X-treme Wrestling Federation
The ??? Report: Who's a Bitch and Who's Not a Bitch - Printable Version

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The ??? Report: Who's a Bitch and Who's Not a Bitch - ??? the Next Level Meta - 11-08-2014

With the abundance of reports and reviews and journals about what's going on in the XWF from the POV of some journalists who ain't set their pussyfeet in an actual ring, I, the fuckin' infallible ??? (pronounced question mark question mark question mark) have decided to undertake the massive job of talking about shit from the POV of a motherfucker who's actually been in a ring. Making this about a thousand times more accurate than the others. Now, I ain't about to rank people from least bitch to most bitch. Just a simple list, or two if you want to separate them. Who's a bitch, and who ain't a bitch? Let's see.

All you bitches.

Not a bitch:

There. Done. A definitive list of who's a bitch and who's not a bitch. Got a problem with your placement? Well too bad, cocksucker/carpet devourer.

re:The ??? Report: Who's a Bitch and Who's Not a Bitch - Scully - 11-09-2014

"Seeing as you call yourself question mark, I have some questions for you.
Firstly who calls themselves question mark, question mark, question mark? Is that something a big, flabby, hairy pussy would do?
You seem to be hiding behind your true identity don't you? Unless you really want to known as ???(pronounced you need to grow a pair of testicles and man the fuck up) do you?

Actually I'll answer those questions for you....

The real bitch here is you! Let me show you"

The guy who calls himself ??? who is probably shitting himself right now

"It's pointless to make fun of you because it will take you the rest of the day to figure it out!"

re:The ??? Report: Who's a Bitch and Who's Not a Bitch - ??? the Next Level Meta - 11-09-2014

And here comes the first of what I guess will be many, many blubbering manginas bitching about the fuckin' infallible ??? (pronounced question mark question mark question mark) and his list. First off princess, take the dick out of your mouth before you start talking to me because I didn't have any idea what the fuck you were saying until I had my expert gayologist translate. It wasn't even worth it, but since I brought him here to translate your cock drowned rambling, I ought to fuckin' respond to your words.

First off, I fuckin' call myself ??? (pronounced question mark question mark question mark) so no, obviously not something a big flabby hairy pussy would do. Though nice attempt at acting straight there, going straight to vagina and whatnot. Too bad you were choking on the D while trying to talk. Queer.

Oh shit, he's using my report against me! Whatever shall I do? Oh, right. It's fucking Scully who obviously wasn't listening to the entirety of the report or else he'd know the protocol for having an issue with his placement. Go back to your cocks, . I'll go back to bossin' it up and making babies like you cry all day, every-fuckin'-day.

Sincerely, ??? (pronounced question mark question mark question mark).
The man scaring the XWF into silence & your XWF Tag Team Champion.

Come back when you can lace up my fucking boots, kid.

re:The ??? Report: Who's a Bitch and Who's Not a Bitch - The Blue Tango - 11-09-2014

"Yo! Yo! Yo! Yo! Yo! What is up my XWF buthuhs?! Scully my main man! Why hassle this guy when he's going out of his way to add his own opinion to the mix? Give him a chance yo! I didn't see you heckling Phillipe or Oliver when they posted their reports. At least ??? included you in his! Your totally cool and all but don't be hatin'!"

"...And ???... Cool name dude! It's almost as cool as.........."

Calypso waves his hands in front of his face mystically......


re:The ??? Report: Who's a Bitch and Who's Not a Bitch - Scully - 11-09-2014

"Come back when I can lace your boots?
Why can't you tie your own, ?!

All you did there, was go on and chat shit about how gay I was.
Wow... Just Wow. We have someone in the closet over here, his name is question mark.... Who gives a fuck what his name is!
Is that the best comeback you have? That I'm gay, that I'm a raving homosexual? Ask your mum how gay I am! Okay so I did her in the ass aswell as the vage. But that doesn't mean i'm gay does it?

Oh so your one half of the tag chumps huh? So you were given a title just like you gave your boyfriend aids and your bragging about it?"

