X-treme Wrestling Federation
Behind The Curtain - Printable Version

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Behind The Curtain - Great Buzzard Eli James IV - 09-17-2014

"Evidence of a coward doesn't need to be spoken... just pull back the curtain and let it be seen. Peter Gilmour wants his shot at the Universal title... and thinks he's going to win.. heh. Confidence may be good but it's never the real outcome. Bring on a third person... a fourth.. a fifth... and I will tell you they will become mute. It's not the boldness of words that create power, but the hand that speaks of the past.

Not to worry little lion... I'll set you down easy. The King of the jungle is a mere cat with a deep roar...

That cat.. is extinct.

See ya soon... children."

Behind The Curtain - Blizzard - 09-17-2014

That must be a big fucking curtain, you amorphous fat fuck.

Behind The Curtain - Peter Fn Gilmour - 09-17-2014

u shouldve stayed behind the curtain!

RE: Behind The Curtain - Great Buzzard Eli James IV - 09-17-2014

"Funny. Two people who have taken a few words from what I've said and turned it around, supposedly, on me.

Children, settle down so we can gather together and explain it.

The Coward with confidence is behind the curtain.

That Coward was shown to be like a lion who thinks he's King of the jungle.

With me so far, kids?

The Lion, who THINKS he's the king, is slowly put down because he's just a cat that's slowly becoming extinct.

And if ya think you're trying to be all smart by referring to me as a coward... I think evidence points in the other direction.

Enjoy the repeating of the second grade."

Behind The Curtain - Peter Fn Gilmour - 09-17-2014

well this LION is going to devour the so called GOD and take his belt!

Behind The Curtain - Tommy Gunn - 09-17-2014

Calling yourself a Lion?

Well that would make sense, you are one giant pussy.

I think I might just start calling you John Stockton from now on.

Behind The Curtain - Peter Fn Gilmour - 09-17-2014

how is a lion a pussy? its the KING of the jungle u moron!

Behind The Curtain - Tommy Gunn - 09-17-2014





King of the Jungle, that's the best you've got?

I would sit down and actually explain this to you but the worst would be lost on you the second they left my lips.

So instead I'll just sit back and wait for you to say something else that makes us laugh and you look .

Go on, say it, we all know you want to.


And there it is.

World's Biggest <img src="https://i.imgur.com/pUgtAVa.gif"> : Said:u idiot my cock was hard when I came out of my mom's vagina!

Behind The Curtain - Peter Fn Gilmour - 09-18-2014


Behind The Curtain - Tommy Gunn - 09-18-2014

Jealous? Of what?


The guy who couldn't get a girl to willingly spend time with him so he had to grow one in a lab like some test tube baby?

Yeah, that's it.

While I'm off getting my noodle wet with women who won't even look at you, you are going home and banging some aids ridden freak of science.

Yep, that's jealousy for you.

Word of advice though, the next time you decide to grow a women try not using the DNA of a Chernobyl survivor and a pig.

RE: Behind The Curtain - Great Buzzard Eli James IV - 09-18-2014

"So Peter claimed he was, in fact, the cowardly lion who thinks he's the king of the jungle...

Not to be... that guy.. but I already said that. I told ya so.

The problem with the lion thinking he's king is.. it's just another pussy... cat."

Behind The Curtain - Peter Fn Gilmour - 09-18-2014

go follow the buzzards u freak

ive been with lots of women and now im with my love Maria Brink WHO DOES NOT HAVE AIDS!!

get off that subject or get your face crushed in

Behind The Curtain - Tommy Gunn - 09-18-2014

Get off the subject?

Or what?

You'll get your former enemy now best friend because he helped you win a title to help you beat me up?

Have you ever done anything on your own you fat brain dead asswipe?

Behind The Curtain - Peter Fn Gilmour - 09-18-2014

uh win the tag team belts from some guy named cross?

Behind The Curtain - John Msdison 2.Faggot - 09-18-2014

aren't you a 13 time x-treme champion too, Peter?

Behind The Curtain - Peter Fn Gilmour - 09-18-2014

not yet maddy. im only 11.. hoping i get that damn title back soon

RE: Behind The Curtain - Tommy Gunn - 09-18-2014

Fatty McFat Fuck Said:not yet maddy. im only 11..

And that would explain why you sound like a child when you speak.

Behind The Curtain - Peter Fn Gilmour - 09-18-2014

always thinking something else arent you tommy gunn?

dont u have to suck sly stallone's cock?

Behind The Curtain - Tommy Gunn - 09-18-2014

I'm not thinking anything you fat fucking .

I am commenting on the things you say. The words that you stupidly let come out of your mouth.

As for Sly Stallone what the fuck does he have to do with anything?

I'm not the one who wants everyone to suck his dick, and you're saying I have someone's dick to go suck.

Makes sense.

Don't you have someone else's gimmick to go rip off?

Behind The Curtain - Peter Fn Gilmour - 09-18-2014

hey looks its angelus....

shine that belt up for me BITCH