X-treme Wrestling Federation
Enlightenment for All.. - Printable Version

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Enlightenment for All.. - Hysteria 'The Prophet' - 11-15-2014


The end of yet another introduction ceremony for the newest members of The Asylum. Hysteria walks down the steps of the main altar. The doorway to the right of the altar is slightly askew. A strange sound is emitting from behind the doorway…

Hysteria pushes open the door to reveal three metallic stands stretching the arms and legs out of whomever is placed within its arm and leg clamps. There are also clamps holding the eyes of the holders open. Three more inductees brought into the fold. Three more Soldiers for The Higher Power are set in the clamps as they stare ahead. On the wall before them is an ever-shifting projected image of an ink blot. The small white projection screen is cut at the bottom raggedly, but the image still filters through the parts that are cut at the bottom. The sound plus the images create a very persuasive illusion. Hysteria laughs as he shakes himself out of the trance created by himself and The Higher Power. He sees Ghost Tank standing at the opposite side of the room watching over the three newest inductees. Hysteria walks behind the stands running his hand along the tops of the stands as he passes by. Hysteria walks over and stands beside his brethren. He places his gloved hand on the shoulder of Tank and pats him softly.

How have they been, Cleanser?

So far they have been...okay.

Okay? Have there been any issues with them?

Hysteria removes his hand and laughs to himself as he stares at Ghost Tank. Ghost Tank would shake his head before speaking to Hysteria while his gaze stayed upon the three.

No, Prophet, there really hasn't been. They seem a bit fearful, but that can be a good thing. Especially considering their current position. Fearing the unknown, fearing the Higher Power, fearing us. They will learn to love us and the Higher Power, but for now, they fear upsetting me. Though, they should be more worried about upsetting you.

He chuckled then grinned.

HAHAHA! They really must learn! But that's why they're here staring into this blot of white and black magnificence. The swirls, the lines, and the shapes of black and white.

Hysteria shakes his head as he begins to get lost once more.

It really is a most intoxicating array is it not?

Ghost Tank turned his head to look at the shifting blot, nodding to Hysteria's words

Yes, Prophet. I was looking at it for a little while myself, but then I realized, I am here to watch over them. Make sure they stay here, make sure they watch it. If I kept looking any longer, I believed they would probably have tried to stop looking, maybe even try to escape if I gave them the chance.

Upon Tyson's face, there was blood from the corner of his lip, Harley Jack's left cheek bruised, but Zoey seemed untouched.

Tyson I had to hurt a little bit. Same for Harley. I heard some movement while I was looking at the blot, and they were trying to shuffle their ways out. Zoey, however, probably hasn't been up for much after coming back and losing to Mastermind. So she has been staring the longest. The other two quickly fell back in line after a bit of pain.

Hysteria begins laughing wildly as he notices the damage done to their face.

All's fair in love and war. Unfortunately for these three, we had to go to war to prove to them that we actually loved them. Hehe Soooooo did you by chance to check out that atrocity of a repercussion issued by Senor Sane? If you did, tell me... how long of a nap did that promo sentence you to?

Hysteria laughs wildly as he bangs on the wall.

Ghost Tank tries to laugh with the same intensity, but feels his as if his chest is on fire, so he only laughed a bit, before snickering then responding to Hysteria,

Well, I barely watched it. I used to care about what he said. Mostly because he seemed to have a lot of talent. Now? I can't seem to watch anything he puts out without getting bored, maybe a quarter of the way through and changing the channel to something else.

He smirked, bringing his left hand to pat Hysteria gently on the back.

I know you're going to win that match, Prophet. Just like I will win mine. I do worry about one thing, come Madness. I have no doubts that Vinnie Lane and Peter Gilmour will seek revenge on us. With me being injured the way I am, I think they will target me first. Take out the powerhouse of The Asylum while he is weak so he cannot come to the aide of the Prophet, you, during the main event. As with most things, if you cut the head off, the body follows.

Hysteria stops his laughing abruptly as Ghost Tank finishes the last statement.

Haven't you figured it out, Tank? Haven't you DISCOVERED it?! Haven't THEY discovered it?! I am not the head in these metaphor of a body. The neck, perhaps, but the head of The Asylum is and always will be The Higher Power. However I prefer to view our family as more of a HYDRA dynamic. As with all Hydras, the key is to cut off the main head. However, in order to get to the primary head, the slayer must slice through the vertebrae of several other heads. Cleansor, you are as valuable a commodity to this family as The Martyr, The Violator, or even myself. WE are The Asylum. WE shall reign supreme. WE shall claim rule to this land of XWF. Madness shall unfold to reveal yourself standing atop the fallen Venomous. In the main event, the gloved hand of Hysteria shall be raised high above the downtrodden Justin Sane and Avery Martin Alden.