The ??? Report: Who's a Bitch and Who's Not a Bitch - ??? the Next Level Meta - 11-09-2014

Bruhs, I think I fuckin' broke this fool! Look at him, whining like a woman about how I'm calling him on being the he is but then turns around and calls me gay literally seconds later. Good joke bruh, 10/10 would hear again. Oh wait, the only joke here is your fucking career as you drift fucking aimlessly around , talking about fucking people's moms like your name was Darren Dangerous or some shit. Fuck me man, someone get Peter Gilmour up in this bitch; he'd put up 3x the fight this scrawny English is. Though, since Scully's too much of a dumb cocksucker to know how expressions work it's obvious he'll never be able to lace my boots.


The ??? Report: Who's a Bitch and Who's Not a Bitch - Peter Fn Gilmour - 11-09-2014

why is my name brought up into this bullshit?

re:The ??? Report: Who's a Bitch and Who's Not a Bitch - ??? the Next Level Meta - 11-09-2014

(11-09-2014, 01:51 PM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: why is my name brought up into this bullshit?

Easy. Because while you're a massive bitch who cries more than a bitch watchin' The Notebook, you're still more worthwhile than Scully. Sure, that ain't much because a fuckin' stiff breeze could knock that stick figure fuck on his ass but still, it's something. Your brand of stupidity is easier to deal with than Scully's, which could be considered a goddamn WMD.

The ??? Report: Who's a Bitch and Who's Not a Bitch - Peter Fn Gilmour - 11-09-2014

i may be stupid but im still the king and a champion.. what are you? oh right A BITCH!

re:The ??? Report: Who's a Bitch and Who's Not a Bitch - ??? the Next Level Meta - 11-09-2014

There's that Peter Gilmour charm I've been waiting to see! Where he falls flat on his face and admits his fuckin' idiocy-- wait what? He actually went out and admitted that he's stupid! HAHAHAHAHAHA! Wow, in just a few moments I managed to get Gilly to admit something a lot of you bitches have been wanting to hear him say forever! That's great!

What's also great is when he doesn't catch that I'm the other Tag Team Champ and tries to turn the bitch around on me. Nah-uh bitch, it doesn't work like that.

Though, he's still less of a bitch than Scully. That's something.

re:The ??? Report: Who's a Bitch and Who's Not a Bitch - Doctor Louis D'Ville - 11-09-2014

(11-09-2014, 02:12 PM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: i may be stupid but im still the king and a champion.. what are you? oh right A BITCH!

Perhaps you've forgotten, Mister Gilmour. I'm the King.

re:The ??? Report: Who's a Bitch and Who's Not a Bitch - The Blue Tango - 11-09-2014

"Who wants an appletini?"

re:The ??? Report: Who's a Bitch and Who's Not a Bitch - Peter Fn Gilmour - 11-09-2014

(11-09-2014, 05:08 PM)Doctor Louis Dville Said:
(11-09-2014, 02:12 PM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: i may be stupid but im still the king and a champion.. what are you? oh right A BITCH!

Perhaps you've forgotten, Mister Gilmour. I'm the King.

not for long ;)

The ??? Report: Who's a Bitch and Who's Not a Bitch - MARIA BRINK - 11-09-2014

I would, Calypso. Do you think I'm pretty?

re:The ??? Report: Who's a Bitch and Who's Not a Bitch - Peter Fn Gilmour - 11-09-2014

(11-09-2014, 02:26 PM)??? Said: There's that Peter Gilmour charm I've been waiting to see! Where he falls flat on his face and admits his fuckin' idiocy-- wait what? He actually went out and admitted that he's stupid! HAHAHAHAHAHA! Wow, in just a few moments I managed to get Gilly to admit something a lot of you bitches have been wanting to hear him say forever! That's great!

What's also great is when he doesn't catch that I'm the other Tag Team Champ and tries to turn the bitch around on me. Nah-uh bitch, it doesn't work like that.

Though, he's still less of a bitch than Scully. That's something.

