X-treme Wrestling Federation
After The Fall of The Cleanser - Printable Version

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After The Fall of The Cleanser - Mr. Oz - 11-12-2014

It was after Warfare had ended, and Ghost Tank was worse for wear. He had been thrown off the building, then he had to pretend as if nothing happened, and aide The Asylum in their attack on the now ex-Trio Tag Champions. His ribs felt like they were on fire, felt like they were breaking with each step, but he pushed through. For now, his left arm was barely usable, and he hunched over a bit while putting things away. Alvald helped him with putting things away, allowing Ghost Tank to relax a small amount.

Fucking hell, Alvald. That actually fucking hurt. I've done some crazy shit, some shit that should have killed me, but this. Fuck. I wish it did kill me. At least I did what I wanted to do when I came after Mastermind. Too bad he still won though. Should have done worse. A lot worse. I do think, after next week, I will take a week off, or at least Madness and Warfare off. I doubt I'll be fully healed before next week, so that will make this so much worse.

He grunted and growled as he stood up, and continued to put things away. He looked at Alvald once they were done, and shook his head,

Shit. You're not going to be able to carry all of that.

Ghost Tank moved over to his bags, and let out a damn near roar like noise as he picked his belongings up, slinging them over his right shoulder, and had placed the handles resting on the left side of his neck. He stood up as straight as he could, before exiting the room, and heading to the rent-a-car. Once there, he put his stuff in there, and looked to Alvald putting stuff in as well. He tapped the roof of the car to get his attention before speaking,

I'm going to go talk to Hysteria. Keep watch, all right? And don't open the doors for anyone, except me or the others in The Asylum. Hell, go find somewhere to eat, then come back. We'll get something on the way to the airport.

He smiled to the smaller male, while he walked away, heading back into the arena, to go to the locker room area to look for Hysteria. Once he found it, Ghost Tank would then open the door to Hysteria's locker room, hunched over, left arm held close around the middle of his rib cage. He grunted and growled as he walked inside, and quickly moved to sit down on anything, whether it be bench, chair, or even a trashcan. Anything so he can relax. Once he has had that chance to calm his body is when he would speak,

Hey, Hysteria.

Hellooooo Ghost Tank.

I wanted to ask if you saw my interview with Oliver Cooper?

Well of course I did. I pay attention to all the things my fellow Asylum mates divulge themselves in.

I wanted to know what you thought about it. Did I do well in representing The Asylum? The Higher Power? Should I have said anything different?

Ghost Tank, you always represent our group to the besttttt of your abilities. In your position, I wouldn't change a single thing you said.

He didn't give me much of a chance to respond to his question about us going after the tag and trio tag titles. Though we kind of made a statement about it tonight, didn't we? He chuckled, and as he did so, he growled in discomfort, his arm moving as if to protect his body from some unseen force. Fuck. falling from a roof does not feel good. At all.

Well maybe you should stop doing that, Tank? Next time try throwing Horseman off the top of the roof. Your neck and body may feel better if you did so.

I'll try harder next time. He smiled, giving the lightest of chuckles before continuing to speak, I also wanted to let you know how I'm feeling. I feel like I am failing the Higher Power. I've lost to two men that I should have won against. Am I failing you all? Am I failing the Higher Power? If I am, I will do what I can to try and make up for the losses.

Failing? This isn't about winning or losing. This is about mayhem. So long as you are unleashing hell upon the XWF and the non-believers, you shall never fail me, The Higher Power, or your fellow Asylum mates. You can make up for the losses by simply making more mayhem. Finding more bodies for The Higher Power.

Also, I don't know if you knew, but, on this month's Shove-it, I face Brother Lucius. Should I treat him like any other opponent? Should I let him win? What should I do? What does the Higher Power want me to do?

Treat Lucius as you would any opponent. Although he is our brethren, he should respect a fight and should respect you enough to make that match legendary. Never let him win. That would accomplish nothing. The Higher Power wants you to leave your heart out there in the ring. Fight like a madman and fight until your body can't fight any more.

I will be doing just that. Thank you for the talk.

He smiled to Hysteria and got up. He opened the door, and made his way out. Invigorated, he made his way to the parking lot, and saw the car waiting for him. He chuckled and once he was at the door, he opened and got in quickly.

Find a place to eat?


With that, Alvald and Ghost Tank drove off, heading to get something to eat before they would catch a flight to go to Baltimore for the Shove-it event.