X-treme Wrestling Federation
I Think and They Are -Part 1: The Seminar- - Printable Version

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I Think and They Are -Part 1: The Seminar- - AerialKnight - 10-15-2014

“You don't get explanations in real life. You just get moments that are absolutely, utterly, inexplicably odd.”
― Neil Gaiman

The scene fades in on the Aerial Knight's right side of his upper body as he is driving along in his L300 while looking straight at the road. the radio is blaring out Sponge's Plowed as the car is moving along at about twenty five miles per hour along a peaceful suburban town in Michigan. He is tapping his fingers to the beat while scouting out the small town to find the quickest route to the location of a public park. Believe it or not, no, he is not going to head to the stadium first, something that is very unexpected from a fighter like him. As the song continues to play, his eyes quickly shift to the camera with a hint of remorse before moving back to the road. He sighs and pauses the song to make his voice heard and not drowned out by music.

"I know I told the XWF that I was going to shoot a promo in the stadium to test out their cambot prototype in an enclosed area, but I recently got a call about a seminar about fiction and fantasy from my sister, so I have to record it and send it to my family as a birthday present for my father. So, when the XWF gets this video sent to them, I apologize for lying."

A smile forms across his face.

"She told me that my dad loved the speeches Avery Martin Alden, a man who just happens to be one of my partners in the War Games PPV, and how he hardly ever came to Baltimore and refused to have many of his speeches recorded. Since Shane had spent a million on this prototype and a thousand more to make one small enough to the point where it can be hidden inside backpacks, I offered to test it out where I'd record a little segment on scaffolding and have it jump off and land in the ring with me. At first, he laughed in my face. Then he showed me a photo of a man eating shit filled condoms and told me about how he's the man and I'm a gigantic turd in that condom. But then he started thinking that if I recorded a live suicide attempt, it would boost his ratings and earn him more money, so he decided to hand it over to me. And then he laughed in my face again, this time about how the camera never touches the floor unless severely damaged and how I don't have that same ability."

He shakes his head, telling Shane that he's sorry once again without moving his mouth.

"My dad's birthday is coming up, so I have to give him a gift that doesn't involve whatever happens in this federation that nearly gets me killed. That, and my dad loves bashing my choice of beliefs, so getting a recording of Sir Alden completely smashing fantasy and fiction would be a great present for him. Is it insulting to me personally? Yes, but I have to do it. I don't want to upset my old man by not getting him anything. For all the years he's provided for me and my growing mind, I thought it would be nice to give back once in a while."

He stops speaking to make a quick right hand turn towards a bunch of one story houses.

"I'm not really too fond of what Avery speaks for, even if he's my tag partner, since he likes to stick to what he understands from his past and whatever the theorists like to write down in their books and how he thinks that anyone who tries to tell him differently is wrong for even talking to him. Reminds me of my old psychology teacher back in high school."

Johnathan smiles again.

"Sir Alden has to wake up sooner or later. He should know that we're teaming up with a spaceman and a bandaged freak with a following to take on a cultist, a football player who's hopelessly lost with his choice in sports, and a God that just loves to fuck with our heads while fighting anyone he can get his hands on. This federation is a psychopath's paradise; anything and everything can happen here. You just have to dig deep enough to find the truly weird shit. If your speech is as bad as I think it's going to be, I will not hesitate to remind you about everything we'll have to fight against, regardless if I sound like a delirious man myself."

He turns to the left after a couple minutes of driving. Some trees and flora can be seen from his left.

"Now that I'm on the topic of my opponents, I might as well talk about them while I continue to look for wherever the speech is going to be held at. Since I'm going to be teaming with one of the XWF's top draws in War Games, Sir Erebus, it only makes sense that I'd be put in a match against another one of their top draws, Sir Eli James the Fourth. I know better than to question the recent events and the strange past he has, but I will criticize his choice in teammates. The only recognizable face that I can see on that team of his is Evertrust. Everyone else that is in his little band of misfits is relatively unknown. Granted, getting unknowns on your team can be a good thing, since they are new faces in the business and we have no idea how they fight, but it can also be a massive gamble since we don't know what their attitudes are like either. They might hate your guts and want to take this match on by themselves. It's all about the risk and reward system. For your sake, I hope it's worth it."

"Then there's Evertrust, a follower of the Crimson Face. Yeah, I'm still kind of sour about Face's attitude after my match against Shades and Gunnar, but can you blame me? Fucker frog splashed me and my partner. Since I can't fight the God, I'll just take on his disciple, who happens to have the powers that Face seems to use a lot. Strange, ain't it? Powers won't mean much in this fight; the only things that do matter are your skills and how you use them in this match.Think you got what it takes, demigod? Probably not. You're only good at messing with people, not with finishing them off. Come Wednesday, I'll finish you off while you're fucking around with me.

"Now we have Justin Sane."

He fights back a laugh.

"Really? You're insane? I doubt it. I will gladly make you insane by the time of our next match, though. After team Azrael puts you down in the match, you'll just keep fighting the different members of the team expecting to finally get a win from at least one of them. However, you'll just lose to all of us, even when you takes us on individually. You'll just keep losing and losing and losing, until you go mad from each and every time we flatten you out. You think that my voice is so bad, death wouldn't come sooner, huh? If that's the case, I'll prolong your demise as long as I have to."

"Next up, we have Ghost Tank, who is neither a ghost or tank. He likes to call himself a man and a monster, which, if you're not stupid, means order and chaos personified. So, I'm going to fight a moral balancer, am I? Well, I'm glad to see that society got together and created a man that would highlight the positive and negative aspects of their life. It's just a shame that said man would be a self deprecating and self abusive moron that wasted his debut match fighting against pixels brought to life. You fought in a battle royal? How badass of you. You're not the first one to come off of a battle royal and start thinking that they're hot shit. Prepare to have people screaming down your ear that the battle royal you fought in doesn't mean a damn thing."

"Lastly, we have...I am not going to say his full name, so I'll just call him Wallace. You're going at this industry all wrong. You should be practicing football, not wrestling. In this 'game', there are no downs, there are no penalties, and there are no time outs. The only way we'll stop kicking your ass is when that referee counts to three. Even then you might not hear him do so, because your head will be ringing so much from the abuse you might have taken. This is your only warning, get back on the field and stop wasting your time here."

He spots a concert stage in the park and parks his car under a shaded tree, where he steps out of the vehicle while the Cambot follows him out. He takes a look at it while looking at a whiteboard just beside him.

Presenting: Avery Martin Alden

Fantasy: The Ultimate Escape

"Yep, we made it alright. Now I have to turn the bot off to record this speech. What was the phrase again? Oh yeah, 'Cambot.'"

Small beeps can be heard from the little bot.

"'Turn off.'"

The scene immediately cuts to black.