Morbid is that you? or are u just another loser?

re:The ??? Report: Who's a Bitch and Who's Not a Bitch - Scully - 11-10-2014

"Your going around insinuating that I am gay. Those who accuse normally are. You brought this gay shit up and it's all you go on about. All you seem to talk about is shit stabbing, hence why I know your gay. Your just calling (Calling being a key word).... Calling me gay because it makes you feel better about your own sexuality.
I'm not saying you gay for the sake of it, being gay shouldn't be an insult. If I was a homosexual, I would just come and say I was. But I don't find men attractive.
You seem to have a thing for fatties though?
You like fat people? Darren Dangerous and Peter Gilmour, being a little of what you fancy?
I just did what you did..... Seeing as being a homosexual is all you want to talk about

I ain't ya fucking brah either"

The ??? Report: Who's a Bitch and Who's Not a Bitch - MARIA BRINK - 11-10-2014

Wanna fuck me, Scully?

re:The ??? Report: Who's a Bitch and Who's Not a Bitch - ??? the Next Level Meta - 11-10-2014

(11-10-2014, 08:08 AM)Scully Said: "Your going around insinuating that I am gay. Those who accuse normally are. You brought this gay shit up and it's all you go on about. All you seem to talk about is shit stabbing, hence why I know your gay. Your just calling (Calling being a key word).... Calling me gay because it makes you feel better about your own sexuality.
I'm not saying you gay for the sake of it, being gay shouldn't be an insult. If I was a homosexual, I would just come and say I was. But I don't find men attractive.
You seem to have a thing for fatties though?
You like fat people? Darren Dangerous and Peter Gilmour, being a little of what you fancy?
I just did what you did..... Seeing as being a homosexual is all you want to talk about

I ain't ya fucking brah either"

And this is the part where I laugh while shaking my damn fucking head at all this bullshit Scully spun without once getting to the heart of the matter. Ahem, AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Holy fucking shit bruhs I swear I'm forcing these idiots to spill their juice all over the place while you bitches wish you could get this kinda reaction. They're literally falling at my feet, offering up their finest displays of stupidity to me like I was their God or something. Hell, I'll take it. Bring me your sick, your dumb, your fucking blind, and I'll laugh my ass off at their misfortune while they scramble about trying to make the slightest hint of a fucking point! But fine, let's deconstruct this flimsily put together argument to please your masochistic urges, bruh. First off, you're the one perpetuating this gay shit. Literally. I called you about a about a thousand times and what do you do when you're so fucking heterosexual? Call me a about a thousand times with about as much proof as I have-- scratch that. Less. Because I have your constant "I have a dick in my ass" face to back me up and what do you have? My smooth ass baritone voice that makes all the bitches thirstier than a night in Ethiopia? Right bruh, I'm the gay one. Totally. But wait, you say gay shouldn't be an insult, after you try to defame me with accusations of queerness. Come again? So you're a fucking , , and a hypocrite? Groovy. You a feminist too bruh? Don't need another of those considering my partner's got an extra spiky cactus up her cunt about the truth of men being genetically superior to women when it comes to wrestling. Oddly enough the only time she'll let anything between her legs, but I digress, bruh.

Y'see, the thing to this whole twisting words around thing is you have to actually twist that shit around. Not regurgitate that shit back at me, dropping the same fucking names I do, without any of the damn wit. You really are like Darren Dangerous there, choda boy. Go choke on a dick or something, Faggatron.

Oh, and since you can't fucking clean the jizz/shit cumbo outta your ear long enough to catch a word I say; I never called you my brah, bruh. Learn to listen.

re:The ??? Report: Who's a Bitch and Who's Not a Bitch - Scully - 11-11-2014

"Thanks for the offer Maria but I think your best of offering the butt slut, question mark over here some Maria time. He already has aids like you do and he wants to prove just how straight he really is. I think you two would be good together.
If you were aids free I would give you a good fucking pounding just for the fun of it and make you feel like a real woman but unfortunately your not. Contraception might not work, properly.
Anyway, you might be able to distract him and I don't have to hear him go on like a broken record. He's quite boring and keeps putting me to sleep. Everything that comes out of his mouth is a load of bollocks. I'm surprised he's not choked on all that bullshit.
Think about it, yeah?

re:The ??? Report: Who's a Bitch and Who's Not a Bitch - ??? the Next Level Meta - 11-11-2014

(11-11-2014, 12:57 PM)Scully Said: "He's quite boring and keeps putting me to sleep."

