X-treme Wrestling Federation
Best Friends - Printable Version

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Best Friends - Gator - 09-22-2014

*Gator and Todd are walking around Disneyland trying to find the best place to set up a ring for Love It Sunday. Both men are wearing Mickey Mouse ear hat*

T: "Gee willickers Gator. Why are we still preparing the set for Love it?"

"Better late than never ol' buddy ol' pal. We just need to find a good spot and let those great crew members do the work."

T: "How about the big castle?"

"Todd! That is a wonderful idea. Want a bro hug?"

T: "I do."

*Gator and Todd bro hug*

T: "Mmmm you smell like summer rain."

"Okay Todd, don't make this weird."

*The pair release each other and continue to walk around the park*

T: "Say, we're pretty busy this week aren't we eh."

"We most certainly are my slim friend."

*Todd smiles from ear to ear from this compliment*

"You have a match against that talented rookie, I have a title defense against the apple of my eye, Mastermind and we're setting everything up for Love It AND competing, woo-wee. What a week this will be."

T: "I suppose we should talk trash about our opponents."

*Gator looks offended... Maybe, and squirts Todd in the face with a nearby water bottle*

"Sorry for doing that Todd but we can't talk trash about Vincent and Diesel! Loverboy is one of my best friends here and Diesel is Diesel. NO! We will talk about them, but in a nice manner."

*Todd wipes his face dry*

T: "Thanks for that Gator I was getting very warm. But how do we nice talk our opponents?"

"I'm glad you asked Todd."

*Gator looks around to make sure their are some XWF cameramen around filming the pair. They take a seat on a nearby bench and Gator clears his throat*

"Lets start with Diesel. This dude is one of the biggest, strongest guys you will ever meet. A true legend in the WWF and now he will become a huge star in the XWF as well. That Jackknife Powerbomb is splendid, and I can't believe he hits it perfectly every time. His hair is nice and shiny too! What an honour it is to face that man."

T: "You're right, Diesel was one of my favorite superstars when I was a kid, he hasn't aged a day either."

"Speaking of good looking men, our next opponent is Vinnie Lane. A good friend and a top competitor, one of my favourite wrestlers in the XWF, everything he does, he does it in style. Without a doubt in my mind he could go onto to win the Xtreme belt and keep a tight grip on it, he could do the same with the Universal belt. The guy oozes charisma, and he's one of the best I've seen. Seeing his improvement from J-Pro to now is amazing. I wish him all the best in this match and in life."

T: "With Diesel's and Vinnie's looks they would make a handsome baby."

"Indeed Todd."

*A young child walks over to Gator*

"Say mister! Can I have your autograph!"

*Gator laughs and playfully tussles the young kid's hair*

"Of course you can you wonderful little scamp you."

*Gator takes out a pen and signs his name over the kid's t-shirt in huge letters. Todd takes a tray of cupcakes seemingly from nowhere*

T: "You want a cupcake?"

"In England we call them fairy cakes."


*Gator and the kid take a cupcake each, the kid runs off to show off his newly signed t-shirt whist chowing down on his cupcake. Gator looks at Todd and smashes the cupcake into his mask. The pair laugh*

"You see? Sunday will be great. And I hope everyone watching has a great day too!"

*Fade to rainbows*