Hysteria messes with his gloves as he walks out in front of Zoey. He removes his glove and bitch slaps her with the glove before placing it back on his hand. Hysteria begins laughing wildly as he walks back to Tank.

There was ONE thing that I found interesting... he stated that The Higher Power did not deliver me sanctuary from him. Do you really think I need sanctuary from YOU!? From Justin Fucking Sane? Why would I need refuge from you? What have you done to earn fear from me? Absolutely nothing. But bring it! I don't run from fights. Especially not from fights against disappointing fucktards like Sane. Isn't that right, Cleanser?

He listened close to Hysteria's words. He watched as he slapped Zoey with the glove. Once he came back and spoke of Justin Sane's words, and then questioned him, asked if he was right, he nodded to Hysteria's words before speaking,

Of course, Prophet. All Sane has shown himself to be so far, is not someone to look out for, but rather, someone to pity. Someone who doesn't deserve the backing of a man like Evertrust.

He laughed softly, then looked to Hysteria as he spoke

I am willing to bet that Evertrust already regrets having chosen Justin as a partner. I've said it before, I'll say it again: Justin needs people like us, needs people like Trust, to carry him. Otherwise, he's just as pathetic as the rest of the people on the roster, and the only thing he can lash out at is the same thing he rags on people for doing, lashing out at names. He mocked the names we were christened with as we became part of The Asylum. Yet for people to mock his name, Justin Sane, it's something stupid and pathetic for them to do. After all, he's sooo superior to the rest of us, isn't he Prophet?

Hysteria begins nodding furiously and laughing as he does so. He reaches into one of his pockets and pulls out a hammer and a nail. He gives the hammer to Tank who looks on confused. Hysteria then takes a bow, curtsying with his hat. He places the nail on the wall as he holds it in place. It seems to dawn on Ghost Tank as he smashes the head of the nail driving it into the wall. Hysteria laughs wildly as he takes the hammer.

Your statements about names has... HIT THE NAIL RIGHT ON THE HEAD!

Hysteria is dying from laughter as he falls against the wall holding his ribs.

Oh don't make a joke. I simply wanted to nab an overly used cliché before you butchered it. After all, you are just a 'flash in the pan,' right? Maybe you'll say that this is the pot calling the kettle black! You see, even The Cleanser can see past your little charade. We all know just how full of shit you are. Come Monday, whether it's you or AMA. I will scramble your eggs and fry your chicken. Bahahamahaha! You're a dead man, and Tank will tell you much the same.

Ghost Tank laughed hard, his left arm coming across just under his chest, as if he is trying to protect his ribs. He began coughing and then his laughter became a soft chuckle while his bandaged hands rub at the part of his chest that was now burning. As he settled down, he spoke

Justin, you had perhaps one of the greatest starts a person could have asked for. Yet you immediately squandered every single opportunity given to you afterwards. A lot of people believed you were a shoo-in for King of the Ring. Hell, you didn't have a decent opponent, until you faced Brother Frodo, and because you didn't take that opportunity seriously, he destroyed you. The same goes for your Four or Five way for the T.V. Title. You were believed to absolutely sweep that match under the rug. What happened, though? Gator is still the champion. Now you go up against the Prophet of the Higher Power, and you think you can win? You think you're going to beat him? You couldn't beat the Violator, what makes you think you can beat the Prophet? He is going to destroy you much like Brother Frodo did. You have been nothing except being a great disappointment since the War Games have ended. Prophet Hysteria, I don't think any more words are needed, unless of course, you still have something you'd like to say, but I believe I have nothing else to say about him.

Speak. Speak some more garbage in which I will have to sift through in order to find portions that are even SLIGHTLY important in the grand scheme of it all. You say that nothing is going to save me as if I'm waiting for a savior. It's SIMPLY not true! You see... you have it jaded! I am the savior. Or at the very least, the guide to the savior. I don't need saving. You do. After a run-in with me, you'll be drooling in the corner grasping at anything you can use against myself. But the more you reach... the further you stretch... you begin to realize that no matter what you grasp. No matter what you can get your hands on. It won't matter.

Because whenever I get my hands on you, it's going to be lights out. No more success. No more failures. Nothing, but emptiness.

Hysteria walks forward and stands beside Zoey Ryback being suspended in the clamps. He moves his face an inch or two from hers, but she doesn't react in the slightest. He removes his glove and snaps his fingers. Nothing. Hysteria begins laughing wildly.

Perhaps, after I dismantle your body, I shall make you the next Soldier for The Higher Power. All hail The Asylum. All Hail The Higher Power. Justin Sane...

Hail. Me.