Let me translate this comment for people not educated in the Newspeak bullshit Scully's trying to use. He's got nothing. He knows he's fucked and instead of admitting it like a man, he's hiding behind this because he thinks it's my job to entertain him. Nah, it's the other way around and his fucking whining had been thoroughly entertaining me since he opened his mouth first. Maybe he realizes I'm making him into a fucking joke and wants to save face. Either way with his fucking lie caught in a vice and paraded around for everyone to see, he'd have a better time of saving face if he shacked up with Hannibal fucking Lecter.

re:The ??? Report: Who's a Bitch and Who's Not a Bitch - Scully - 11-11-2014

"The only joke around here is you. The guy that no one gives a fuck about, needed some attention. The guy who got handed a tag title on a plate and didn't do jack to deserve it.
Here we go again, yet some more boring comments from the guy calling himself question mark, times three. It seems this guy is trying too hard to get a fan base.
No one has been all that interested in your opinion. Not like you have hoped anyway. Although, you wasn't referring to me in your first attention seeking attempt, I thought I'd give you my opinion anyway. Why? Because I can and because it was fun at the beginning. But the more you've gone on, the more you are making me feel depressed.
Do you suffer from anxiety and depression? Are you paranoid? Is that why you decided to flap your gums in the first place? It wouldn't surprise me if you was trying another failed suicide attempt right now! Keep trying little buddy, hopefully one day you will do us all a favour and succeed.... I doubt anyone would attend your funeral either!"

re:The ??? Report: Who's a Bitch and Who's Not a Bitch - ??? the Next Level Meta - 11-11-2014

(11-11-2014, 03:46 PM)Scully Said: "The only joke around here is you. The guy that no one gives a fuck about, needed some attention. The guy who got handed a tag title on a plate and didn't do jack to deserve it.
Here we go again, yet some more boring comments from the guy calling himself question mark, times three. It seems this guy is trying too hard to get a fan base.
No one has been all that interested in your opinion. Not like you have hoped anyway. Although, you wasn't referring to me in your first attention seeking attempt, I thought I'd give you my opinion anyway. Why? Because I can and because it was fun at the beginning. But the more you've gone on, the more you are making me feel depressed.
Do you suffer from anxiety and depression? Are you paranoid? Is that why you decided to flap your gums in the first place? It wouldn't surprise me if you was trying another failed suicide attempt right now! Keep trying little buddy, hopefully one day you will do us all a favour and succeed.... I doubt anyone would attend your funeral either!"

Bruhs! Senor Shit-in-Ears hasn't had enough of me flat out embarrassing him yet! So, being the super nice guy I am (I mean I'm carrying a skinny white alcoholic bitch who doesn't even lift retain her championship) I'll keep on giving Scully the thrashing he craves and deserves. Let's get to this shit and by shit I mean some really shitty shit bruhs, shit.

Yeah, no one gives a fuck about me, which is why you're so fucking desperate to get one over on me. Why Manson's so desperate to do the same thing. If you're calling you and him both nobodies then fine, you're doing my job for me at this rate so go on with that. It's funny watching an ape beat the shit out of itself. But you're right, I got handed a tag title on a silver fucking platter along with cash because Kendall Sawyer, for all her feminism and alcoholism and fucking ismism likes to win. And to ensure her victory, she chose me. Not you, phaggot. Deal with it.

Or keep on complaining about how I'm boring you. Right, that's my fault. You keep on adding fuel to the fire of your stupidity and somehow that's my fault? Yeah right, stop bitching, bitch.

Fuck's sake what's with these cowards and wanting me to kill myself? I get it, we all get it, you're scared out of your mind to face me so you want me to kill myself so you can claim the slightest hint of victory over me because as we all know, were Scully and the fuckin' infallible ??? (pronounced question mark question mark question mark, not question mark three times you fucking ) to meet in an XWF ring, Scully would be down and out faster than you can say "waaaaaah your rightness is boring me!".

True facts, bruh. Don't hate.

Next Level Meta up in this bitch, who the fuck is you?

The ??? Report: Who's a Bitch and Who's Not a Bitch - Frodo mother fucking Smackins - 11-11-2014

"What exactly is the issue with being part of a tag team cash in, if you're not the one with a case, exactly? Far as I see it, Questy and I saw an opening and took it. Smart move."