

"First off, camper-- NO. No. And No. These rumors you're hearing aren't true-- Do you people believe in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny too? Christ, think for yourselves for a change--"

"Anyway, I guess I can answer some of your questions-- but once I tell you I'm through-- you better fucking believe it-- Alright?"

"Now I hasn't show up for some weeks back there doesnt mean am leaving that shit , i was just having some shit taking care of, and NO, that shit isn't about losing interest-- i'm staying intact, no matter WHO handles this company-- after I win this match I will have a Championships match that i need to strip from idiots. What am I doing here? I watching a fucking show guys-- what the fuck are YOU doing here?"

"You just said when you win the belt-- does this mean your fairly confident that you'll defeat any of current champs?"

"How much money do you guys make to do this so-called 'reporting'? I said that I am going to hand myself a championship match because i deserved it, maybe its x-treme title or hell, maybe even the Universal Title,i dont fucking know and I guess if you do the math, that means that I'm going to beat shit out of this Big loser and other shitiies in that fed. Come on people, this isn't rocket science you're doing here--"

"What sort of preparations are you doing for your match?"

"Are you training with the WWP?"

"No.I have nothing to do with the WWP-- I couldn't even tell you what WWP actually stands for--"

"world Wrestling Promotion." said the reporter as he looks amused because that company was bobby's former employers

"Whatever-- I wasn't asking-- I don't care that much-- To answer whateverthefuckyournameis's question: I'm working out regularly-- I'm in damn good shape and I'mmoree than ready for this match-- BIG JOE seems good-- he's REAL good, but I've got the advantage over him in this bout."

"Alot of people are complaining that the two of you aren't publicly ripping into each other as much as you've done to others in the past--what's the deal with that?"

"There is no deal-- its just that am tired of givin every Jobber his debut as well as his first loss-- who's big Joe? does he have a power to step in the ring toe-to-toe with bobby fuckin zi? Look we are talkin about the man that never lost his last 3 consecutive matches, this stat amuse you more when you realize that 2 of them were x-treme match for x-treme title and the other is triple threat.. I don't really feel the need to come out and degrade the other because even though each of us is going to say that "I am coming out on top" , but he and I already know that the winner is going to be me-- and NO, before you mondocks ask-- one of us ISN'T laying down-- This is a real match, but that doesn't mean that we're planning to comeout and snap the other guy's legs up only to shove them up their ass moments later..."

"I have damn strength, and he knows it-- there isn't a damn thing he can do about it, and he's not going to try to cheat to beat me like a certain Joey hawkins shithead once tried-- JOE is a beaten man, but he'd not going to go down without a fight-- no matter how great the odds, both of us know that we just might overcome the insurmountable. He's going to fight my tooth and nail, and I'm going to put him down firmly, but as gently as I can-- much like a beloved family pet, when you take them to the vet to be put to sleep-- I'm not here to put the man to sleep-- I'm here to put his shoulders to the ground until the count of three is over-- BIG is a brave man. I mean he knows what I'm capable of, yet he STILL is going to enter the ring against me at MONDAY.

"This is going to be the ultimate in matches that I've ever been witness too-- I'm proud to say that I'm going to be a part of history itself-- I'm proud to face a man like Joe, and I'll be even more proud after I beat him.. and after I rub his loss in his face.."

"Oh, if you want to hear me cut a promo-- I've something to tell JOEY HAWKINs--

"You're next mother fucker-- I"m gonna fucking show you who rides on who's fucking coat tails after I win our match,You think you're hot shit? You're not hot-- you're just shit-- You are a dead mother fucker. you've got a whole series of Bad Hangover's coming your way JOEY, so I'd advise buying stock in Advil or some shit--"

"You sound serious..."

"You? Shut the hell up-- you guys are like fucking roaches and shit--

"Big joe? If you're listening or reading this or however else these fucks want to distribute this shit-- ? but you're NOT going to be laughing or even smiling when I'm pinning your ass to the center of the wrestling ring-- You're not going to be smiling when the referee raise my hand as a sign of victory-- but you know what-- I don't really mind to much-- don't mean to hurt you feelings, pal-- but I've got you by the brass ones, and I'm just waiting to use my knife.

"There is NO WAY that you'll be able to stop me from rolling over you-- Do you see me? Do you? You better see, becuase I'm that mother fucking train that's baring down on you, and all you seem to be able to do is stare, blank faced, like a deer stuck in headlights-- I'm blueberry pancakes from IHOP while you're runny eggs from Denny's-- Do you get the picture? Good. Now GET this shit OUT of my face-- I have better things to do than to rant and rave like a moron into your stupid little recording devices-- you all know what's going to happen, so stop bothering me!"

Bobby broke from them and hopped into a cab-- he drove off--- still holding a blue sheet of paper in his hand...