X-treme Wrestling Federation
Miracles. - Printable Version

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Miracles. - Zoey Ryback - 11-04-2014

"A Slow Rise, is that really all Ive been good for? To come and then disappear at what would seem to be the turning point in my career? I walked away from the XWF too long ago, and where have I gone since then? I've made my own personal progress I suppose. I have learned a few things about who I am, about what I am truly capable of, so you would believe that stepping back into that ring wouldn't be as intimidating as it really is. But its not the fear of the men and women who might stand across from me, its the thought that I have let some of the people who believed in me down. All I can do now is keeping walking, pick up just where I left off, but how? I guess it would be a good idea to tell you where I've been, what Ive been doing, picking up where I left off, while all the while...

The Road Continues...."


-Raleigh, North Carolina, August 2014.-

"It had been almost two weeks since we lost her, my sister, McKayla Ryback. After what happened on that rooftop I had found myself in more of a low point in my life than I had in a while, I was losing focus, losing drive, and the only person who was there for me was my Boyfriend, Nick Cagero. He kept on saying that times like this are what builds a person into something they never thought they could become, that this would be the moment in my life when everything changed, and I felt it, all the way into my core, I had been through so much but nothing had struck fear in my heart like this. A Crushing weight that I didn't think I Could overcome. I looked up at the sky that night and I prayed, prayed that I could make this one thing work. I've never been religious before, but I felt like covering all my bases. The air blew softly through my hair, all else was still in that moment, standing upon the roof of that building.

Looking over the side, my toes dangling over the edge, I felt Nick tug the rope behind me, the signal. My heart jumped a beat and I leapt. All else became still as the sound of wind passed over my ears, faster and faster the sound increased, my heart pumped, my veins grew cold and ever hair on my body stood on end. I began counting.

5... 4... 3... 2... 1...

The rope snapped tight, jerking my body to the ring, the pendulum motion of the rig we had set up was a little more than I had expected. My hip throbbed as the G-forces increased exponentially. The target was a building almost 400 feet from where I'd cut the rope, I had to get enough force to boost myself, I pulled my knife, cutting the rope. The motion stayed as I soared across the gap, I had to keep a good head, even though every inch of my was telling me to panic. I pulled my .45 from the holster on my chest and pumped three shots into the window directly in front of me, cracking the glass just enough for my body to crash through it. I took a breath, but it was all I could afford.

Bullets ripped into the cubicles all around me, I dove onto the ground, looking through the cracks underneath, I pumped my clip towards the breaks in the light I could make out. My heart pounded and the world once again fell into slow motion. I dove forward, smashing through the desks, kicking one into the air before grabbing it and throwing it towards the four men standing near the elevator. I spun, drawing my secondary, the other men near the stairs didn't have a chance, I fired, the full-auto pistol turned sideways, using the muzzle jump to create a horizontal pattern. As the world sped back up again, bodies and bullet casings were all I could hear. I stood up, slamming clips into both pistols.

-Flash Forward-

"The wind I had felt before had fallen, only still air surrounded the three of us, Drake Williams, nods his head at the hallways of bodies I've left behind me. The only sign of respect that could be shown, behind him my sister laid motionless upon the ground. I could feel her, she wasn't dead, he had done something to her, a drug I couldn't zero down on."

Zoey Ryback - "This is your only chance Drake, you need to stop this!"

Drake Williams - "Zoey Ryback, you are indeed everything that Five said you would be, you stand here now with all of that violence at your back and for what? For Who? Family?"

"Thats exactly Why Drake."

"For everything you've become, for all the things that have been laid out before you, you still hold onto the thought that these people will matter, can't you see what it really is?"

"Doesn't matter, I'm leaving here with McKayla."

"You dont know what you are Zoey, you are the next stage, what we've all been waiting for. The answer!"

"That isn't worth Shit!"

"I flashed forward, raising my foot into the air, he moved just in time, as dust and rocks flew into the air he flashed sideways, making clean contact with the side of my head before flashing back to the other side of the roof. My body blurred after him, he spun, I ducked the kick as his foot blurred over my head. An uppercut met his chest send him spinning over the side, but with a puff of smoke he appeared behind me. I spun, ducking another volley of punches before pushing him back, I leapt into the air, he blocked the set of kicks and grabbed me by the foot, spinning me once before letting me fly, I hit the side of the stairway wall, crashing through it I just managed to catch myself on the edge. I pulled myself back onto the ledge and he was standing in front of me, smiling. I dove forward, my fists almost dissapeared from the speed at which I was throwing punches at him, I felt them begin to connect, face, chest, stomach, neck, he blocked a few shots but with a few more I broke his defence, he stumbled backwards and I saw my chance, my heart jumped and my adrenaline pumped, time slowed once again, I pulled both fists back and planted them firmly against his chest. Time picked back up, as his body tumbled to a stop. He coughed, spewing blood against the white ground. I stepped back, readying myself for his next attack. But he rolled to his back, laughing. Confused I lowered my guard, he turned his head towards me, sitting up, he lit a cigarette. He snapped his fingers, behind me I heard McKayla begin to move."


"She wrapped her arms around me and started to cry, after a couple moments she looked up at me, with fear in her eyes, and said something I wasn't expecting.

McKayla Ryback - "You Didn't Kill Him Did You?"

I turned back to Drake, now dusting himself off on the other side of the rooftop, he smiled at me, clapping his hands together. He spit another spot of blood onto the ground and took a drag of his cigarette.

"You truly are the answer aren't you Zoey?"

"McKayla Whats he talking about?"

"Zoey, They've been waiting for you, the second Anomaly."

I turned to him, getting to my feet again.

"What do you want with me?"

"Something has to change in this world Zoey, the power has to be shifted, alone we were at their mercy, controlled by the program, by the drugs, by the therapy. But you aren't... You..."

He paused, as Nick stepped to the top of the stairs, his eyes met mine as he stepped forward, the most sincere look I'd ever seen on his face, I could feel him, the love he had, the nervousness hidden behind his cavalier attitude.

Nick Cagero - "You are The only person who can finally finish everything that's been started Zoey, I've said it since the day I met you, since the day I felt something different about you. They've been building us, men like Drake and I, to change the world, but there have only ever been two people who ever could... and one of them is You."

"Nick brushed my hair out of my face, and rubbed the dirt off my cheeks, And as his lips touched mine, I felt like I Could fly. Every doubt, every fear, every sliver of hopelessness I might have felt was washed away, I was truly for the first time in my life, weightless. And it was in that moment that I felt it, my feet leave the ground.

We held the kiss for as long as we could, until he couldn't reach anymore, I looked down at the three of them, he held out his hand until it slowly slid off of mine. He whispered, but I Could hear it as clearly as if he had said it right into my ear.

"I Love You, Zoey."

My Heart fluttered again, as I looked to the sky, The stars, the moon, as the ocean above met the skyline below. I looked to the horizon, and I felt like it was all for me, and without a thought to it at all, I was racing. Across the city underneath, to the forrests, the small villages, over highways and valleys, mountains and rivers, I cut the clouds, a red tracer across the night sky. Until at last I was over the open ocean, the breeze across my smiling face. What ordinary men would dream of, is what I had now, and I was free. You would be surprised, where you life will truly begin, and racing off into the night, I had found it....

My New Beginning.

Miracles. - John Msdison 2.Faggot - 11-04-2014

That was fucked up when Frodo raped you backstage. I felt sick to my stomach that night.