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Calling Out the Tourney - Printable Version

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Calling Out the Tourney - Maverick - 10-29-2014

The camera fades into a shot of Maverick relaxing on his bed- without the Insurance Policy or Raven with him, surprisingly. Hell, it looks like this isn't even Maverick's mansion! It appears as though he's sleeping. The camera zooms in on Maverick as he keeps taking deep snores, oblivious as to what's going on. When the camera can't zoom in anymore, Frank starts taking ever- so- silent steps toward Maverick until the camera is about to touch his face.

Then, all of a sudden, Frank trips and falls on Maverick, waking the Avatar of Perfection up.

"Who the---"

Maverick is up in an instant, scanning the perimeter, until he sees Frank on top of him.

"Oh. It's just you. Damn, you really take your 24/7 rules seriously. But enough about that, it's time I address my opponents.

"So. Round One. John Heartsford and Tyroil Smoochie- Wallace. I'm not going to pay any mind to Smoochie here, since all he did as a promo for War Games is just show us the beginning of his football game, and he thought it'd be serviceable Smh.

"So now, Mr. Heartsford. I'm expecting a half- decent fight from you, though I doubt you can bring it. I mean, seriously, you got beat by Frodo's one- eyed clone by having him do a Shoryuken to you. That is just plain sad and pitiful. An untrained, one- eyed wannabe Frodo knocking you out with a move from a video game. Not to mention, you also got your ass handed to you by Harrison, D'ville, the list goes on; Should I need to bring up anymore?

"So after I kick Heartsford and Wallace's asses in the first round, in the second round, it could go either way between Frodo, Gein, or Ghost Tank. Honestly, besides my match with Ghost Tank on the November 10th edition of Madness, I don't really have any beef with you. You seem like a solid competitor, and you may actually have me break a sweat should we fight in the second round. However, I notice you did say about me being a liar, once more, and how you twist my namesake, and make it your own. If anything, I am just as dominant also. Ask Samuels or McBride. Or how about Todd or Schrute? Maybe Hysteria, who I gave quite a beating in that ring a few moments ago? Face it, you ARE outclassed, and I don't need to even stick to my namesake here to ensure victory.

"But no. Who I do hope I'm facing is Gein or Frodo. Let's start with Gein.

"Gein, Gein, Gein. I actually thought you were a cool badass when you first debuted. A Venom wannabe, sure, but a badass nonetheless. But then, you go from 'badass' to 'drug addict,' by getting kush from Tush. I mean seriously? That moron? You may have gotten an upper- hand on me at War Games, but to be honest, I was taking it easy. Cain and Monolith were scrubs who hardly did anything, and Proxy did nothing at all. Add in the fact that Theo abandoned you, and so it was essentially a four- on- one. However, I didn't expect you to bring your A- game. I certainly will, now. Trust me, Venom wannabe, you'll be wishing you just stayed being a thought, an imagination, in Mickey Manson's mind instead of having him become a martyr.

"Now then, Mr. Frodo Smackins. How do you do? I haven't had the pleasure of meeting you yet. I thought I did thanks to your douche of a clone, Simon, but due to recent events it seems as though all of our brains are indeed addled by this startling revelation. I won't waste too much time on you since I don't really know much about you- the real you, anyway. The only comment I saw you make about me anyway besides you saying you'd beat me is the crabbing in the Great Lakes. Ah, yes. That... unfortunate incident. Evidently, you weren't paying attention in the video where Raven said that. I thought that you, of all people, a married man, would understand what a man would do when his woman starts jabbering on when you have a half- assed interest. I wasn't paying attention properly, not to mention neither me nor Raven were familiar with the Great Lakes area. Raven had packed crabbing nets, sure, but we didn't use them. During off- camera parts, we discovered what you DID say, that crabs could not establish themselves in the Great Lakes. Now then, as for the match, I admit, along with Tiburion and Santos, you intrigue me the most. You are a famed XWF wrestler, former Television Champion, etc. However, it still is strange that I have not even been remotely involved in a match with you yet. So therefore, it seems as though we have that excitement factor, that unpredictability that will make our inevitable showdown that much more exciting.

"Now then, after Round 2, it's inevitable that I'll be facing Justin Sane. Along with Aerial Knight and Gein, he's one of the four people I'm facing for the Television Championship. Now then, Sane, you may think you're tough stuff. 'Oh, I pinned Azreal Erebus,' you may say. But the fact of the matter is, you hardly did any work. You just hung back, did your fancy little finisher on Erebus, and pinned him. But the fact of the matter is, you had help there. But you won't have help I'm beating your ass down, and locking in my own finisher on you, being it pinning you with the Stinging Nightmare, or making you tap out with the Pure Perfection. And that'll just soften you up for the Grade- A beating I'm giving you, Gein, Heartsford, and Gator on Wednesday.

"Now then. Finals time. Most likely, I'm either facing the good ol' Doctor, Gator, El Tiburon, or Tony Santos. Since I don't know a lot about Tiburon or Santos, I'll just skip those two and reply to them if they decide to say something they'll just wind up regretting.

"First, we have Doctor Louis D'ville. Eh, what's up Doc? You did good at War Games, by the way. Trust me, Doc, I have lots of respect for you. You actually put up good fights, and not to mention, you have that business- like mentality, advertising your 'sessions' wherever you go. However, there's one problem: You're in my way to success, not once, but twice. Yeah, in addition to KotR, seems as though we're booked against each other on Shove- It. No matter the date, however, no matter the match type, no matter what, there will be absolutely NOTHING stopping me from claiming victory against you.

"And finally, Gator. Gator, the man who holds the championship I have been gunning for since my debut. Gator, the man who started this whole 'Iceman' trend. Gator, the man who Scully really likes calling a masturbator. Ah, yes. Gator, be thankful that I'm not wanting to go full blast at this tourney. No, instead, I want to go all out against you, Sane, and the others for the Television Championship. I know for sure that will be a hell of a match, and that I will walk out the victor. I am as sure of that as I am in my entire life. That is no lie, as people may say, as people may attempt to convict me of. That is pure, 100% fact. Even with no one here except for Frank, for backup, for emotional support, I don't need their help. Hell, the only thing Frank does is stalk me with his camera, and film and edit my promos! I assure you, if you rob me of all my limbs, tie me to a mop and throw said mop down a flight of stairs, and I can still beat you. And I will beat everyone who stands in my way to become King of the Ring."

The camera cuts to black, with words cutting the silence.

"The reign of the Avatar of Perfection has begun."