X-treme Wrestling Federation
That Title WILL Be Mine! (Take Two) - Printable Version

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That Title WILL Be Mine! (Take Two) - Maverick - 09-22-2014

As Maverick rode down the long hallways to get to the cafeteria, he was speaking with one of his cameramen.

"Are you SURE he's down there?" the Avatar of Perfection asked.

"Yes, sir, we triple checked, then came here to get you." the cameraman responded.

"And your POSITIVE you made sure a ref was down there too?" Maverick asked.

"Yes, sir, triple checked, just like Bobby Zi."

"Good. Zi may have gotten lucky last time, but this time, I assure you, I will be the XWF's new X-treme Champion."

Sure enough, when Maverick and one of his cameramen got to the cafeteria, Bobby Zi was busy loading of his plate, getting more food items then a fat kid at a candy store.

It's amazing Bobby hasn't become one of the obese people in America. Maverick thought.

As soon as Bobby Zi turned around, Maverick punched him in his face, his food splattering over his body. Then, Maverick performed the Stinging Nightmare, bringing Bobby Zi's body crashing down through the food table. Making sure somebody couldn't mistake his body for something... else... Maverick quickly went for the pin. The referee, who was next in line to get food, sighed, then went to count the pin.



That Title WILL Be Mine! (Take Two) - Frodo mother fucking Smackins - 09-22-2014

"! SHEMALE!!!"

RE: That Title WILL Be Mine! (Take Two) - Mastermind - 09-22-2014

I think you'll find that this won't count, as it's the day of the show. So you may have to wait until the decision on who the winner is to pin again.

RE: That Title WILL Be Mine! (Take Two) - Pest - 09-22-2014

(09-22-2014, 01:49 PM)Mastermind Said: I think you'll find that this won't count, as it's the day of the show. So you may have to wait until the decision on who the winner is to pin again.

If the board is open it counts.

That Title WILL Be Mine! (Take Two) - Mastermind - 09-23-2014

In less than 50 minutes this title looks like going to Maverick.

That Title WILL Be Mine! (Take Two) - Ozymandias - 09-23-2014

Possibly not. Bobby hasn't logged in since Sunday, so he has not yet seen the results of Madness.

RE: That Title WILL Be Mine! (Take Two) - Ozymandias - 09-23-2014

(09-22-2014, 01:52 PM)Mr WGWF Said:
(09-22-2014, 01:49 PM)Mastermind Said: I think you'll find that this won't count, as it's the day of the show. So you may have to wait until the decision on who the winner is to pin again.

If the board is open it counts.

That is not accurate.

That Title WILL Be Mine! (Take Two) - Gator - 09-23-2014

"Did Maverick get the pin? Did-did he win the X-Treme Championship? ... IS TODD GOING TO WIN THE X-TREME CHAMPIONSHIP BELT!?!?!?!?"

That Title WILL Be Mine! (Take Two) - Bobby Charles - 09-23-2014

KICKOUT! ... if the time isnt really passed on

Ooc : sorry lads i was having real life issue so i couldnt log in and check out the result and this shit but if is time has passed i'll give him dearly... plus sorry ozz i hit the hate button wrongly...

That Title WILL Be Mine! (Take Two) - RazorRamon - 09-29-2014

Hey-Yo. Bobby got screwed. Bobby for prez, chicos.

That Title WILL Be Mine! (Take Two) - LH Harrison - 11-20-2014

Poor Bobby. :(

That Title WILL Be Mine! (Take Two) - SwagMire - 11-21-2014
