X-treme Wrestling Federation
I can see you John Cena 2099 - Printable Version

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I can see you John Cena 2099 - Mastermind - 10-04-2014

The camera fades in to the Mansion of Mastermind, he is looking at himself in the mirror. A strange thing for him to do in front of the camera.

"They say, a reflection of yourself, is like stepping into another world, beyond the next realm. That's what I believe might be the case too.

"Look at me. I'm looking at myself in the mirror. Let's just say I can see me, but I cannot see myself. What do I mean by that remark? I can see my reflection naturally."

Mastermind waves at himself in the mirror, his reflection waves back at the exact same time.

"If I can see myself now, what isn't nothing stopping me from knowing if that reflection in the mirror can now see me from a different time. Let's say 2099? I don't think you can not stop thinking that. It's a possibility that we are looking at a reflection of ourselves in a different time... Let's walk away."

Mastermind walks away from the mirror, the camera also sees the mirror reflection disappearing out of sight. Mastermind stops out of frame of the mirror, and turns back to face the camera.

"So let's say I'm here now in 2014, and my future self is in the year 2099 doing the exact same thing as we are doing now, I'm preparing to take on John Cena 2099 now, who's my future self taking on in 2099? That's the question."

Mastermind smirks.

"So let's say that this John Cena of 2099 is now here in this time in 2014, where's his current self? Well I believe that Mister Cena 2099 found a way to get to this time, that he tricked his 2014 self into crossing through that mirror image. So he's now here in 2014 and his 2014 self is now in 2099 preparing to take on me, Mastermind 2099. How shocked will that time period be?"

Mastermind turns and walks away, the camera follows.

"So John Cena2099, I can see you, I can see where you are coming from, and I can see where you've been. You've think you're fooled everyone. Naa not me. I'm onto you pal. You've crossed the wrong person playing mind games. I play Mind Games better than anyone else, because I am that dam good."

Mastermind walks into another room, his thinking room. He walks over to his chair and sits down.

"You preach Hustle, Loyalty and Respect now, what do you preach in 2099? Surely through 85 years you wouldn't continue the same amount of crap. That just wouldn't be right. I am one of your fans now, there's not many, if any, but I'm very proud to say that. I just want to compete against you one time, and one time only. I know what you can do. But do you know what I can do?

"I see you John Cena2099, I know what you are up to? You can't fool me. But you don't know what I can do, so therefore come Wednesday if you last that long without your 2014 self coming back through the mirror to stop you. Anyway Mr Cena 2099 let's see what you can do."

Mastermind turns his chair around and starts whistling.